Cyns Grove

Written by SirElghinn

The Cyns Grove (pronounced SINS) is a seasonal forest located in the northwestern part of the Peninsula of Laskea just to the southeast of the hamlet of Hirane. The forest is predominately composed of Yew and Sessile Oak trees, forming a dense canopy once within the heart of the forest. The grove is well-known to most northern Laskeans as a refuge for bandits and highwaymen, as well as being known to host a variety of natural (and unnatural creatures).
The origin of how the forest accurately received its name has been long forgotten, however most believe is has to do with a northern Laskean ghost story involving a man by the name of Walter Cyns. Walter Cyns is known as a folk legend to many in Laskea as a debonair young man that was said to have been a part of the original settlers of Hirane. It is said that while the settlers made their way along the northern edge of Troah Lake, Walter -- who was naturally leading the caravan -- kept witnessing a lone white horse running along the edge of the forest that came to the lake's edge. His braggadocious side got the better of him, and he swore to the settlers that before they made camp that eve, that horse would surely be his.
He set out along the forest's edge and sought to capture and tame the wild horse. The tale of what happened next varies depending on the tale-teller. Some say they battled and Walter Cyns eventually wore the beast out and managed to mount it. Some say the horse was coy, and led Walter further into the forest until both were exhausted. Regardless, the end of the tale always ends with the settlers last spotting Walter Cyns riding atop the white stead laughing and yipping with glee as the horse plunged into the lake, disappearing with Walter clinging tightly. Walter never returned, and in his honor, the settlers named the forest Cyns Grove.
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
Location under
Owning Organization
Related Reports (Primary)
The villagers of Hirane sing a haunting song related to the water-horse of Cyns Grove.
Love, let me home to my mother
Love, let me home to my mother
Darling, let me home to my mother

Love, let me home
to my mother
I only came for the cattle.
It was only last night
That I heard that my love was herding
And though you found me at the perimeter of the cattle fold
Love, let me home as you found me.
I was clambering up
the dykes
And descending the ridges
When a friendly lad met me
And he did not enforce his friendship on me.
Though you were to give me cattle and sheep
Though you were to give me tethered horses
Though you were to give me that and men
Love, let me home as you found me.
My mother and father will chastise you
My clan and my relatives will chastise you
But my three brothers will kill you
If I don’t return home as I came.
My mother promised me a gown
Decorated with the newest of ribbons
And she promised me a new plaid
If I return home the way you found me.

Ambient Audio


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