Eleanor Rani of Farenia

Work in progress!
ORC License
Slightly NSFW!
"Look how beautiful she is!"
"Shhh, she might hear you."
"Eh no, she's way over there, how could she?"
"Don't you know, she is sent by goddess Senestra. At least they say so."
  Queen Eleanor Rani has taken the throne at a young age after her father King Rahin Joran of Farenia got assassinated during The Council of Olena Ora.  
Oh fairest queen of Farenia,
Whose regal grace doth all astound,
Thou art a gem amidst the many,
A jewel in thy nation's crown.
  Thy regal presence is divine,
Thy wit and charm a true delight,
All hearts are melted by thy shine,
And none can match thy beauty bright.
  Thy rule is just and kind, we see,
Thy subjects love thee without end,
And all who would thy rival be,
Will find thy strength and power unbend.
  May fortune smile upon thy reign,
May peace and joy attend thy days,
And may thy virtues e'er remain,
A beacon for all to praise.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

A world full of wonders.
Divine Classification
Everyone in Farenia agrees that she is the official representative of Senestra on Alana.
Current Location
Year of Birth
2835 PB 30 Years old
Parents (Adopting)
Current Residence
Aligned Organization

Articles under Eleanor Rani of Farenia

Cover image: Eleano Rani by Martina G. (Commission)


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