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February 3229

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Current Date
February 3229

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wow that's a lot of stars is a sci-fi setting about adventure, exploration, and discovery. Every person, place, and thing has a story to tell, if you listen closely.   Setting Intro | Visitor's Guide | Author's Intentions
The Syndicate is an infamous black market group that operates across the sector. They started off as poachers selling animal products, many of which banned or from protected species, to the highest bidder on any planet.   Some time in 3208, the group had a substantial leadership shift. The original leader was found and arrested on Devali and his daughter claimed leadership in his stead. Many didn’t support this or the new direction she wished to go in.   The subsequent power struggle lasted several years. Large sections of the org splintered off and formed separate groups, the Specters being the most well-known of these. Others died in failed attempts to usurp power themselves.   During this time, the Syndicate capital ship was rarely seen and its products disappeared from markets. The only sign they still existed was in high-quality document and ID forgeries, near indiscernible from real ones.   Around 3215, the Syndicate name began to reappear attached to black market technology, from pretech to psitech to even pre-human tech. They’ve also published in-depth information on Emerald Legion psitech, which has been used to save thousands of lives from invasive cybernetics.   Though they aren’t back to their full strength, the good will the Syndicate has gathered is providing a shield for their continued illegal acts. The Protectorate investigations are notably lackluster, with only the Perimeter taking any notable action.   Recent polls on Mithorous show public opinion is also torn. Many approve of illegal acts if it means saving lives, while others express concern of copy cats. The most common grey area is the extent of the illegality. Disregard of trespassing laws may be forgivable, but what if this life-saving research required human test subjects to attain?   At this time, there’s no evidence regarding how the Syndicate is learning what they are. And perhaps the fear of something worse than trespassing is exactly why the Protectorate and other governing bodies is reluctant to investigate.
Illicit, Syndicate
Related Professions
Notable Members

Cover image: by Aaron Lee, Nick Ong, Norah Khor
Character flag image: Syndicate logo by Rin Garnett


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