Soldiers of the Sword Coast

  • 1492 DR

    16 Flamerule

    Founding of Fort Vegapath

    The vanguard secures the the werewolf camp and frees the druid from their spell, making way for the area to be used for the Fort.

    Fort Vegapath
  • 1492 DR

    18 Flamerule

    Arrival of Rem & Tel
    Life, Career

    Days after the location was secured, then CPT Rem and LT Tel arrive at camp.

    Fort Vegapath
  • 1492 DR

    20 Flamerule

    Scouting of Bounty & Lehigh
    Discovery, Exploration

    The first group set out from the Fort to scout the territory to the West. Coming across one ruined town and another that pledged loyalty to the invading force.

  • 1492 DR

    21 Flamerule
    1492 DR

    23 Flamerule

    Pallisades are erected around the Camp
    Construction beginning/end

    With the help of the refuges broght back from Bounty, the camp banded together to clear the surrounding woods and erect wooden pallisades around the fort.

    Fort Vegapath
  • 1492 DR

    21 Flamerule

    Ambassador Vett meets with the High King
    Diplomatic action

    Ambassador Vett meets with the High King of the Ffolk to help ensure amicable relations.

    Caer Callidyrr
  • 1492 DR

    22 Flamerule

    Scouting Ogden
    Discovery, Exploration

    A scouting party reaches the town of Ogden to find it ravaged by the enemy and its few surviving members with their tongues cut out.

  • 1492 DR

    24 Flamerule

    Battle with the Black Dragon
    Military action

    Fort Vegapath bands together on a whim to defend the town of Cobh from a Black Dragon, resulting in only a single casualty.

  • 1492 DR

    25 Flamerule
    1492 DR

    4 Eleasis

    Barracks and Medical Built
    Construction beginning/end

    With the proceeds from the death of the dragon the camp is able to acquire supplies and labor to build the first new structures within the walls of Fort Vegapath

    Fort Vegapath
  • 1492 DR

    26 Flamerule

    A Dark Prophecy
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The crew of the Raven's Call returns from an accidental trip to the future and reports that the outlook is grim, and the war is seemingly lost unless something changes.

  • 1492 DR

    28 Flamerule

    Contact with Horsa
    Discovery, Exploration

    A group is sent to scout out and gain entry to Horsa, in an attempt to better gauge the capabilities of the self proclaimed free city.

  • 1492 DR

    29 Flamerule

    Loss of the Torriage Wood Moonwell
    Military action

    The vanguard failed to defend the Moonwell, allowing Snowdown's forces to seize total control of the structure, setting off a chain of events that would rock the population of the fort.

  • 1492 DR

    30 Flamerule

    Ambassador Vett meets with Calliope
    Diplomatic action

    In a desperate attempt to resecure the Moonwell the ambassador acquires the aid of the Horsian Conclave in exchange for the alliances help in acquiring the port city of Cobh.

  • 1492 DR

    1 Eleasis

    Battle at the Chasm
    Military action

    While attempting to construct a bridge over The Chasm, ten or so soldiers engaged in direct combat with a powerful vampire threat that killed one. Fortunately the expedition was successful albeit the loss of Aludira, a camp cleric.

  • 1492 DR

    3 Eleasis

    Torriage Wood Moonwell Captured
    Military action

    A long and brutal battle ensued with nearly every active member of the fort participating. All in all the operation was a success despite the collective loss of 10 soldiers during and prior to the fight.

  • 1492 DR

    4 Eleasis

    Disaster / Destruction

    Shar, the Nightsinger, severs the Weave along the Sword Coast, causing death and loss its nations had not seen since the Spellplague.

  • 1492 DR

    5 Eleasis
    14928 DR

    1 Eleint

    Stone Walls Erected
    Construction beginning/end

    With the aid of the Horsians, Fort Vegapath erects stone walls and adds three structures.

    Fort Vegapath
  • 1492 DR

    7 Eleasis

    Scouting Party is Captured
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    A party sent to scout the city of Holyhead discovers it is under the control of the enemy. In an effort to aid the locals they overextended and were captured.

  • 1492 DR

    8 Eleasis

    Rescue Mission to Holyhead
    Military action

    The vanguard of the Lord's Alliance rescues three of the four captured soldiers from Holyhead; losing one soldier and a member of the vanguard.

  • 1492 DR

    8 Eleasis

    The Mirrors of Eight Begins

    A party of soldiers ventures back to the ruined Sword Coast in search of the Mirrors of Eight.

