Session Report: 4 December 2020 Report in Tsuwamono | World Anvil

Session Report: 4 December 2020

Crustacean Damnation

General Summary

In this session of Tsuwamono, the following events transpired:

Sanosuke and the Blessing of Jeff

1559年11月15日: 15:00


Historical Entry: Sanosuke and the Blessing of Jeff

  Following the last match of the day, many lingered in the stands of the Mōri Arena at Shimonoseki. No entertainment was promised, not after the debacle that ensued last time, but it was an opportunity to gossip, socialize, and meet several of the most prominent individuals Japan had to offer. Ryūzaki Sanosuke had his eye on one such individual, and he tore across the stands with lightning speed in order to reach her. By the time he arrived, however, Hikyū was already gone. Her weapon and/or companion(?) Jeff lay empty on the tower where she'd been sitting until moments ago.   Fortunately, Sanosuke was not left to wait long. Hikyū reappeared behind him, wondering why he was in such a hurry. By the time he turned, she already had Jeff strapped back on her arm. A few moments of confused conversation ensued in which it was confirmed that Sanosuke did indeed want to talk to Hikyū and not Jeff, as well as that neither of them had anything particularly strange going on at home. Having any kind of rational discussion with this person proved to be challenging once again, but Sanosuke pushed through and eventually drove to the point of his visit.   Most prominently, he wanted to know why Hikyū did those things like freeing people from jail or releasing them from captivity. That question seemed to strike the other as strange in itself. She did those things because she wanted to and, as the Champion of Inari no Okami, it was important to her that both she and others had the freedom to follow their whims. So, Sanosuke continued, if someone he cared about was going to be interred against their will, would Hikyū help them?   Once again, he had to fight a bit of an uphill battle. Getting Hikyū to commit to any course of action seemed fruitless in itself. As she claimed, having any creed or honor to which she was bound wouldn't be true freedom at all. Eventually, he managed to draw out an assent that if someone was being taken captive, Hikyū was there, and she felt like it, she'd probably intervene. Sanosuke figured that was about the best he could hope for, so he took it. Hikyū had one more question, though, about whom Sanosuke was so concerned for. When the Silver General leaned in and told her, she was a bit surprised, but stranger things had certainly happened.   He made as if to leave then, but stopped to pat Jeff. As his hands reached for that cold, staring visage, however, he hesitated. Is this what Jeff would want? Assured by Hikyū, Sanosuke went forward with it and gave the dragon a few friendly pats. And that, dear reader, is how Ryūzaki Sanosuke received the Blessing of Jeff.
Wrath of the Mind Claw

