Session Report: 13 November 2020 Report in Tsuwamono | World Anvil

Session Report: 13 November 2020

Arise, Champion of Amaterasu

General Summary

In this session of Tsuwamono, the following events transpired:

Herald of the Sun

1559年11月15日: Cow Time


Historical Entry: Herald of the Sun

  With all three pieces of the Imperial Regalia in hand and the blessed light of Amaterasu at his back, Aotsuki Tsukamoto returned to at Enryaku-ji where Hizashi awaited him. The current Herald of the Sun had requested that the other cardinal generals all be present as well. While neither Aotsuki nor the others quite understood why, they all accompanied him to delve once again into that painting which hung on the temple wall.   Hizashi was waiting patiently, wearing his usual placid expression when Aotsuki and company arrived. He first welcomed them to the painting once again, thanked each one for coming, and congratulated Aotsuki for successfully collecting Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi. It was just as Tsurugi so often said. In tradition, if not in practice, Aotsuki had successfully become Emperor of Japan. For him to achieve the greatest honor beyond and champion Amaterasu in this earthly realm, there was only one more step. Hizashi suggested that Aotsuki might know what it was already.   The Golden Shield tensed, unsure if Hizashi was inviting him to a fight. He hadn't expected such a thing, but what else could the current Herald mean? Aotsuki looked to his sheele, but each shook her head. Neither Kagami, Tama, nor Tsurugi knew what would come next. Fortunately, Hizashi was accommodating enough to explain once he understood Aotsuki's confusion.   This, indeed, was the reason he had asked each of the prospective Herald's companions to accompany him. Aotsuki had done his part, achieved all his necessary goals. Now, it fell upon those who had brought him this far to explain why each of them believed that Aotsuki deserved to be Amaterasu's champion. A heavy silence fell over the party, accompanied by Aotsuki's apologetic smile, as they each understood the weight of the responsibility which had been laid upon them.   Fubuki possessed the necessary initiative to speak first. She* suggested that rarely had she* seen someone's own goddess come to their aid. Rarer still was one who would risk their lives to set right the consequences that came with divine intervention. The cold-eyed oni finished by stating that surely Hizashi would agree with her*, and indeed he did. The current Herald thanked Fubuki for her* testimony and moved on to the next.   This time, it was Maxim who raised his voice in support of his ally. It was strange, the Knight Commander suggested, to ask a foreigner what he thought of someone being elevated to champion of a Japanese god. If there was one thing Maxim could speak on, however, it was Aotsuki's character. The Golden Shield protected all those around him without fail, be they friend or stranger. It was a foolish kind of honor to Maxim, but also a quality of integrity which he could respect. Hizashi did not appear surprised at this answer, but rather stated that it was Maxim's very foreign-ness which made his perspective that much more valuable. That he would respect Aotsuki in spite of their differences spoke much to the latter's character.   Hashinara Yoshitakatomo, great Princess-Daimyō of the Hashinara, stepped up third. She* began with a worrying explanation of her* own heritage, traced back to Empress Genmei with an inherent claim on the throne of Japan. Indeed, Emperor Sutoku and the current lineage of House Yamato were fellow claimants for that envied position. Aotsuki had no blood relation that she* knew of to previous Emperors. However, Yoshitakatomo finished, it was time for the Empire to place its hopes on a new Emperor, one of pure intentions. The fact that the one who claimed to be Lady Yoshiyuki would be willing to cede power to another was monumental in itself; a glorious mark, Hizashi saw it, of Aotsuki's influence on those around him. Hizashi thanked the Princess for her* statement, then moved on to the final companion.   Ryūzaki Sanosuke had waited for each other to take their turn before he spoke. When he did, the Silver General's answer was not the same as the others which had come before. He affirmed that Aotsuki did indeed possess a fair heart, but went on to call him selfless to a dangerous fault. To Sanosuke, Aotsuki did not "deserve" to be the Chosen to Amaterasu because the position would no doubt lead to his own destruction. As a friend, Sanosuke did not wish that fate upon him.   Hizashi paused a moment, then laughed. It was a fine answer, he said, from one who was so close to becoming the Chosen of Susano'o himself. Indeed, Sanosuke brought up a very salient point. Turning to Aotsuki, Hizashi repeated that the position of Herald would not be one to take on lightly. Responsibility would hang heavy upon the mantle of the Golden Shield, and he may very well be forced to give of himself until nothing remained. So, at this last chance to turn back, Hizashi asked Aotsuki if this was the fate he truly desired.   Still blushing from Sanosuke's answer, Aotsuki sobered up at the other's heavy question. He took more than a moment to consider, but when his answer came, it was sincere. Aotsuki did want to become Amaterasu's champion. He wanted to be the best for himself, for everyone who counted on him, and for Japan. Indeed, with his companions, his wife and loyal adviser, Aotsuki could only see the odds stacked in his favor.   Hizashi took the words in with a glowing smile, then stepped forward. With a few last words about how Emperor Aotsuki would do the nation proud, the previous Herald placed his dandelion shawl around the new Champion's neck. With a glint like the sun flashing in one's eyes, Hizashi was gone. Aotsuki blinked in the light for a moment, then looked around in distress. Where had the former Herald gone? Yoshitakatomo was able to answer that to a degree: Hizashi had no doubt fallen in his service to the sun before. With each death, his own divine conviction had kept him in this world until his business was finished. Now, with nothing left to tie him here, Hizashi had returned to the side of his Lady. Fubuki alone felt little shock from this turn. She* understood some of how the former Herald by how he had been willing to seal himself in Awa-no-Iwato during their trip to Takamagahara.   Regardless, Hizashi was gone and, they could only hope, happy. Now, Aotsuki wore the dandelion mantle of Amaterasu's champion. He felt a great surge of achievement at a goal finally realized. Indeed, the power of the Sun rushed through his veins, and some other new power besides. With a brief congratulations from the itinerant priestess, he and his friends exited the painting and returned to the tumultuous land of Japan.
Princess-Daimyō's Hospitality