  • 1492 DR

    9 Eleasis
    1492 DR

    10 Eleasis

    First Outpost Created
    Construction beginning/end

    The first outpost is created, granting soldiers a safe place to rest outside the walls of Fort Vegapath.

  • 1492 DR

    9 Eleasis

    Ambassador Vett meets with Aethlar's Council
    Diplomatic action

    The ambassador journeys to Aethelar and lays the ground work for mutual cooperation.

  • 1492 DR

    1 Eleint

    House Kendrick Sends 100 Men to Aethelar
    Military action

    Ambassador Vett convinves High King Kendrick to send aid to the city of Aethelar.

  • 1492 DR

    3 Eleint

    The Destruction of Cobh
    Military action

    The Horsian army launches an all out assault on Cobh, resulting the cities destruction.

    More reading
    The "Silent" Night - Cobh
  • 1492 DR

    4 Eleint

    Jericho Arrives at Camp
    Life, Relocation

    Jericho, a Moonshae native and once leader of the local Llewyrr people, arrives at the fort in hopes to garner the Lord's Alliance's aid.

    Fort Vegapath
  • 1492 DR

    12 Eleint

    The Fall of Horsa
    Disaster / Destruction

    The once proud city of Horsa falls to darkness. It's leader, Lady Calliope vanishing with it.

  • 1492 DR

    18 Eleint

    An Alliance is Forged with Fenster
    Diplomatic action

    After a sordid beginning, Fort Vegapath forges a proper alliance with the druid of the northern Moonwell and House Kendrick. Preparations for the battle of the Torriage Moonwell begin.

  • 1492 DR

    19 Eleint

    The Battle for Torriage Wood
    Military action

    Fort Vegpath, along with the full might of House Kendrick launch an all out assault against the Moonwell in the Torriage Wood. And, in one night, wipe away the nearby Snowdown warcamp as well as any Horsian forces that might content their claim to the place of power.

  • 1492 DR

    21 Eleint

    A Meeting with the Enclave
    Gathering / Conference

    Three members of Fort Vegapath represent Durrella at a gathering of the Emerald Enclave.

  • 1492 DR

    22 Eleint
    1492 DR

    26 Eleint

    Expedition to Tir Faoi Thoinn

    Responding to the appearance of an isle off the coast of Caer Callidyr, Fort Vegapath embarks on a naval expedition to the island to unlock its many secrets. Through trial and sacrifice Fort Vegapath made headway into the its many mysteries, but was drawn back to the coast before anything could properly be explored.

    Caer Callidyrr
  • 1492 DR

    27 Eleint

    Chaos in the Wolf Quarter
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Wolf Quarter in Caer Callidyrr falls to a madness. The soldiers of Fort Vegapath seemed to stave away the problem, but the source was never discovered.

    Caer Callidyrr
  • 1492 DR

    3 Marpenoth

    Halcion's Folly
    Military: Battle

    Halcion severs the western shore into the sea and attempts to lay siege to Ogden. After a perilous battle, Halcion fell near the elven ruins and Ogden was saved. Unfortunately, the same could not be said for Aithelar and Holyhead

  • 1492 DR

    8 Marpenoth
    1492 DR

    10 Marpenoth

    Southern Staging Ground Established
    Construction beginning/end

    Initial construction is completed in the cave south of the Swanmay, laying the groundwork for the Fort's first southern outpost.

  • 1492 DR

    15 Marpenoth
    1492 DR

    18 Nightal

    The Icedawn
    Geological / environmental event

    As the winter months fell across the Moonshaes the frostmaiden kissed the isle of Alaron like never before. Hurricane season came and the blizzards seemed to only grow in size, blanketing the isle in a cold, white prison.   The denizens of the fort along with the Ffolk people used this time to stage and prepare for the coming conflict, acting only when absolutely necessary amidst the frozen wasteland.

  • 1492 DR

    21 Nightal
    1493 DR

    4 Hammer

    Twilight Oracle Constructed
    Construction beginning/end

    On the fourth of Hammer 1493, the wizards of Fort Vegapath, Ralla and Valas finished building the Twilight Oracle. The tower allows denizens of Fort Vegapath to delve into the deeper aspects of The Art.

  • 1492 DR

    24 Nightal
    1493 DR

    4 Hammer

    Aceso Leaves to Found the Sanctuary of the Tranquil Trinity
    Construction beginning/end

    On the 1st of Hammer, upon the temples completion, Aceso Medicus makes the difficult decision to retire from active service at Fort Vegapath and transition into a new role as cheif peacemen of the temple in Caer Callidyrr.

