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February 3229

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February 3229

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wow that's a lot of stars is a sci-fi setting about adventure, exploration, and discovery. Every person, place, and thing has a story to tell, if you listen closely.   Setting Intro | Visitor's Guide | Author's Intentions



Metadimensional Extraversion Syndrome is the original name for what at the time was a fatal disease -- metadimensional energies flooded the mind and caused irreparable brain damage. Most afflicted died, while others lost all control and "went Feral", attacking others until killed. Though the cause of MES remains unknown, it's likely tied to humanity's travels through metadimensional space.


Today, those with MES can learn to control it. This is known as psionics, and those able to use it are psions. Six psionic disciplines have been developed, each with their own array of techniques. Some psions only learn a single technique, or specialize in a specific discipline, while others gain knowledge in multiple areas. All practitioners must remain careful, however, or suffer the painful consequences of MES.

Did you know?

Before The Scream, psions had mastered MES to where they suffered no brain damage in using it. Despite advances since the Silence ended, there's still a long way to go to regain what was lost.

Psionic Disciplines

Icon Discipline Description
Icon of Biopsionics by Rin Garnett
Biopsionics The practice of manipulating the human body, whether healing, hurting, or transforming. A master biopsion is near unkillable.
Icon for Metapsionics
Metapsionics The practice of detecting, stopping, or amplifying other psionic techniques. A master metapsion can become immune to other psionic techniques.
Icon for Precognition
Precognition The practice of glimpsing into the future to predict or prevent certain outcomes. Precogs are the rarest form of psionics.
Icon for Telekinesis by Rin Garnett
Telekinesis The practice of manipulating physical space to move objects or create constructs. A master telekinetic can even control another person's body.
Icon for Telepathy by Rin Garnett
Telepathy The practice of seeing or manipulating human thoughts and memories. A master telepath can rewrite someone's memories.
Icon for Teleportation
Teleportation The practice of moving people and objects instantly through space. Teleporters are impossible to imprison.
Primers are articles covering base concepts that help bring context to other articles. Read the others here:

On Willingness

Some psionic abilities only work on willing targets. It's believed all creatures have an innate ability to subconsciously engage their personal MES field to defend against unwanted psionics.   Someone who is unconscious only sometimes counts as a willing target. There's no clear explanation for this, but it might relate to a theorized quantum nature of the metadimension.  


The acronym of FACTS stands for Far, Amount, Consent, Time, and Sense, and is commonly used for summarizing limitations of psionic disciplines. Each discipline is ruled by a separate set of FACTS.



The amount of energy a psion has available for psionic techniques. Some techniques are more tiring than others, taking a day of rest to recover from, while others the psion can recover from within an hour.


Using psionic techniques when out of effort. Often results in irrepairable brain damage, and can result in the psion going feral or dying. There is no cure for torching's side effects.


A psion whose brain, through excessive torching, has suffered enough damage that the psion loses all control and sense of self. A feral psion has infinite Effort and commonly attacks on sight.

Cover image: by Aaron Lee, Nick Ong, Norah Khor


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