Hachisuka Masakatsu Character in Tsuwamono | World Anvil

Hachisuka Masakatsu

Amazonian Archeress

Samurai Hachisuka Masakatsu (a.k.a. 蜂須賀 正勝)


An Empowered samurai, skilled with the bow, who holds the distinction of shooting down both Maeda Keiji and his legendary mount in the same battle. Formerly of the Toyotomi Clan, she joined the Hashinara after being defeated and captured by one of their ninja.   Masakatsu is tall and muscular, her solid build a result of much training as well as the demonic influence imbued within her bow. She has a passionate yet reserved temperament, like a banked flame, and will pursue a goal with the utmost conviction, yet without ever raising her voice or acting in anger. She can often be seen at the archery ranges on Wakigami Castle's grounds, and has made friends with some of the other female samurai, though most of the men find her too unapproachable to really strike up any sort of relationship.   When not on duty, Masakatsu enjoys hunting and camping. She'll often spend several days in a row in the forests outside of Wakigami, reappearing again only when she's needed in her capacity as a samurai.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Vanquisher of:
  • Nabeshima Naoshige
Slayer of:

Failures & Embarrassments

Combat Role:

Hachisuka Masakatsu is a powerful ranged fighter who specializes in the bow and arrow. Her signature technique, Snake Eyes, allows her to quickly make two piercing shots with little tradeoff.  
  • Advantages & Disadvantages
    • Takes no penalty for using skills untrained. (Jack of All Trades)
    • Takes a -30 penalty when using any weapon except longbow. (Exclusive Weapon)
    • Fumble range is increased by 2. (Bad Luck)
    • Takes double penalty from any effect related to pain. (Vulnerable to Pain)
    • Gains +20 to resistance checks related to Fire and -20 to those related to Water. Takes double damage from Cold attacks. (Elemental: Fire)
  • Ki Abilities & Techniques:
    • May use ki to destroy touched materials or creatures. Upon spending 1 ki point, opposing character or object must make a PhR with a difficulty equal to base presence [70]. Each additional ki point increases PhR difficulty by 5. This ability is considered an attack. (Destruction by Ki)
    • May spend 12 ki points to make an attack with Initiative +25, one free additional attack, and -2 enemy AT. Can be used once per round if no other actions are taken or once every other round otherwise. (Snake Eyes)
  • Other:
    • Takes no penalty to ranged attacks when traveling more than a quarter move and only -25 while running. (Running Shot Module)
General Rank
General Type
Fiery Orange
Blood Type
Current Location
Year of Birth
1536 23 Years old
Current Residence
Nijō Castle
Wild, light brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
200 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Related Plots
Character Prototype

Character Portrait image: by Unknown (Work Deleted)


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