1559年11月15日: 15:00


Historical Entry: Wrath of the Mind Claw

  In an attempt to broaden The Wolfpack's utility as a mercenary organization and relationship with the Hashinara Clan, Grand Administrator Tōdaisen Nobuhara developed a plan by which complaints of mid-to-low-level threats across their domain would be collated as Bounties with minor rewards offered. These requests, while not necessarily worthy of interest by the Cardinal Generals themselves, also offered an opportunity for the many mid-ranking generals of the Hashinara to gain real-battle experience. The Wolfpack would have first pick of these bounties, but any they did not undertake would be released for any other generals to pick up the next day.   For his first Bounty, Knight Commander Maxim chose to tackle reports of Feral Crab Swarms on the coasts around Ago. Put forth by Harukor, this request had to do with large, ravenous crabs attacking with eerily military precision to steal catches from the fishermen of Ago. Maxim summoned Tarō and first gave him a brief of the situation. Then, he teamed the eager ashigaru up with Kiban, Ishinomori Naho, and Elyan as a leader before asking Shigeaki Fujino to teleport them to the last known location of crab-plunder activity.   Upon arrival, the situation proved worse than they expected. A group of four Ravenous Crabs infested what must have been a beachcomber's tent here on the coast, frolicking around with malicious glee as they feasted on fish, bread, or whatever else they could get their pincers on. As Elyan watched, a particularly large crab scuttled by with a whole cheese wheel gripped in one claw.   The crustaceans didn't seem particularly afraid or interested in the newcomers at all, granting them an opportunity to form a plan of attack. Elyan took the lead, ordering that they would attempt to crack these cancers one by one. If they grouped up to swarm, Ishinomori Naho would strike at all of them at once with her twirling staff. That understood, the four readied to charge into combat.   Their first target, a hapless crab closest to the water, suddenly found itself surrounded. The creature's thick shell proved more of an obstacle than expected. Indeed, the crab itself was surprisingly skilled. With a warrior's precision, it grabbed their blades more than once. Eventually, through the combined efforts of Elyan, Kiban, and Naho, the crustacean finally flew backward, its shell cracked almost in two by the force of their blows.   Meanwhile, Tarō had been building up to a new technique. With an ancient scrolll beseeching her power in hand, he invoked the power of Tamamo-no-Mae. The ancient Kitsune answered, perhaps begrudgingly. In a flash of foxfire, Tarō was transformed, adopting a feminine aspect and features of a fox, as well as Tamamo's haughty attitude. The pact also granted him* access to great and powerful magics, which proved only moderately effective on these samurai-skilled crabs.   The fallen crustacean's comrades had indeed begun to swarm, but their slow scuttling speed made it unlikely that any member of Elyan's group would be truly overwhelmed. It was then, however, that the true threat showed itself. With an almighty impact, like a kick from a giant, Elyan found himself lifted off the sand and flung hundreds of feet inland. Although it hurt, he wasn't seriously injured, but that attack spoke of a power they had not reckoned on.   Indeed, Tamamo-no-Tarō saw it now. In the water, lurking just beneath the shallow surf, a particularly Suspicious Crab seemed to be somehow leading the others. It was a psychic matrix that had launched Elyan temporarily out of the fight, and more matrices connected that crab with its comrades. As the Wolfpack team struggled to regroup, that crab-mentalist began raising its pincers and clicking them in a sinister rhythm not unlike a war drum.   Tarō watched as another matrix spread itself out across the entire coast, stretching to cover even Elyan. As if in response, the sand began to rumble and crab after crab poured from the earth. Kiban and Naho fought to defend from the onslaught of crustacean fury, as Tarō hovered over it all, mustering his power. Tamamo-no-Mae was not unfamiliar with such supernatural powers, and the shadow of her spells offered a solution.   Just when it seemed they would be fully overwhelmed, with Elyan not even able to regain the beach, Tarō broke the matrix connecting their crab-leader with its compatriots. Immediately, the other crustaceans all lost focus. Scuttling around aimlessly, they more resembled large animals now than the crack military team they had been before. Although the suspicious crab managed to rejoin them all to its own mental network, the disruption allowed Elyan's team to regain their bearings and regroup.   Although he was far away, Elyan had been infusing his harpoon with ki to throw it at high speed into the water where their true foe lurked. He was unable to score a clean hit at such a distance, but that suspicious crab had to know that its role was now discovered. Kiban, infused with Tamamo-no-Tarō's magic, proved and indefatigable opponent, and Naho twirled through the crustaceans, encouraging her allies with bubbly charm as much as she fought the enemies.   It seemed as though the tide of battle had turned, but none were prepared for what came next. The rumbling beneath the sand at their feet reached a peak, then exploded as an enormous Antlion burst through the sound right next to Kiban and Naho. The monstrous, crab-shelled beast opened its mandibles wide and struck with such ferocity that poor Kiban had no chance to even defend herself. When it drew back, however, their Namahage companion still stood there, completely unscathed. With a big, lopsided grin, she pointed at the foul burrower and declared it a fake. From there, Kiban pointed out which of their crab enemies were real and which were illusions created by their mastermind.   Now understanding the purpose of that wide-area matrix, Tarō was able to break it next. In an instant, most of the crabs and the antilon itself vanished, leaving not a trace of their presence on the beach. The suspicious crab lashed out, trying to punt Tamamo-no-Tarō off in the same way it had Elyan, but the ancient yōkai power which now infused him would not be shifted by such a meager assault. Elyan had regained his original position now and, with another burst of magic, Tarō broke the last matrix, leaving the mastermind cut off from its allies.   With those crustaceans now no threat, and egged on by Naho's cheers, Elyan and Kiban entered the shallows to flank their true opponent. It fought with fierce skill, but their combined onslaught eventually proved too much of it. Without so much as a crack in its shell, the suspicious crab finally succumbed to a lightning bolt from the floating fox not far away. It rose to the surface of the water and floated there limply. His transformation now starting to waver, Tarō was able to collect the oddly powerful soul that emitted from its dead body and store it to deliver to Maxim later.   What crabs remained were now scuttling mindlessly back to the ocean, so Elyan grabbed the corpse of their leader and the other they had killed. Taking up a circle around the campfire that marked the beachcomber's camp, their team cooked up their prey and enjoyed a well-deserved meal as a reward for their hard work.
Trials of Hiyoshi Onsen

