Penthos Settlement in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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The largest city on the continent of Tellenheim. It actually proclaimed itself the capital of the continent and its ruling family is vain and over confident. Several hundred years ago the major families of this city conquered the continent and subjugated the populace. Much like the Romans they took various religions and Gods and placed them in temples in Penthos. The people still had their religion but they had to worship in Penthos and their important artifacts were placed in the Veiled Transversal area of the city.


The great city of Penthos is ruled by five royal families who squabble and fight for power all the time. Much like Great Britain there is a parliamentary structure which does most of the actual work of ruling and creating laws. The royal family in charge gets to appoint the prime minister and the minister of judgement. Whichever royal families that aren’t in control get to appoint the other ministers.
Parliament of Penthos - A group of politicians who do the bulk of governing work for the city and believe they do for the continent as a whole. This, obviously, depending on who you talk to may or may not hold water. It is made up of a prime minister, a minister of judgement, the minister of laws and punishment, a minister of Tanaheim (like a Secretary of State), a minister of gaming and entertainment and a minister of war.
  The royal families all have different internal structures to them. Most favor the classic King/Queen/Prince/Princess style format but some use Duchies and Barons and other titles. Each family has a complex set of titles that weave through the generations and provide rank.
  The five royal families-
House Durrilan
House Kerrigan
House Nuxhall
House Quail
House Verros
  House Durrilan - Probably the true royal family with the longest history. As Aragones Philipus the Second’s descendants grew weaker and weaker the Durrilan family gained more of a foothold politically. A very powerful princess in the Durrilan family eventually convinced Aragones Philipus the 5th to join her in marriage and become her king. The new Queen gained power and as rule shifted to her the name Durrilan supplanted Philipus. In this age the Durrilan’s are desperately trying to maintain control of parliament but most experts agree their days are numbered.
  House Kerrigan - The second most powerful family typically, though their last generation may have upset their position. The lazy pampered Baron Hutchess Kerrigan who is the highest ranking royal in the family is destroying their reputation. Known for his gambling and womanizing their once great fortune is dwindling and they may fall to the bottom of the five families. Or could a minor ambitious young duke change their fortunes?
  House Nuxhall - This house was founded on pragmatism and not taking risks. This always guarantees them a place at the table but rarely lets them take control of the city. Many Nuxhall’s get minister positions due to their intelligence and knowledge of history. Their conservative positions mean that when they do get to control parliament and make laws most people find them distasteful.
  House Quail - The newest of the five houses, they gained a foothold 300 years ago. A brilliant rogue by the name of quail conned his way into power through blackmail and shady political maneuvering. After this almost brought the whole system down and threatened to send the city into a bloody civil war documents were provided that proved that Quail was a descendant of an ancient royal family giving him his bona fides. Whether these documents were incredible luck or part of a bigger scam has never been proven. At this point most would prefer not to dig into it.
  House Verros - The up and comers of this generation, the Verros family has struck it rich in shipping and mining. They are gunning for the top spot and seem to be the odds on favorite to achieve it this cycle. Unless the rumors are true, that much of their wealth comes from a strange alliance with local pirates and a powerful thieves guild.

Industry & Trade

The Assembly of the Weave 
The assembly has a large presence in Penthos and is often catered to by the Five families vying for favor.  The largest building in the Durrilan District is a building known as Kilough Hold.  It was a former Dwarven mansion a millenia ago.  Now it acts as headquarters for the Assembly mages and bureaucrats.  It also has a training wing which is affiliated with Penthos University.  
Mages of note:  Headmaster Menelaus Yurtaugh a ninth level human wizard, Magus Level
Ranks: Level 1- Novice Level 2- Invoker Level 3- Adept Level 4-6- Thamuaturge Level 7-9- Arcanist Level 10 -Magus Level 11-13 - Arch Magus Level 14- Mage Level 15-19 - Arch Mage Level 20 - Weave Master
Arch Magus Illifen Grath an elven woman
Thamuaturge Filin Drudge, a halfling man


