Beautiful Bouquets - Next to Christchurch Episcopal Church Building / Landmark in Curiosity and Satisfaction | World Anvil

Beautiful Bouquets - Next to Christchurch Episcopal Church

While it’s really more of a sidewalk stall than an actual store, this flower stand does booming business during formal season. With cotillions, dances and other large events happening all around New Jerusalem, along with weddings, funerals and fighting couples who need a peace offering, there are always fresh flowers to be found in this shop at the southern end of the Merchant District near to the Christchurch Episcopal Church.   This stall, run by Rosalind “Rose” Thatcher, is a good place to pick up rumors off the street. Rose herself is a treasure trove of herb lore, someone who fluently speaks the language of flowers, and a gossip who loves nothing better than pouring her best whispers into an eager ear before she bursts.
Market stall
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