
"Plane" is a common term for pockets of varied phenomena within the vast sea of Voidstuff that makes up most of the Known Universe, also called Local Reality. Planes represent breaches, or mounds, of Quintessential Strata into Voidspace, through the threshold between Voidspace and "Remote Reality", "Unreality" or just "the Beyond". Only inside Voidspace are these strata stable enough to create observable phenomena. These mounds of strata seem to always breach the threshold in a perfectly circular shape, making planes domes of sorts, with circular bases.

At least two "forces" (for lack of a better term) exist in Remote Reality: the jittering chaos of Kos and the cold, alien stagnancy of Pandæmonium. Neither are known to host planes of their own, though Kos is thought to manifest sentient(?) creatures known as Extites. Local and Remote Reality are sometimes called the Slow Void and Quick Entropus, respectively.  

Quintessential Strata

  See the full article: Layer Theory of Dimensional Cosmology.

Planes are generally ranked by how many layers of Quintessential Strata they possess. The layering of these strata is always the same. the classes are as follows.

  • Class I: Only the topmost, Arcane layer has breached into Voidspace. These aurora-like "discs" of arcana represent 92% of planes in the Greater Eridún Crux Region. They are sometimes called "lantern planes" or "stars" and are used by travelers to navigate the Void.
  • Class II: The Mundane or Material layer has also breached the threshold, beneath the Arcane layer. About 7% of planes.
  • Class III: Possesses a Spective layer beneath the Arcane and Mundane. About 1% of planes.
  • Class IV: Possesses a Interesoteric layer beneath the previous three. About 0.02% of planes.
  • Class V: Only theoretical; no known cases observed. Possesses a theorized "Intermultiversial" layer beneath the previous four. May have something to do with Kos and/or Pandæmonium.

Other Planar Features

Other planar trends include:  


Planes vary drastically in size. The smallest planes are little more than a kilometre in diameter. This seems to be the minimum size for a plane to exist in stable form. The largest planes in existence measure just under 8,000 km in diameter. Overall, smaller planes dominate the universe: approximately 90% of planes are less than 50 km in diameter.  


Most planes have normal directional gravity. The strength of their gravity is equal or very close to that of Eridún (which is used as a yardstick in planar studies) and it points in a specific direction, defining an "up and "down". However, there are exceptions to the rule. Some planes have no gravity, with all matter simply floating around in the planar sphere. Some have lighter or heavier gravity. Some have a gravitational point in the center of the plane, causing solid matter to form a sphere, rather than a layer.  


Genesis or Lifegiver Planes are planes from which life arises without being sourced elsewhere. Determining whether a plane is a true Genesis plane or seeded by outside travelers is extremely difficult as planar travel (and therefore the artificial introduction of flora or fauna to foreign planes) has likely existed long before recorded history.
  A cross-section of The Known Universe. It can be considered a spherical "bubble" of Voidstuff with pockets of reality, or planes, dotting its inner surface. Diagram is not to scale: relative to the size of the universe, planes are tiny and far between.
Plane of Existence

Articles under Plane

Cover image: by The Author


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