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Metadimensional Extraversion Syndrome

wow that's a lot of stars is a sci-fi setting about adventure, exploration, and discovery. Every person, place, and thing has a story to tell, if you listen closely.   Setting Intro | Visitor's Guide | Author's Intentions
wow that's a lot of stars
Content Warning: Discussion of brain damage Mention of childhood death
MES is the name for the condition in which metadimensional energy floods the brain. This can cause severe brain damage, permanent disability, death, and worse. However, if managed and controlled, it can instead fuel psionics, allowing the afflicted individual to perform superhuman feats. This discovery led to both humanity's golden age and the greatest catastrophy in human history.

Deadly Mess

The first known cases were recorded in 2240. A handful of children, all descendants of early space-farers, exhibited strange abilities followed by intense headaches associated with unexplained brain damage. Within a year, they were dead from compounding damage caused by metadimensional energy. It was the first, and still only, example of such energy being present within the human body. The lethal condition was given the name Metadimensional Extraversion Syndrome.   Over the next several years, organizations learned how to reduce the lethality of MES, now confirmed to be a genetic disease. Those afflicted could control the flow of metadimensional energy in their brains and redirect it toward those strange abilities - now revealed to be psychic in nature. This discipline became Psionics, and its discovery forever changed the course of human history.  


Golden Age

After a century of study, MES lethality dropped to 0% for those who received appropriate instruction. Psions were able to perform superhuman feats with little fear. The invention of psitech soon followed, creating devices and systems that mimicked or amplified psionics.   Teleporters aided with jump gates that instantly teleported ships across the galaxy. Biopsions cured diseases entire hospitals at a time. Telepaths provided translation services to remove communication barriers. MES was only a small piece of the puzzle, but it's unlikely humanity would have reached this golden era without it.

Dark Age

The Scream killed everyone afflicted with MES and destroyed most psitech, ending the golden age in minutes and ushering in an unprecedented dark age. All the benefits of the condition disappeared and left communities shattered and hopeless.   It took generations for the condition to present itself again, and by then most information on it had been lost, forgotten, or destroyed. New institutes of learning now have to compete with added fears of another Scream, of abuse of psionic power, or unethical experiments claiming to provide help.

MES fills a limbo in the cultural zeitgeist. It's a congenital disease that kills children, yes. It's also the precursor to superpowers once thought to befit the likes of gods. It's both a disability and super ability in one.   Everyone wants to support the diagnosed child, to ensure they don't suffer. But nobody trusts the end result, the psion you can't protect yourself against. There is no surviving MES without turning it into psionics, but suddenly the sickly child is a powerful adult and people are afraid of that.   MES is both curse and blessing, boon and bane. It changed the landscape of human society. A diagnosis changes how you see the world, and in turn changes how the world sees you. It's not going away, but we're a long way from living peacefully with it.
— Interview with an epidemiologist


First recorded instances of what would later be called MES
MES named and classified as lethal in all cases
MES reclassified as deadly, but potentially survivable
MES death rate confirmed 0% with intervention
The Scream kills all those affliced with active MES
First recorded recurrence of MES


Chronic, Congenital

Did you know?

Initially, around 1 in 10,000 children born across known space were later diagnosed with MES. Today in only the Talos Sector, it's estimated about 5-7% of the population has some degree of MES, with incalculable others carrying the gene.

Cover image: by Aaron Lee, Nick Ong, Norah Khor


Author's Notes

This article was written as part of Summer Camp 2024. Follow the link to learn more and read other Summer Camp articles.

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Jul 27, 2024 12:21 by E. Christopher Clark

The whole thing is great, but that interview that you end things with is *chef's kiss* perfect. It really drives home the complex reality of dealing with this condition.

Track my progress on Summer Camp 2024!
Jul 28, 2024 14:54 by Rin Garnett

Thank you! Sometimes an in-universe perspective is much better at explaining things :)

Jul 27, 2024 16:06 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I am glad that it quickly was not an automatic death sentence. It sounds terrifying. I love the interview with the epidemiologist at the end.

Jul 28, 2024 15:01 by Rin Garnett

Because being a teenager isn't hard enough, the universe added a 5% chance of surprise psychic powers!

Aug 4, 2024 17:25 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

I love how you've explained psionics power in your world, it's such an interesting concept!

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
Aug 12, 2024 17:08 by Rin Garnett

Thank you! The rulebook's explanation is so minimal, I've had lots of fun expanding upon it and figuring out how society would change because of it :D

Aug 7, 2024 16:50 by Alan Byers

The other comments said it well, this is some wonderful worldbuilding. I've decided to include this in my Reader's Choice list for this year!

Alan's Summer Reading Round-Up
Generic article | Aug 6, 2024

Aug 12, 2024 17:10 by Rin Garnett
Aug 11, 2024 20:39

I really enjoyed the way you wrote this article (I felt very immersed in the world :D). It got a feature in my reading challenge

I can hear the stars, they are singing to me...
For more mystery and magic, check out the world of Starsong
Aug 12, 2024 17:10 by Rin Garnett

Thank you! I really appreciate it :)

Aug 30, 2024 23:06 by Joella Kay

A really cool condition. Love the details and the way you write about it.