1559年11月15日: 12:00 (Afternoon)

Wakigami Castle

Historical Entry: Princess-Daimyō's Hospitality

  In the ancient halls of Wakigami Castle, Princess-Daimyō Hashinara Yoshitakatomo found her* usual dark workings interrupted by an unexpected visitor. Following Tōdaisen Nobuhara's summons, she* ascended to the ground floor and traversed the halls to the adviser's office. There, Yoshitakatomo found a tall, handsome man in gleaming white armor. From the crescent on his helmet to the signature eyepatch down to the tips of his shiny boots, this could only be one man: The White Blade of Hope: Date Masamune. Surely, though, Yoshitakatomo and her* allies had all seen Date⚔Masamune obliterated by Musashibō Benkei during the Mōri tournament. This new Masamune's presence merely confirmed their suspicions that something was amiss in the identity (or identities) of the Date Clan Daimyō.   Once formalities were finished, this gleaming Masamune struck to the heart of his purpose for being there. It was, indeed, a case of the White Blade hunting the Black. He was searching for Matsumoto Ooawagaeri, intent on bringing the maverick general to heel for his many perceived crimes in Mutsu Province. As the other explained, Yoshitakatomo cast a critical eye over him. Indeed, there was a great deal of Creation-aspected magic floating around this simulacra, but none of it coalesced into something as ordered and rational as a spell.   Not answering his pursuit immediately, Yoshitakatomo instead wondered what the great Daimyō Date Masamune was doing so far away from his lands. Surely they required his attention more than a single renegade. The White Blade was ready with an answer, however. His provinces were peaceful and prosperous, safely tended by his close allies when they were not otherwise enjoying themselves at the great tournament. Indeed, Masamune hoped that his fellow ruler, whom he saw as Hashinara Yoshiyuki, would extend her hospitality in allowing him to stay in Wakigami for a few days.   Why? Well, he wanted to speak to the laypeople of the town. That the Hashinara Clan and Matsumoto were no longer aligned was common knowledge, but still there may be some in Wakigami who knew more of the Black Blade's whereabouts. Masamune also knew of a temple some miles to the south with a connection to that ancient, Taira-born line.   After another caution that many who spoke to the Black Blade would not know it, Yoshitakatomo finally accepted. Date Masamune, this Date Masamune, could remain in her provinces indefinitely so long as he caused no chaos. In her* magnanimous grace, Yoshitakatomo fed one more hint to the hunter. At the base of the mountain, in sacred Tōdai-ji, he might find Matsumoto Ooawagaeri's old mentor. This was not entirely an act of generosity. If the White Blade of Hope ran afoul of Osakabe-hime and did not conduct himself properly, the problem might well just disappear on its own.   With a refusal of an escort that was equal parts polite and vain, Date Masamune took his leave. Musing on their encounter, Yoshitakatomo asked her* faithful adviser, just how many Date Masamune had they encountered now? Nobuhara was ready with an answer: four, counting those who were currently aboard the Matsumoto Black Galleon. He went on to relay the recent events involving a Hound of Tindalos attacking Maxim and Ooawagaeri himself, in his guise as Fubuki. When told that the assault was likely predicated on reckless use of temporal magic, Yoshitakatomo came to a decision.   Before Hakutaku learned of this problem, she* herself* would take Matsumoto Hiei and Hosokawa Gracia to Ise Grand Shrine in hopes of closing the Dreamlands rift from the other side.
Mystery at Old Ōuchi Manor (Part 2)

