Mental characteristics
Personal history
He has been member of the Farenian Army for many years until he got offered the position as airship captain, making him an expert in fighting with all kind of weapons on ground and in the air.
Personality Characteristics
Likes & Dislikes
Quite often, when the airship is having its halt in Bridgeport, William Datlong is already waiting for Titus. They have a short chat, and then Titus hands over a small package or two.
GM info / spoilers.
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In less busy moments of the day, Titus is smoking a wooden pipe, carefully cleaning and carefully stuffing it with strong and fruity tobacco, which he pulls in small bits from a shiny leather pouch attached to his belt.
He is talking to Helena in a grumpy tone and corrects her, even if she is doing things right.
During travels he lets Helena talk to passengers to hide that he is not a good talker and cannot speak any languages besides Dwarvish and Farenian.
Titus has a strong dwarvish accent and a loud voice, the latter probably a habit that stuck with him from his time in the army.
Plot Hooks
The Rusty Piper - Titus' favourite tobacco vanished. He can't find anyone who is still selling it. Traces will lead to a plantation south of Tarn. The tobacco's taste there was special because it was watered from a nearby spring. Water spirits turned the water unpalatable when the dwarves drew too much water from the spring. Some negotiation between the dwarves and the spirits is required. The 23rd - Titus is pacing up and down the ship when not busy, looking concerned. Turns out he got a message that some of his former comrades from the 23rd regiment got into trouble and he wants to help them. Background (Titus doesn't know about this yet): six of his comrades are killing people in a village... that's what the rumour says... the fact is: those six people are defending a village from a notorious band of robbers, Titus would be the 7th ('samurai'). Titus would never abandon his position while serving for the Queen, but he also would never not help his comrades. The village is just four hours away.
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lawful good
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Year of Birth
2560 PB
305 Years old
Aligned Organization
Titus sounds great. I love the plot hooks you've chosen to get him to like the party more. :D
Thanks! I like adding those little plothooks. More coming if I am a little less tired. :,-(