ATG Mission 11 - The End of Anaxis Plot in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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ATG Mission 11 - The End of Anaxis

Previously on Liters of Tomorrow

You were confronted by Anaxis on your return from the future after obtaining the last piece of the control rod. He presented you with several scenes happening simultaneously, threats to your home town, Mew's Kingdom, and Agrimor's stronghold.  You attempted to stop an invading army capture Agrimor's stronghold.  The mission was a disaster that ended with the stronghold destroyed, sucked into a space void.  
Teleporting back to your ship the wet dream, you all came up with a new plan.  Instead of dealing with the chaos that Anaxis presented you with you would take the fight to Anaxis himself using the Temporal Control Rod.  You reached out to the powerful wizard or entity that resides in the Arcanist Circlet for help.  Whatever the voice was or is only spoke to Vom Fass and the conversation did not go well.  Breaking the connection Vom Fass decided to message the great wizard Sparacus Saloris Saviori instead, he being one of the most powerful mages on the planet that your team somehow managed to end your association on good terms with. 
Despite his hesitancy to believe the incredible tale being presented to him your warnings of the entire planet being in grave danger moved him to action.  A meeting in the capitol city of Penthos was arranged at the Dagger Cat Inn. Arriving one day early the team set out to acquire potions and supplies.  With some casual use of magic in the city Vom Fass found himself immediately on the run from the city watch and the Assembly of the Weave.  Hiding out in the most unlikely of places, he found himself in a temple of Azurat, located in the strange area of the city known as the Veiled Traversal.  A collection of all the temples, churches, and shrines to various gods located in one small section of the city. 
Blizzard Hops made his way to the Temple of Eigeralon and reached out with his divine powers to Eigeralon himself.  The god spoke with him of the danger he was facing and made clear the the gods cannot see Anaxis, which is why the team was assembled around Hops.  That does not mean that the gods are blind to the danger though.  Hops conceived of a plan using the veiled transversal as a staging ground for the final battle.  
As the great wizard Saviori arrived you discussed how to use the control rod.  He taught you that utilizing your innate powers you can separate the control rod into different versions of itself using these to trap the creature known as Anaxis.  He also said he would remain in the city just in case this threat was real and his power was needed.  
Karnac and Mew decided to make one more stop, at the temple of the threatened god Vellenox.  The acolytes there were aware of the threat and were quite happy to meet the brave adventurers who saved the Oracle so many months ago.  Here the last piece of the plan fell into place when the Cleric of Vellenox offered to summon the Oracle to the temple here in the Veiled Transversal to act as bait to lure the Top Hat Man into the trap.

Plot points/Scenes


As we set the stage for the final battle in the Veiled Transversal of Penthos will need to create an epic map. We have several moving parts to include as the team tries to trap Anaxis. Anaxis will initially try to pick off the team by sending Evil Mew after regular Mew. He will send off a powerful wave of fear at first and then send the brainwashed Cog after Hops. As the team maneuvers him into a central location he will open gateways for the Adherents of Iron. An entire army of fanatics who want to kill the team. At first they will be met by the city watch but only a dozen or so since the city is unaware of this huge battle.
We will counter with the Army of Aventador. In the distance have Mew telepathically hear the shouts of her father as he commands the different battalions and squads to do flanking maneuvers and to move in against the Adherents of Iron instead of Penthos. The Verdant Sigil members will also be moving through the battle to help.
If feared Karnac or Vom Fass will notice a small chipmunk on their shoulders, Gronkulu Brunkblug who will dispel the fear and keep them safe to do the job. In the distance they can notice large squadrons of summoned animals that attack the adherents freeing the team up to take down Anaxis.
With this huge battle being waged all around him Anaxis plays his last card and summons a kaiju sized tentacled creature from the void, similar to the one the team faced at Agrimor's stronghold. See the stats on the ipad, it also has several attacks and threatens creatures with fear and madness.
Now is the time for the team to create the cage and trap Anaxis!

The Trap

The cleric of Vellenox is a woman known as Gabriella Ixala, a half elven woman with short cropped hair.  She summons the oracle of vellenox and then points out the area on the zoomed in map where the four glowing orbs are.  "Each of you must separate your part of the control rod and stand in the appropriate well of power.  From there you must protect your version with all that you have. The Verdant Sigil and I will do what we can to prevent any summoned threats from reaching you.  Remember that we are dealing with an extra dimensional foe that we know little about.  What tricks he has up his sleeves we will find out momentarily. 
Arrival of Anaxis:
On top of the Temple of Eigeralon stands the being known as Anaxis.  He slowly lowers his head to gaze at all of you. As he sees you all there waiting for him he claps.  "Hahaha!  Who do we have here, the heroes of Vellenox, The fools who ride in power's wake and hope to drink a hurricane! You can't defeat me, the outcome is inevitable." You see him wave his hands and smile. "Let us see what insignificant trick you have up your sleeve this time.  I relish the opportunity to remove you from existence, your minor heroics are but a small irritant!"
When Anaxis is confronted with this strange weapon known as Viendall's control rod he will summon individual foes for each hero.
  Vom Fass battles a new version of Malavoor Doh'Malis the dragon!
Karnac battles a Mothman!
Mew battles Evil Mew!
Hops battles Evil possessed Cog!
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