1559年11月15日: 12:00 (Afternoon)

Old Ōuchi Manor

Historical Entry: Mystery at Old Ōuchi Manor (Part 2)

  That rhythmic thump-thump beneath Ryūzaki Sanosuke's feet was certainly a little unnerving. It was as if the Old Ōuchi Manor itself was a living thing with a tremendous heartbeat deep within its core. Spooky as it was, Sanosuke asserted that it was a bit early to assume it was actually a heartbeat. Instead, he and his entourage were here for Randi Carter's personalized tour, so that should be their first priority. After that, perhaps they could figure out what was causing this blasted heat. It was a good bit warmer in here than the brisk autumn day outside, and Byakurei complained as she adjusted her apron. Sanosuke pretended not to notice the motion, instead turning attention back to his guest.   Unsurprisingly, Randi wanted to see the building's attached chapel. She'd spotted it from the outside on their way up the cliffside and, as a student of Henry Holiday, had quite an interest in seeing the stained glass up close. The chapel wasn't Sanosuke's favorite place. He'd gone through a few things there that he'd rather not remember. Even so, Randi was the boss. Ever-helpful, Takenaka Hanbei was able to create a rough magical map of the place using her magic. Following her directions, Sanosuke led the way left through the east-facing hall and into the chapel.   It wasn't actually all that bad. Sanosuke scanned the plush carpet underfoot, but it seems like they'd managed to get the results of his last visit mostly out. None of his companions seemed to notice at all. Randi was too busy scanning the colorful windows with the expression of a jaded connoisseur. It might not be fair to compare mortal works to the master artists of the Dreamlands, but even so, she declared, these windows were pretty shoddy. She certainly wasn't impressed, to the point that she asked Sanosuke if he knew who had crafted them. Caught off-guard, the hapless Silver General had to admit that he didn't, but maybe Ōtomo Sōrin did. Indeed, he should be hearing back from Sōrin and company about their mission at Odawara Castle soon. Perhaps he could ask her then. He was partway through saying something about Randi teaching his people a thing or two when Hanbei cut him off.   She'd been keeping a sort of watchdog spell active as a precaution, and it'd just come back with worrying results. They weren't alone in this manor. At least two other individuals were moving around, back and forth, seemingly unaware of Sanosuke and company's presence. Fortunately, all their activity seemed confined to the basement for now.   This wasn't exactly what he'd wanted to deal with on their tour but, for the safety of the city, he asked Randi if she wanted to check it out. Never one to turn down adventure, she jumped at the opportunity. Soon enough, Hanbei was leading them back through the main hall in the opposite direction. A short walk west brought them to the head of a spacious, stone stairwell. The ambient heat was stronger here; sweltering, even. At the same time, Sanosuke noticed that the pounding sound from below had grown stronger. It had taken on a new texture now that they were closer, like metal slamming into metal. Tanegashima Shigetoki offered in a rare few words that it sounded like a forge. As blacksmith-princess of the preeminent riflesmiths in Japan, she should know.   Sanosuke took the lead and braved the eye-watering heat to take his company down to the basement. As they turned a corner to the shadowy stone room beneath the manor, none of them were prepared for what they saw. Taking up a large part of the spacious chamber, Asteria Talos's enormous head stared blankly at Sanosuke with dead eyes. Her neck was still severed just below her chin, but no blood flowed. Instead, it looked as if he brass-sheened skin there had indeed been heated to molten metal. Nearby, turning in surprise to the intruders, a mismatched pair of blacksmiths tended a great, burning forge.   The closest of the two was a great, amazonian woman with flame-red hair and a burning luster to her dark skin. Sanosuke pinned her immediately as an Empowered Human. Indeed, the resemblance to Hachisuka Masakatsu left little room for doubt. The other smith seemed at first to be a Hitotsume, with her single, gazing eye forming a lake in the center of her face. Her stark-white hair and earth-colored skin, however, indicated a foreign aspect that precluded Sanosuke forming a solid verdict on her race.   