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The highlanders were a group of people, that were inhabiting the Serme Mountains during the Time of Wander. They were the first humans to settle in cities, taking inspiration from the Stone Giants that were inhabiting the same lands.  


The Highlander as in an anachronistic term, first encountered in the later myths describing the era. There was probably never people self-indentifying as Highlanders. The term refers to all the peoples living in the mountaineous regions, in areas influenced by the Stone Giants, in contrast to the lowlanders living in the valleys of Farensal and influenced by the Forest giants.

The highlanders, or Nem (Faren language) ardande, ardinfar, arenfar, should not be confused with the Ara people (Nem: arenfar) of the historical era. Even though these terms are sometimes used interchangeably in the myths, there is no reason to assume that the mythical higlanders were specifically of the Ara culture or language background.  


The late Time of Wander (c. 200-0 BFS) marked the arise of the first large human cities. The Highlanders were for a large part decendants of the slaves that escaped in the Great Slave Rebellion of Stonelords' Throne. The former slaves went ahead to found many great kingdoms, the chief of which was founded by Arnenn in Wasäkawakal, on the coasts of Lake Ulüwerä.

In addition to the early cities, Highlander culture flourished around the Áçäwals, monasteries of Áfawarsal, usually founded near religioisly important mountain peaks.

In addition, many of the people were still loyal to the giants, and were living in their great fotresses serving them. The largest of these were Stonelords' Throne, Bonehold, Ardarta and the bottomless mines of Ulum. In this era the relationship had developed more into an allyship rather than the downright slavery of the times before the Great Slave Rebellion of Stonelords' Throne. Even though the giants were clearly dominant over the humans, many of the loyal human leaders also gained great wealth and power from the relationships, and humans learned much from their giant teachers. In fact, many of the Highlanders were proud of being the last free humans, that had resisted the Giants' direct control, even though they were very much under their influence.  

Culture and livelihoods

The main livelihood of the cure Highlander culture seems to have been highland terrace faming. Goat herding was also important, but seems to have been performed mostly by outlying nomad people, that traded with the core highlanders. The cities also supported a wide variety of specialised craftsmen, from weavers and potters to smiths and bards.

This era was shaped by the continuous wars between the Highlander and Lowlander peoples. The Highland Army, mostly funded by the Stone Giants, employed thousands of men at all times.
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Famous Highlanders

Arnenn, founder of Wasäkawakal
Deremhos the Younger, a famous smith
Kauteirin even though his birth ethnicity is unclear, he grow into the highland culture in Wasäkawakal.
Farinwél , a war hero and husband of Kauteirin.  

Power structure

Even though the Stone Giants were the ultimate rulers of the people, the giants themselves were rarely seen by them. Presumably, they were afraid of the humans, after facing the threat of being killed by the Skyswords. Thus, a complicated power structure emerged for ruling their subjects:

  1. Stone Lords, the kings of the Stone Giants
  2. Giant commanders
  3. Human or half-giant vassals, working directly to the giants
  4. Human kings
  5. Local leaders and administrators
  6. Common people


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