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Physical Description
Apparel & Accessories
Mental characteristics
Personal history
As a teenager, Helena has already visited Magramine, Lymyra, Shirki and Han and can speak and also write the languages of these regions. She has experienced the KI Poppers of Han and is an avid fan of the Mei Maiji Dudes.
She has a deep knowledge of the etiquette and the most important history of all countries on the western continent as well as of Shirki and Han. Each time you think you found a blank spot in her knowledge, she comes up with some more amazing details.
Helena has learned how to use the catapults on board Queen Eleanor. They have a "Gnome Workshop Easy Loading System" equipped that allows even weak people like Helena to load them properly.
She is captain Titus O'Menzie's assistant on board the airship Queen Eleanor.
Failures & Embarrassments
While perfectly calm and controlled with any passengers or customers who might ask about airship related things like departure times or tickets, she gets rather annoyed quite quick when something isn't going along with her wishes or when someone criticizes her. She then stands still, eyes closed, arms on her sides and stomps the ground with one boot while exhaling a moan or a long stretched "Gnnnngh!"
GM info / spoilers.
This is GM information
This is GM information
This is GM information
This is GM information
chaotic good
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Year of Birth
2840 PB
25 Years old
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Gnnnngh!" footstomp
Aligned Organization
Go go go to the first female crew member! May they become hundreds! :D
World Anvil Founder & Chief Grease Monkey
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“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” - Aesop
It is only three airships so far with a crew of two each, so there is still hope for equality!