The first woman heaved a huge smithing hammer over her shoulder and gave Sanosuke a look of challenge. What, she reasonably wanted to know, was he doing here? The Silver General cast his mind out for an excuse and it landed on something he remembered Tsutsumi Hōzan once saying. They were building inspectors, he proclaimed, here to check the manor. Randi Carter backed him up. After all, hadn't they just been checking the stained glass windows upstairs? The big woman's face screwed up in confusion for a moment, but the other cut in with a certain declaration that Sanosuke was lying. It seemed like the fiery one might have fought him right then and there, but her companion kept her head.   At the very least, Sanosuke talked his way around, there was something shady going on here. He vaguely remembered hearing something about Asteria Talos' head being shipped off to Alexandria for "repairs." Did its presence here mean that they'd decided to do it in-house instead? He began to lay the groundwork for his exit, everything seemed to be in order here after all, but was stopped by the one-eyed girl. She blinked slowly at him and asked, in a level tone, who he truly was. Perhaps that eye was good for something, because she seemed to see Sanosuke on more levels than her companion.   In response, Sanosuke poised himself for theatrics. Reaching to his side, he drew forth Aretí, swinging the glittering sword into the air with a flourish and a suave pose. The first smith scowled under her burnished locks. That sword, she seemed to think, was far too small for a big guy like Sanosuke. Her companion seemed more impressed. Indeed, the one-eyed girl immediately recognized the name of his sword. After introducing herself as Arges, she claimed that it had been some time since anyone had received Athena's blessing in that form, and he might be the first foreigner ever to hold such an honor. Of course, that name meant little to Sanosuke, but he tucked it away for the future.   Something in the forge fizzled and popped, impelling Arges to excuse herself and tend it for a moment. Sanosuke wasn't at a good angle, but Hanbei filled him in with a stunned telepathic report. Unless her eyes had deceived her, the one-eyed girl had just used her tongs to move a live, crackling bolt of lightning into the forge.   By the time Arges returned her attention to Sanosuke's company, the other smith was clearly losing her patience. The bronze was cooling, she complained, and they'd be in trouble if they didn't get a move on. This prompted Sanosuke to offer his services, but Randi seemed pretty hopeless with metalwork and, in fact, the other smith didn't want help anyway. This was her job for her pay and she didn't want anyone else edging in on it. Nagasone Kotetsu, as she referred to herself, was the greatest smith in Japan, and this task for the Alexandrians was going to put her on the map.   That name sounded a little familiar, and soon Sanosuke realized why. In his extensive studies of warfare, he'd come across weapons nicknamed "Kotetsu" more than once. This term referred to a disparate selection of arms, but all of them were thought to be exceptionally good at dealing with armor. Colloquially, they were often called "helmsplitters" by the troops, valued especially when one expected to face a samurai in battle. The name was certainly the same, and she was a blacksmith. It seemed like too much of a coincidence to believe that this woman was not the same Kotetsu for whom those weapons were named.   Having noted this, Sanosuke bid a brief farewell to Arges, then turned back to his group. For once, he seemed surprised to say, everything had turned out fine. Of course, there was still one last portion of the manor to explore. Leaving the heat of the makeshift forge behind, Sanosuke followed Hanbei's directions back up through the hall, past the chapel, and around the corner to the audience chamber.   This room's sliding door was solidly closed, but not locked like the front portal had been. Sanosuke pulled one panel to the side and revealed a pleasant sitting room decorated in an immaculately Japanese style. Surprisingly, it was already occupied. Hanbei hadn't caught this person's movements in her magical scan, and the reason behind that soon became apparent. On a sitting cushion, with a disc of sake halfway to his lips, former Daimyō Ōuchi Yoshitaka sat completely motionless. The lopsided half-smile on his face seemed at odds with the eerie stillness that seized the rest of his body. As Sanosuke stared, the frozen man didn't even breathe.   < Mystery at Old Ōuchi Manor (Part 1)
Vanished Oni, Thrashing Tree