Philipus Castle - Named after Aragones Philipus the Second this castle still is the ruling seat of the city/realm. Whichever ruling family is in control occupies the castle.
The Royal Road - Heavily patrolled by guards this road is on a steep grade heading up towards the Castle grounds which sit on a large hill.
Capital District - This section of the city is home to most of the ministers of the city. Judges, senators, and ministers tend to find expensive homes here. Pages and assistants can be found running to and fro.
Galedus District - High end shops and merchants can be found here. Close to most of the major docks carriages and hand trucks move merchandise constantly. The large bazaar in the center is a rectangular multi story building filled with different stores and the courtyard in the center has cafes and restaurants.
Bolatricius Span - A large sturdy bridge constructed by the great engineer Bolatricius. It is almost a mile long and has lanes for foot travel, horses, and carriages for moving goods.
District of Grace - The richest and most important people in the city live here on the island just outside the city.
Trullus District - Home to most of the riff raff and lower castes of the city. Servants and their families are usually found here.
Hellenox Park - Under the shadow of the castle lies a well manicured park. Short trimmed grass, fountains, and political intrigue can be found.
The Perilous Gate - The North gate of the city and the most used. It’s name is mostly a nickname that stuck from ages past when it was constantly assaulted by invading armies.
Ascertus District - This section of the city has shops and craftsman that cater to magic, tools, weapons, armor, and more.
Booker Gate - This gate sees the most traffic for shipping and goods.
Raritum District - Another low class district. A lot of day laborers but also several skilled craftsman live here. Though the people of this area have less they still have pride in their homes and the surrounding area.
The Gaming Grounds - A large arena stands among jousting fields and training pitches.
Kerrigan District - Large administration buildings built around coffee shops and small business goods stores.
Verrous Docks - The main shipping docks, mostly caters to the higher class clientele.
Orriginus Docks - This dockyard easily has the most goods flowing through it. Also has large storage for cargo going further into the continent.
Corvus Docks - The main passenger docks for cruises and personal craft. Also the main ferry dock to go out to the Island of the Colossus.
The Great Arena - This is the arena that houses all of the main events. Challenges, trial by combat, and executions drawn crowds into the tens of thousands.
The Veiled Traversal - Most of the Gods can be worshipped here at various temples. Some of these temples are ancient but many have been built recently to house holy artifacts taken as spoils of war.
The Practice Grounds - Those athletes and warriors that don’t have permission to train at the royal Gaming grounds come here.
The Dueling Grounds - Those that are dueling legally or illegally can use this area. Many a late night grudge can be sorted by meeting here by torchlight.
Sollehan City - A small section of high end shoppes and craftsman work and live here. In between the castle and the rest of the important people who live on the island. It is nicknamed Sollehan City by the famous jeweler with matchless skill that set up shop here.
Gate of Judgement - The main gate on the Royal road which seals off the castle on the hill.
Durrilan District - A residential area for the middle class. Many bureaucrats and accountants reside here in multi level town houses and apartments.


