
Work in progress!
ORC License
Slightly NSFW!
Orita is a gnome of many talents. She owns several etablissements in the pleasure district of Gnomingen, a city populated by her kin. Her establishments are renowned for their unique offerings, both to those who come seeking entertainment and to those just passing through.   On any given night, Orita can be found at one of her clubs or inns, where she welcomes guests with open arms and an eagerness to please them as best she can. Her girls provide games, stories, and other pleasures that keep customers coming back time after time. They also offer services such as massage therapy and spa treatments, which allow visitors to relax while they enjoy the atmosphere created by Orita's vibrant energy and enthusiasm for life itself!   The good-looking blonde gnome has made quite the name for herself within Gnomingen, not only because of her business savvy but also because of her outgoing personality, which draws people from all walks of life into her establishments each evening, whether it be for relaxation or something more risqué!   Whether you're looking for an unforgettable night out or simply need someone to listen without judgement, make sure your next stop is one owned by Orita; you won't regret it!   In addition, Orita and her ladies put on shows three to four times each year, which are open to the public at Gnomerado.  
A day in the life of Orita   Orita starts her day early in the morning to get ready for a long, busy day of managing Gnomingen's entertainment quarter. She has breakfast with Burbish and Quirky, then heads off to work around noon.   At the entertainment quarter, she oversees all activities, including games, music performances, story-telling sessions, and dancing shows, as well as providing more risqué forms of amusement. Orita makes sure everything runs smoothly by supervising what is going on at any given time and addressing any issues that might arise along the way. In addition to this, she also takes part in some of these activities herself, whether it be singing, telling stories alongside other performers, or playing an instrument during musical acts. All throughout her shift, she maintains a professional demeanour while still being friendly towards everyone involved, which helps keep morale high among both employees and customers alike.   Orita usually goes home after her shift ends at midnight, but she occasionally stays out late into the night with friends like Burbish and Quirky, who are always up for some mischief - but never anything too serious! The trio often go drinking together at their favourite spot near Gnomingen, where they chat about life until very late hours before finally heading back home satisfied after having had another fun evening spent together bonding over shared interests such as riddles, jokes, and gossiping about mutual acquaintances within town limits (which can sometimes be quite juicy).


Burbish Strackzacken

Paramour (Vital)

Towards Orita




Paramour (Vital)

Towards Burbish Strackzacken



Shared Secrets

Burbish, Quirky and Orita are all three really close to each other.


Paramour (Vital)

Towards Quirky Strackzacken



Quirky Strackzacken

Paramour (Vital)

Towards Orita



Shared Secrets

Burbish, Quirky and Orita are all three really close to each other.

A world full of wonders.

Current Location
Quirky Strackzacken (Paramour)

Cover image: Orita by Tillerz using MidJourney
Character Portrait image: Orita by Tillerz using MidJourney


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Dec 3, 2022 21:41 by Amanda McRoberts

I love how she looks, and that she puts on shows with her daughters several times a year.

Dec 4, 2022 05:31 by Tillerz

Whoops, did I write daughters? :D I need to fix that.

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