  • 1493 DR

    4 Hammer

    Liberation of Pembroke
    Military: Battle

    Pembroke is freed by Fort Vegpath, causing its residents to relocate to Caer Callidyr. The village remains uninhabited, while its former leader takes on the responsibility of being the custodian of the Torriage Wood Moonwell.

  • 1493 DR

    4 Hammer
    1493 DR

    8 Hammer

    An Arcane Outbreak
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    An arcane contagion descends upon Caer Callidyrr, echoing the terror of the Halruan Consumption. This plague ravages without mercy until the realm's most adept healers and united alongside Aceso Medicus.

    Caer Callidyrr
  • 1493 DR

    11 Hammer

    A War Temple Rises
    Religious event

    Amidst the battle for Alaron, upon the rugged fringes of Bounty, the son of the Jarl of Rogarsheim erected a monument to the god of war: the War Temple of Tempus. Nestled against the High King's Road and towering above the Swanmay River, it rose as a bastion for the Ffolk, a crucible where blades were sharpened and spirits steeled.

  • 1493 DR

    15 Hammer

    Tel's Gambit
    Military action

    Fort Vegapath's daring gambit laid waste to Blythe, leaving it a shadow of its former self. The once bustling village now lies in ruins, its subterranean weapon annihilated. From the ashes, fewer than a hundred survivors emerge, their future uncertain as they grapple with the aftermath.

  • 1493 DR

    15 Hammer
    1493 DR

    17 Hammer

    The Long Night
    Military: Battle

    In a bold campaign known as The Long Night, Ffolk soldiers, aided by Fort Vegapath, struck against Elriza's forces, liberating Regent's Field through a series of night-time assaults. As the battle raged, the mysterious force of Spellfire swept across the southern lands, altering the terrain south of the river in unpredictable ways. This combination of strategic warfare and wild magic marked a turning point in the conflict, freeing the city but forever changing the landscape of the region.

    Regent's Field
  • 1493 DR

    20 Hammer

    The Great Transition

    In the aftermath of a grueling battle for Regent's Field, an audacious plan was set in motion to shift parts of the Moonshae Isles to a distant, uncharted world. This world, discovered long ago by Captain Tel, was believed to be so remote that even the gods could not exert their influence there. This monumental event marked a significant turning point in the war, forever altering the course of history for the Isles and their inhabitants.

  • 1493 DR

    23 Hammer

    The Founding of Tel'Vinya

    Following their displacement from Waterdeep and a solitary existence in Whitefish Bay, the Sea Elves, known as the Lys'Narra, faced yet another upheaval during The Great Transition. Seeking refuge, they were granted sanctuary by the Ffolk Kingdom in the verdant Swanmay Region, near the remnants of Horsa. In a gesture of gratitude and allegiance, the Lys'Narra pledged their loyalty to the Kingdom. In return, they established Tel'Vinya.

  • 1493 DR

    5 Alturiak

    The Silence
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Alliance's exploration efforts unearthed a perplexing and eerie region southeast of Regent's Field, now known as the Silence. In this bizarre expanse, all sound ceases to exist, creating an unsettling vacuum where not even the beating of one's own heart can be heard. Rumors suggest that a member of the Quorum, exerts control over this area,

  • 1493 DR

    7 Alturiak

    The Society's Stand
    Diplomatic action

    At a meeting with the Ffolk and Fort Vegapath, The Society, born from Blythe's ashes, declared their independence from House Kendrick and the Ffolk Kingdom. This act, bold and defiant, reflected their resolve to exist as a sovereign entity. King Kendrick, however, received this declaration with marked disfavor, setting a tense precedent for future relations and sowing the seeds of potential discord between the newfound society and the longstanding kingdom.

  • 1493 DR

    9 Alturiak


    For the first time since arriving in the world of Ayinel, onlookers witnessed a remarkable celestial event during the brief window of night. Amidst the usual darkness, a solitary star appeared in the sky, a sight never before seen in this land of dual suns.

  • 1493 DR

    10 Alturiak

    The Death of a Dwarf
    Life, Death

    The death of Aceso Medicus, a revered former member of Fort Vegapath and the esteemed founder of Alaron's foremost temple, marked a somber chapter in the region's history. Shrouded in mystery and betrayal, it is widely believed that Aceso's demise was orchestrated by The Raven, acting in a sinister alliance with The Quorum.