Bars / Taverns / Inns -

Estenheim Stay Over - A large three story inn with 20 separate rooms and a large bar with food service on the bottom level.  The building is over 900 years old and has a stone foundation that drives deep into the bedrock below.  The bottom two floors are made of the same stone with carved columns every twenty feet.  It gives the Inn an old roman feel of white marble streaked with silvery veins.  The main floor has an intricate tile mural of a gold dragon being ridden by a dwarven knight.  The third floor is only 100 years old is built of polished wood with more comfortable rooms for the wealthy.  Dumb waiter like contraptions run food and supplies up to the third floor, these are large enough for a small creature to ride in if necessary.  The current owner of the Stay Over is Blake Martinence a dwarven man who is quite old but still astute.  His main bartender is a Green Elven man named Istorius Puice, the barback is a younger human man named Yorus Manc.  Notable fare:
Mushroom Stroganoff: On the menu it seems normal, but the dish has a purple tinge to it when it arrives at the table. Turns out, it's actually a violet fungus that got into the pantry!
Silver Draconic Ale: More of a cider than an ale, it is magically enchanted to be the perfect temperature for the drinker. It is made using the finest apples.
    The Dagger Cat - A popular but messy tavern that serves the best alcohol in town. The food is sub par but nobody usually cares. This is the best place to find a sleazy contact or a roguish type.  It's main feature is a carved wooden statue of a saber tooth tiger that resides in the center of the main floor.  The upper floor rings around the main floor with over a dozen rooms available for rent.  Behind the tiger is a wide staircase that takes patrons upstairs.  A brothel operates within the dagger cat if a patron uses the right phrase "I would like to pet the tiger."  Sex workers are referred to as big cats and the leader of the organization is a Green Elven woman named Matron Chrys.  The current owner of the Dagger Cat is a Half Elven woman named Dicegal Bex.  Her main bartender is a dwarven woman named Inchly Tress.  The main barback is a human man named Umpliss Voh.  
Kierkalon's Draught - An old wooden building with beams that measure 3 feet square, it looks like it was built out of a huge grain mill. In the center of the building is still a huge mill stone that can be pushed around a carousel like device.  Violent thugs sometimes use this to threaten a targets hands if they get out of line.  Rowdy patrons try to crush various items like a party game. 
The owner is one Grin Stoneboot - A stout dwarf, with fiery red hair and no beard, that owns and operates a tavern carved entirely from one large stone block. He’s known for his wild tales of his missing flying monkey. Every time one of his patrons asks him something he always manages to lead the conversation toward his missing monkey (Nam). Rumor has it that Grin shaved his beard and won’t regrow it until he finds his lost friend. I’m sure Grin would have a fantastic reward for the player that found poor Nam.  The current bartender is an attractive human woman named Mist Shallis.  
Notable Fare: Golden Goat - Fermented goat milk and honey. Stonesulder Wine: This yellow-hued, sharp-flavored liquid is made from the sap of Stonesulder trees found in the Inorh forest. 
The Murky Depths Tavern  - Found in the Trullus District, the building is over four hundred years old and made of stone and wood.  It originally was an elven spa.  The large recessed pools haven't held water in over 200 years and now have sturdy benches and tables built into them.   The current owner is a hefty Water Genasi man named Isla Suh.  The bartender is a halfling woman named Tikha Burrfoot.  
Notable Fare: Boar meat cooked in a broth composed of various sour berries and spices. Infernal Absinthe: Dangerous stuff. Functionally a deal with a devil in a bottle, infernal absinthe can produce visions in some, nightmares for others. Most people just pass out. If you drink enough of it, you might be in for a terrifying result. Signature Drink: Milky Way Whisky - A light blue drink that tastes like very watered down, sweetened milk with a lot of alcohol. Besides giving a quick buzz, it also gives bone, and thus teeth, a blue fluorescent glow for 1d4 hours.
The Quisling's Sting - In the Raritum District this busy tavern and inn is open all day and night.  It has a stage at one end and constantly has bards and musical groups scheduled to play almost every night.  It is owned by a trio of gnomes named Estible, Grunkus, and Umpleton Lange.  The bartender is a human woman named Tam Ullarin. 
The Storm Giant's Song - A building built long ago that stands four stories tall.  The bottom floor is over 300 feet wide and 200 feet long, in the center is a square bar with enough seating for forty patrons.  In the very center of the room is a carved eyeball said to be of a living giant that has petrified over the last millenia.  It is an oblate spheroid measuring over five feet tall.  The owner of the building is a Tielfling woman named Illia Majestrix.  She has long white hair and an eyepatch decorated with rubies over her left eye.  A wide scar can be seen creeping up into her hairline.  The bartender here is a dwarven man with no hair and yellow eyes named Polisar the half wolf.  It is said that he has a form of lycanthropy but few know if it is true or just a story.  The establishment can be found in the Kerrigan district and is used by many merchants and their staff.  
Drinks list available at most taverns : Beverages
  • Wine List
  • Staff and Flask Gewürztraminer : A bottom-shelf white wine with a taste that is spicy and sour.
  • Soiled Fighter Pinot Noir : A poorly made red wine that is described as green and lean.
  • Stunning Mimic Cabernet Sauvignon: A locally produced red wine with a bouquet that is smokey and powerful.
  • Boot and Ogre Merlot: A locally produced red wine with flavors that are smokey and green.
  • Lagers & Ales
  • Smiling Sorcerer Pilsner 4.36% ABV: A microbrewed reddish pilsner. Described as a nutty pilsner with a sweet finish.
  • Arcane Scabbard Ale 5.5% ABV: Described as a complex cream ale with an aftertaste of toffee and a sour finish.
  • Bear and Duergar Lager 2.55% ABV: Light amber lager. Described as a full-bodied lager with a strong flavor of barley
  • Devilish Tankard Malt 5.32% ABV: A locally brewed red malt. a strong flavor of hops and a rich finish.
  • Liquors
  • Mossy Bull Rum: A locally produced sugarcane rum.
  • Jagged Shadow Rum: A locally produced molasses rum.
  • Forgotten Scabbard Whiskey:A poorly made wheat whiskey.

