Felkhath People

"Well, if the sides are taking anyone who fancies themselves a hero or some kind of soldier, who is still around to work in the fields? The forests? The mines? And how do people put food on the table? Everyone knows idle hands bring trouble, but so do hands with too much."
— Farmer after "raiders" began striking the borders
Felkhath Arling is akin to a gem of Theydim, - food grows well and the Arle is a reasonable man. I do not want to see Felkhath fall to either side in this petty war.
Arle Ivan Akselson of Horfadal before blockading the routes entering eastern Felkhath



Parent ethnicities
Related Locations

Power of the Commoner

The people are mostly farmers, and communities of farmers and herdsfolk tend to mean the people must depend on each other and the those in charge depend on those who live on "their" land.

The people generally control how the governance works, as the Great-Cook family came into power by generally being competent and fair to those they govern. This came from and perpetuates the tradition becoming socially enforced over time. The authority of an Arle is only what has been given to them by the lords under them, which in turn became tradition for the lords to have the power as given by the people they govern.

"I have a responsibility to my people first. They are the reason I have an Arling at all. If I did not take care of them, there would be an uprising, or my people would leave. My Arling feeds people with fields and herds. If I were unsatisfactory, my people would starve or leave."
The Uncrowned base the idea of the Council loosely off from Felkhath's "power from the people," I would take that as a form of flattery. Your Arling is seen as an ideal, Nuncial.

Local Law

A primary form of punishment is labor-based. If the perpetrator has a skill or trade, they work their skill or trade for a number of hours a day that is dedicated to general community service - repairing major community areas such as the market, for example, or clearing routes for herd animals to have access to grazing lands.

Wartime crimes are generally harsher laws as Felkath people generally depend on each other for survival, and wartime crimes such as treason is generally seen as attacking your neighbors.


As a "land of plenty," hospitality rules cultural traditions. When one's neighbor is struggling, many are socially expected to help with the knowledge of the neighbor coming to help them in turn.


Coming of Age

Arles and Nobility

An Arle, or any form of nobility, are taught their roles from youth, but all must face a "trial" of character. These trials are often situation based, but is the moment when the Arle- or NOBLERANKHERE-to-be demonstrates who they are and presumably set the groundwork for the future of the region's governance.

The young lady Valeska was put in a difficult situation in regards to a treasonous guard during a wartime situation. She had to sentence either a swift execution, or slow torture before the execution. Word has spread from within the city of Valeska's dislike for the old traditional punishments for treason (the rack, or execution), and of her mercy in executing the man.

- Session notes from the Born into Powers campaign

Death and Memorial

In general, Felkathpeople are buried with headstones, though some wealthier families have used the rifts and ravines that have unnaturally carved the land as underground family tombs.


The people of Felkhath are used to siege warfare, lending to crop patterns preparing for a spring harvest and a pattern of starting the harvest season by preparing for the winters early. The winters tend to "lock" people into their homes or regions, leading to traditonal winter foods being based on preserved vegetables and fruits

Cities and Architecture

Felkhath is a breadbasket region, so the people of the region generally live in towns and cities that are between large tracts of land used as farms or grazing lands. Families tend to live in multi-generational homes built with steep angled roofs.

In the history of Felkhath, sieges were the primary method of battle, leading to the cities being built with large walls. The nobility tended to have escape routes, but once the routes were discovered, they would have to be sealed.



Thydian Unification Wars

Sieges are the primary way of "winning" Felkhath as a region, and the Seige of Felkhath during the Unification Wars brought the Arle and the region's people within the borders of Magnus' vision of a unified Theydim.

Articles under Felkhath People

Cover image: Felkhath Cover Artbreeder by Artbreeder


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Dec 30, 2020 19:45

Nice system for the society.

Dec 31, 2020 12:38 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love the quotes that you've included, and the attributions which give a little more detail. They really add to the life of the article.