1559年11月15日: 12:00 (Afternoon)

Hagato Province

Historical Entry: Vanished Oni, Thrashing Tree

  Once the situation following Fubuki's attempted time-assassination had cooled down, Knight Commander Maxim looked around for his lanky companion. The Unnatural Oni had bolted yet again after his snake-throw technique had utterly failed to impact the Hound of Tindalos. It seemed like he'd made his way back down that same set of stairs to the tunnels beneath the arena. Indeed, Evaine was able to pick up his tracks, leading Maxim down that hall, past the portcullis, and to the same junction past where their chase had taken him last time.   Meanwhile, Fubuki was collecting herself* and her companions after that ordeal. Fortunately, it seemed like nobody had actually been hurt. The Hound had eyes for her* alone. Perhaps now they could finally be about the business of returning that Eerie Tree to its rightful owner at Yakisoba Yashiki. It was then that Fubuki noticed Maxim was gone. With little else to do, she* set about preparing a set of rented horses for their expedition while waiting for him to return.   Below Fubuki's feet, meanwhile, Maxim had run into a dead end. Evaine claimed without a hint of doubt that the strange boy's tracks ended at this solid wall. A pair of staircases led up and down to their left and right, but their quarry had apparently taken neither of those. That meant a secret passage. Maxim knocked at a few different places in the wall until he found what he was looking for. Sliding a loose slab of stone from the wall, he revealed a small chamber with a mechanism inside it. The "key" appeared to fit into a curved groove in the base of the nook, no doubt activating whatever machinery or magic would slide this passage open. Unfortunately, Maxim had no such item that might fit the depression inside. He patted himself down again and came up empty. Any further pondering on the problem, however, was interrupted by the arrival of another. The pale crystal-shouldered oni, Watanabe Hajime, floated all but silently up the stairs to his right and coldly asked Maxim what he was doing there. In return, he said that he was looking for his friend who had fled from that battle above, no doubt hiding there from protection. Hajime couldn't seem to fathom Maxim's fascination with the boy, but cautioned him that any "guidance" the boy might need was well in the Hannya Sūhai's hands. A poignant moment followed, after which Maxim gave in. He'd leave for now, he claimed, but asked Hajime to direct the Unnatural Oni back to him, should the boy wish for it. With that agreement, he departed, returning by the same way to find Fubuki above.   At that time, Fubuki was receiving a hand-carved wooden cross from Zōta of Sancta Sedes. While the dark-skinned foreigner wasn't sure whether that Hound counted as a Demon, he was at least familiar with guarding against extraplanar threats. Some creatures, Zōta claimed, were terrified of "true faith." A symbol like that would keep them away. Fubuki remained dubious, but thanked him all the same and stashed the simple charm away. Noting that Maxim had returned, the two gathered their allies and set off for the forests east of the arena on horseback.   It was a fairly quiet ride, with neither Evaine, Aka no Kitsunebi, Taira no Tokuko, or even Kan Shōjo speaking up much throughout. Maxim kept a close eye out for any disturbances that might have resulted from an eight-foot tree flying five miles at speed to crash into the forest. He soon found it; a set of animal tracks all rushing away from the same direction. It seemed something along that way had spooked them. Fubuki was meanwhile testing the proverbial waters with her* Amatsu-Mikaboshi-given Chaos Sense. She* found that something had scrambled the natural order in the same direction Maxim indicated. With both clues pointing at a solid lead, they trotted their horses in that direction.   With the otherwise quiet forest towering around them, Maxim and Fubuki had little to occupy them except talk. Indeed, there was something the Knight Commander had been wanting to ask this mysterious companion whom fate seemed to keep pairing him with. It was no secret that Fubuki was expected to fight Honda Tadakatsu in two days' time, provided both of them won their respective tournament matches first. That seemed a safe bet, so Maxim wanted to know whether Fubuki thought she* could win against such a monster as that. The other, however, didn't have a straight answer. It was hard to tell, Fubuki claimed, since Honda had probably not yet even revealed her full abilities during the tournament.   With that ominous statement hanging over them, the sextet finally arrived at the tree's landing point. Except, at some point, it had shrunken into a quintet. Fubuki looked behind to see Kan Shōjo lagging quite deliberately on her horse. She was no fighter, so she claimed she'd just hang back at a safe distance unless she was needed. That seemed fine with the others, so they dismounted and took in the situation. The tree was here, there was no doubt about that. It lay prone, on its back if such a term can be applied, in a crater of its own making. Around it, a handful of weasel-like critters dashed back and forth, nipping off pieces of bark with their scythe-like arms and tails.   