Orbalann’s Magic shop. Building / Landmark in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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Orbalann’s Magic shop.

“Interesting items touched with the Weave”   Come see Orbalann’s wares at his shop filled with magical items.

Purpose / Function

Orbalann is an old Magician who could never cut it at the academies. He does have some ability with spells but never progressed past Cantrips and first level spells. His love of the art of magic has led him to collect and sell magical items. He and his assistant Orbelos travel the land looking for anything of interest that has been imbued with some kind of enchantment. Orbelos usually travels with his kart from city to city and Orbalann usually stays at the shop in Penthos.


The shop has many curved doorways and interior design elements. The style of Penthos is very Arabic with a variety of curved entryways and intricate patterns found on cabinets or counters and even windows. The city is filled with pastel blues, pinks and oranges. Most shops have an orange door frame or a sign that signifies it as a merchant.


Orbalann purchased the building a decade ago from a family aligned with the Durrilan’s.
Alternative Names
Magician’s hub
Shop, Magic
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

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