
Pearlhal was for a long time of its existence nothing more than a small town on the northern coast of Dercia. It was the home of the Crienia people and was first mentioned on maps roughly 3500 years before current time.   Pearlhal would over the years grow into a small power among the local city-states as a means to protect against the other surrounding powers who were wary of the Crienia people, and when the Ancient Empire who had conquered the region a few decades earlier, Pearlhal would with clever use of diplomacy and small quick wars take over the local area, and fill the power vacuum left behind.   During this time the city was a republic having dethroned the kings after a bloody civil war, a few decades ago. Tensions between the newly conquered cities and the lack of coordination among the elected rulers, would after some time rise to such levels that a member of The Astalles dynasty a small but prominent noble family would be elected to the role of the king but under very strict conditions as a mean to control the new ruling class.   The city itself over time gained nicknames such as "The Pearl" or "The Eternal City" The first name likely has its origin in the rich harvesting of peals that could be done off the coast. Over time the name came to also describe the beauty of the city with its many marble buildings and such. The later name is a newer addition and became popular after The war of Western expansion together with the following civil war where Pearlhal many times either was under siege or as in the civil war under occupation but the city managed to come out on top and stronger and more glorious than before.   When the city entered along with the rest of Dercia into the Imperial age, and as a result of the efforts of the monarchs, as the capital of the Dercian Empire, Pearlhal stands as a beacon of power, wealth, and culture. Its majestic spires and grand avenues reflect the city's status, drawing the affluent and influential from across the Empire.


Many races call Pearlhal their home, while humans, elves and half-elves are the most common races to be found in the city, races such a Felari among others can be found here.
  • Humans 65%
  • The humans make up the majority of the population both in Pearlhal and the rest of the Empire at large, they are involved in all aspects of life, from politics and commerce to partisanship and agriculture, of the humans, the Crienia people make up around 20%
  • Elves 15%
  • Elves, with their longer lifespans and generally enjoy a slightly higher social standing compared to the majority of the other races, their roles in the capital tend to be concentrated in more prestigious roles or areas of the city. The majority are heavily involved in the arts, magic, and high-level advisory positions.
  • Half-elves 10%
  • Due to the special relationship between humans and elves in the Dercian Empire, and in particular Pearlhal, there are a higher amount of half-elves around than one might find outside the Empire, they tend to seek jobs in the the diplomatic corps.
  • others 10%
For the nobility, possessing a residence in Pearlhal is not just a symbol of wealth, but also a necessity to remain close to the heart of political and social activity.


Pearlhal is ruled by a council of 11 with the Emperor as the leader or a representative for the Emperor.   Law & Order: the city watch is the local police force in the town, its duties outside of capturing criminals it also gave directions to people, or called for medical and priestly aid when needed, in general, the duties of the watch was the promote the idea that Pearlhal was a city open to all as long as they knew how to behave themselves. When the city watch had caught someone they would be taken to one of the judge offices spread around the city where they could either be sentenced or if the case was deemed worthy appeal their case to the council.


Pearlhal is in a unique position in the Empire since no armed forces are allowed in the city except for the Imperial Guard because it acts as both the Vanguard during a battle as well as the personal protection of the royal family. even if there is no military on the inside of the city, that does not mean that the city is defenceless because on the landward side it is protected by strong walls with forts surrounding the city containing the legionaries tasked with protecting the city and on the seaward side the imperial navy patrolled the sea outside the city. the navy is stationed in a naval base just 10 km further west from Pearlhal.   Since the city has grown much over the last century, a large part of the population now lives outside its walls and there have been talks about building a new ring of walls around the outside neighbourhoods.

Industry & Trade

Imports Grain,barley, rice, silk, spices, fine wine, timber, iron, copper, rare birds and other rare animals and plants, high-quality fabrics and dyes, Gems and gold   Exports Olive Oil, Wine, Fine pottery, mosaics, sculptures, High-quality leather goods, textiles, Spices, Herbs,    Pearlhal's strategic location and rich cultural heritage make it a hub of trade and commerce, attracting merchants from far and wide to its bustling markets and ports. The city thrives on this vibrant exchange of goods, ideas, and traditions.


Pearlhal is known for its broad and busy streets and boulevards. Its heavy traffic, and a constant during the day and most of the night, it is monitored by a specialized branch of the City Watch known as Wardens.   Hire-coaches are two-wheeled, two-seat carriages that could be called and dispatched to specific locations. Hire-coach drivers roam the city streets in search of passengers, who can call a free coach with a shout. Fares are agreed upon in advance, rarely exceeding 4 Farthing.   Carriages are luxury vehicles that could accommodate up to 8 passengers comfortably, they are commonly used by the nobility or wealthy citizens. Prices vary, but usually, the carriages and their respective personnel were hired for an entire day or more if agreed upon.


Kings Quarter is believed to the old place for the originals kings of Pearlhal.

Guilds and Factions

Trade guilds   Wagon-makers' and Coach Builders' Guild   The Order of Armorers, Locksmiths, and Finesmiths   The Jewelers' Guild   The adventure guilds


For as long as people can remember, there has always been a settlement in the area but it's in the last 1000 or so years that the city began to grow to the size and importance it has now. And as the capital city of a growing kingdom, the city began to attract lots of new settlers and therefore almost grew faster than new houses could be built.


Pearlhal doesn't have an industry centred around tourism, the city does get its fair share of visitors that arrives from all over the empire to get a view of the buildings and to experience life in the eternal city.


Pearlhals architecture is a harmonious blend of human grandeur and elven elegance, its designed to withstand the warm and humid climate with the buildings feature tall, arched windows and columns adorned with beautiful carvings and terracotta roof and courtyards that are shaded to provide a relief from the sun. For the buildings, Marble and sandstone are normally used, likewise the streets are lined with mosaics and fountains, with the fountains provide fresh drinking water to the people.   Lush gardens and open-air atriums helps bring a touch of nature into the environment that helps creating a city that is both majestic and feels inviting.


Pearlhal is a coastal city, archaeological excavations around the city and surroundings have revealed that there has been continuous occupation of the area for several thousand years. Unlike most of the northern cities, Pearlhal enjoys a deep water harbour that helped the economy when the city began to transform into what it is today. in the centre of the city, where there is a small hill the imperial palace is placed.

Natural Resources

It is believed that the city got its name from a large number of pearls in the bay outside the city.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
The Pearl or the Eternal city
Related Ethnicities
Inhabitant Demonym
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Related Professions
Related Plots

Cover image: by Cow2face


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Jun 9, 2024 19:37 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Great city article. I love that the military are not allowed inside, that's a really nice detail.

Jun 9, 2024 21:06

Thank you :)