  • Bread Bowl : A bowl of day-old white bread. Served with olive oil for dipping.
  • Crammed Green Peppers: A platter of green peppers crammed with a blend of cream cheese, herbs, and onion.
  • Cheese Platter
  • Scallop Soup: A tasty soup with scallops and noodles.
  • Roasted Rabbit and Iceberg Salad: Leaves of iceberg tossed with baby artichokes. Topped with roasted rabbit and sliced orange.
  • Stewed Beef: Stewed beef alongside bread. The meat in this dish has gone off and could sicken the eater.
  • Grilled Fish: Grilled bits of fish alongside bread.
  • Grilled Mystery Meat: Grilled strips of mystery meat alongside mashed potatoes.
  • Roasted Lamb: Roasted strips of lamb on a bed of rice.
  • Consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish or eggs may require a Constitution saving throw.


Stores / Shoppes / Supplies -
Grazlin's Alchemy -  Potions, Unguents and salves available to all.
Drazz't Drumm Magicks - Run by a kobold wizard who hates the Assembly of the Weave.
  Craftsmen / Smithies / Tinkerers -
Unglong Hammer and anvil - Weapon and armorsmith located in the Raritum District.  It is run by a human man who was permanently transformed into a red skinned hobgoblin.  He wears a lot of heavy leather and long hats to hide his condition.  The locals know who he is however and are quite protective of him. 
Mistlehands Silversmith - Jeweler and silversmith Constance Ellenna.  An elven woman who works in the Galedus District
Banks / Loans / Accountants -   Guilds / Security / Public Services -


The great city of Penthos has many histories throughout the last three ages.  In the first age it was a dwarven stronghold and a part of Urgolos.  A bastion for the dwarves against the elves and their dreaded new magics.  In the second age it was taken by the great human king Mastian Everward.  He and his clever artificers and mages used shard rock to overcome the defenses that had been used for millenia to keep out invaders.  The dwarves in this time period were against the idea of using magic for any purpose.  This led to the loss of the entire southern half of Penthaheim over the next five hundred years.  By the third shatterfall Penthos had fallen into ruin and was abandoned by most.  After the fall came a renewed use of magic and the return of Penthos.  
The last five hundred years saw the rebuilding of Penthos and it's reorientation towards shipping and commerce.  The five families have been vying for power and using their wealth and influence to steer the city into greater prosperity and importance.  In the year SF 2765 the head of House Verros and ruler of the city, Prince Questalon Verros, proclaimed Penthos the capital of all of Tellenheim.  This stirred up much bad blood between the cities of Lamborginus, Copenhaus, and Vellen Falls towards Penthos and led to many military skirmishes over the next two hundred years.  Now most of the conflict is seen through trade wars and shipping battles.  A fact that the ETC and RHTC have taken advantage of, their profits exploding over the last 25 years.  Some political experts say that the power of each of the trading companies rivals that of the five families themselves.

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