Maxim had no experience with such critters, but Fubuki recognized them as Kamaitachi. These, at least, were much smaller than the one she'd* had to deal with in the matter of Matsumoto Michiharu. They'd still no doubt be pleased at other creatures interrupting their hunt, however. While Maxim was still deliberating how to deal with the pests, Fubuki took in a deep breath. When she* released it, it was not a human scream that came forth, but the unearthly screech of The Jabberwock. Warned of a more dangerous predator in the vicinity, the kamaitachi all split in different directions, vanishing with a rustle into the surrounding foliage.   The Eerie Tree, too, proved unnerved by Fubuki's display. It thrashed more violently, and something like an intrusive thought forced its way into the minds of everyone present. The sensation was hollow and empty, like rustling dead leaves. It passed without any further consequences but they each felt a bit more unnerved and somehow vulnerable. Taking their companions with them, Maxim and Fubuki carefully approached the side of the crater to get a better view of the tree.   Its face was pointed straight-up, so it seemed like the arboriform couldn't actually see them. That might be why it hadn't attacked directly yet, either with claws or its psychic powers. To test this, Fubuki tossed a handful of cherry petals into the air above the collapsed tree. Indeed, its bark-sharp claws raked up and tore the blossoms to shreds before they could fall to the ground. That was certainly a problem.   The two debated on how best to proceed for a time. Clearly, Fubuki's ability to metamorphose into whatever shape suited her* was their key to retrieving this monster without ending up like Aotsuki. The question was, what to disguise her* as? Another tree seemed the obvious answer, but there wasn't much guarantee that the disgruntled arboriform wouldn't lash out at one of its kind. As many often did when they felt helpless and alone, Fubuki reached out for the warm reassurance of Tsukijō Hanahane.   With a florid, if reserved, soliloquy, the magnificent Bugyō of Wakayama gave Fubuki the answer she* sought. Why not transform into Hospodar Mikhail himself? They had good reason that the tree's owner had never been attacked by it. With thanks to Hanahane, Fubuki concentrated on becoming the silver-haired foreigner. She* got the face mostly right, although something seemed a bit iffy about the nose. Had Mikhail boasted a mustache like that? Regardless, it would surely work for their purposes. Harder to pin down was the voice. Try as he might, Fubuki could not pin down that Mavrovlachian accent.   Giving it up for now, the phony Mikhail floated up over the crater and looked down at the pitiful tree. As its bark-craggled face stared back up at him, the arboriform's panicked movements finally slowed. It seemed pacified for now. Making sure to keep the Mikhail disguise intact, Fubuki created a sizeable enough jar for them to fill with soil and plant the tree for the journey ahead. With Maxim holding one of the pot's convenient handles and Fubuki-Mikhail on the other, they were about ready to go. As the two prepared to leave, however, the arrival of Fubuki's Sable Fox interrupted them with its customary crack of the sound barrier. In its fluffy jaws, it held a rolled scroll sealed with the signet of the Oda Clan. Fubuki-Mikhail took a moment to retrieve the letter before they left. Given the spells he had cast before sending the fox on its way, this wasn't the response he'd expected. It seemed, however, that Oda Nobunaga wanted to avoid speaking directly any more than she had to. In the Half-Demon Daimyō's neat script, the missive read:  
  To the care of the Black Blade,   It seems my ship has passed beyond the range of mental communication, so I am writing you this letter instead. It is odd how something which seemed so natural for most of my life could so so quickly become archaic. I must offer my thanks to you for delivering this bundle of letters. I have taken some time to read them, and they have lightened my heart greatly. Perhaps I did achieve some good in my time in Japan.   With the Palace of the Firebird destroyed and my father, Tokugawa Ieyasu, dead, I fear that I have become irrelevant. Or, worse, that I was never needed at all. I performed many acts that I am not proud of during my crusade against the demons of the Tokugawa. Was all the cruelty for nothing? But these heartfelt messages you have brought to me have helped convince me otherwise.   I still feel that I can no longer remain in Japan. Perhaps, with a fresh start somewhere in the Western Empire, I can ensure that my legacy is something greater than that failure to lead the Oda. I hope we will meet again someday, and, when we do, I hope that I will feel more worthy to share your honorable company.   -Oda Nobunaga
  Silently stashing that letter away, Fubuki-Mikhail returned to the immense potted plant and hefted his end. Together with Maxim, the two resumed their journey to Yakisoba Yashiki with the tree twitching and turning between them.   < Departing Demon Lord (Part 1)
Aotsuki's Afternoon Affairs

1559年11月15日: 12:00 (Afternoon)

Ōtsu Castle

Historical Entry: Aotsuki's Afternoon Affairs

  Once Saitō Dōsan's concerns had been aired and the clan's next step determined, Daimyō Aotsuki Tsukamoto had some other business to speak with his aides on before heading to Owari Castle. First, he wanted to know, what had become of Shōjo? The events of last night, bizarre as they were, had left him with an interest in the girl's condition. Unfortunately, there was little to tell. Abe no Seimei reported that the girl was still asleep, if her condition could be called that. The guards were under strict orders to notify her as soon as their ward awoke.   Apparently, Aotsuki had been hoping that Shōta might pick his sister up at some point in the near future. The boy's death and subsequent possession by Dōhan pretty well put a stopper on that. Seimei hadn't been aware of this particular series of events, but as it didn't seem to relate much to the Aotsuki clan beyond their guest, she also did not express much interest. Their father was known to be within a prison in Yamashiro Province, she opined, if Aotsuki would rather leave Shōjo in his care.   With that matter aired, the young Daimyō's next concern was over Watagyūma-dōnyo. That tricksters "pranks" had been getting out of hand lately, to the point where they were interfering with Aotsuki's marital bliss. Rather than kick the offender out, he wanted to give Watagyūma some sort of direction; a target other than him on whom to exercise her sense of humor. It'd be easy to sic her at an enemy, but as it turned out, the Aotsuki Clan was a bit light on those at the moment. Certainly, there was the Ikkō Ikki, but they lacked the kind of centralized leadership that would make an appealing target for this scheme.   Instead, Abe no Seimei had a proposition. Aotsuki and the Ashikaga Shogunate had clashed indirectly on more than one occasion now. With the Golden Shield now bearing all three Imperial Regalia and the blessing of Amaterasu herself, it would likely not be long before Ashikaga Yoshiaki began acting against him more blatantly. As one with all the qualifications to become the next Emperor on the Chrysanthemum Throne, he would be too dangerous to her power to ignore. However, Aotsuki worried about sending Watagyūma into the capitol without a more specific purpose in mind. He resolved to ask his old friend and mentor in the Imperial Court, Fujiwara no Taneie, for his advice. Indeed, they should probably talk soon. Seimei offered to take care of arranging a meeting for the two at the Daijō Daijin's earliest convenience.   Finally, Aotsuki brought up the matter of his guards. It seemed like more chaos was occurring under the roof of Ōtsu Castle than that suffered by any of his allies in power. He wanted to know if Seimei thought this could be solved by auditing their current roster of castle security. The great onmyōji, however, did not agree. She declared the guards to be fine men and women, the cream of Ōmi Province. They were sharp under Nen'ami Jion's training, but simply a bit helpless when it came to supernatural threats.   If that were the case, Aotsuki reasonably concluded, couldn't they shore up that deficiency by training a squad of onmyōji to join in guarding the castle? Seimei cautiously agreed with him, but she did not seem thrilled about it. Indeed, his adviser told Aotsuki bluntly that she would not participate in training any onmyōji within Ōtsu Castle. With his characteristic openness, Aotsuki breezed past this and agreed that he'd find someone else to train the new guard. Perhaps Imamura Naiku, as Seimei suggested, or Kuroda Kanbei, as brought up by Dōsan.   On the topic of that steely magician and her missing boyfriend, Seimei had a report from the Saika Ikki to pass on. They had been picking up reports of someone matching Toyotomi Hideyoshi's description in the company of a beautiful oni on the streets of Shimonoseki. That came as a surprise to Aotsuki and Tokku-hime, who had both visited the town often over the past few days.   With that, Aotsuki made a last promise to Dōsan that he'd have "Master" start construction on a castle on the northern border of Mino Province as soon as he finished Mitake. Then, he wrapped up the meeting. He, Tokku, and Dōsan were to travel to Owari next, to meet with the Tengu who had agreed to help him hunt for Ikkyū.   As they were about to leave, the Big Man stopped Aotsuki for one last aside. He'd been thinking about the request he'd laid at Aotsuki's feet not long before and, after some consideration, decided he'd figured out the best person for the job. When he'd been stationed at Ōtsu Castle under the Oda Clan, Ishida Mitsunari had with her a smith of unique caliber. This woman, named something like Nagaison Kotatsu, was particularly skilled at creating weapons of great size and potential. Someone like that would be the obvious choice for making a guitar frame big enough for Dōsan's impossible body. Unfortunately, he didn't know where to find Kotatsu just now. After Mitsunari's loss, the smith had left for the capitol in order to peddle her trade there. Apparently, she didn't want to "work for a loser."   Aotsuki took this all in magnanimously, then promised Dōsan that they'd try to figure out where this Nagaison Kotatsu was now. Moments later, Shigeaki Fujino was effecting their transport to Owari Castle.   Just inside the gates to the Oda Clan's entry hall, a fussy clerk met with Aotsuki and recognized him immediately. As the moppish man opened his mouth to politely ask about the Daimyō's business here, he was interrupted by something between a shout and a squawk. A birdlike, feathery woman who could only be Hayashi Hidesada sped in from a nearby hall to greet Aotsuki and his companions herself.   That Hidesada was eager to help could be called an understatement. She drew information from Aotsuki about the project like a parched peasant draws water from the village well. Soon, the Golden Shield understood that Dōsan had not briefed their prospective agent very well on the mission, so he did so then, paying particular attention to emphasizing Ikkyū's crafty, slippery nature. As to be expected of someone with her plumage, Hidesada was adept at tracking targets from the air. The same quality made it difficult for her not to stand out in a crowd, which might be a problem if she had to take the hunt indoors. Finally, Hidesada expressed that she wouldn't try to subdue her target for fear of killing him. Ikkyū was just a human after all, wasn't he? Others had often told Hidesada that she didn't know her own strength, so she'd opt for bringing news to Aotsuki over bringing him a corpse in those cases.   It seemed settled, then. Hidesada was ready to start away, eager to hitch her carriage to Aotsuki's rising star in the eyes of the Oda. She'd report back as soon as she had any idea, even a general one, of where their demagogue might be hiding.

Rewards Granted

  • Various Elan bonuses and penalties—see Secrets
  • Construction complete on Mitake, town in Mino Province

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Herald of the Sun

Character(s) interacted with

Created Content

Report Date
13 Nov 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Cover image: 屏風、掛け軸 by KATSU
This article has no secrets.


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