1559年11月15日: 15:00

Lake Biwa

Historical Entry: Trials of Hiyoshi Onsen

  It had been some time since he last dealt with the complaints of Matsuno Takushi, but Aotsuki Tsukamoto had not forgotten his duty to resolve the fisherman's latest dispute. Previously, he'd visited Hiyoshi Onsen, a hot spring run by a Saru cabal of the same name. It was Takushi's contention that the hot water from that spring had changed the currents in Lake Biwa, altering the ecosystem and making his fishing trade far less viable. Upon spending a relaxing hour at the springs with his wife, however, Aotsuki had discovered another potential explanation for Takushi's unease. In the women's bath, Tokku-hime socialized with a woman who claimed to be Takushi's wife. Apparently she visited the onsen on a regular basis. With his keen insight into the hearts of men, Aotsuki picked up that there may be more of a marital than market side to this conflict.   Today, the Lord Aotsuki called upon his adviser, Abe no Seimei, to summon Matsuno Takushi and his wife Osano to the audience chamber of Ōtsu Castle. Both arrived not long later, well aware that it would not be seemly to keep the lord of the castle waiting. Upon meeting them, Aotsuki found Osano to be a woman of about the same age as her husband, although she wore the years better than he. Her calm expression and demure attitude were coverings laid over a sharp edge that was all too visible to the Champion of Amaterasu.   As tactfully as he was able, Aotsuki put forth the idea that it was stress between the married couple, and not displaced water currents, that was negatively impacting Takushi's fishing yield. Although obviously put on the defensive by the suggestion, the Golden Shield's caring attitude precluded any explosion on the part of Takushi. He admitted that their marriage had not been without its bumps, and Osano confirmed that he did not like her visiting the onsen so often. However, the fisherman swore with what Aotsuki could see was genuine honesty that he had seen a significant drop in the number of fish in his usual spots. That pointed to more than a simple marital reason for this issue.   In telepathic counsel with his adviser and wife, Aotsuki worked out that while the couple's tension was certainly a reason for Takushi's displeasure, his complaint was not wholly spiteful in nature. Tokku reasoned that, with the onsen peddling such brisk business with the Kappa of Biwa, those fish that normally frequented the area might have been scared off or eaten. That seemed to fit the other aspect of this conflict, so Aotsuki used it as his basis to form a course of action. First, he convinced Takushi and (much more easily) his wife to accept marriage counseling from a specialist. The two left the audience chamber directly for Nen'ami Jion's chambers, where the monk would work her resolutionist magic. Then, Aotsuki and Tokku called upon Shigeaki Fujino for transport back to Hiyoshi Onsen.   When they arrived at the edge of the hot spring complex, it was not Enjin who greeted them this time, but Sarumaru Ryō. The younger Saru was receptive to Aotsuki's request to see Enjin, but seemed equally eager to attempt to resolve any issues they might have on their own. So prompted, Aotsuki explained the situation, then finished by stating that he'd like to found a new hot spring at another part of the lake, so as to split Kappa traffic between the two. Meanwhile, Tokku-hime excused herself to seek out the baths and spread word of their plans. Ryō understood those plans and sympathized, but he couldn't recommend founding a new onsen just like that. The two more experienced saru, he explained, had been sent to Nijō Castle to run a hot spring there for Ryūzaki Sanosuke. With only Enjin and his own inexperienced self here, they couldn't spare anyone from Hiyoshi Onsen to manage a new operation in a way that would be up to their high standards. It was a problem of integrity.   That posed a problem for Aotsuki's plan, as nobody in his circles came to mind as having the acumen, attitude, and freedom to manage an onsen. He insisted upon seeing Enjin to pose the problem to the wiser ape, and Ryō assented. That Saru elder exited from a nearby sliding door not long thereafter and received an abridged version of events. Rather than answer immediately, Enjin asked Aotsuki how Ryō had responded to his request. When told that the young monkey had emphasized integrity, Enjin did not seem surprised. Instead, he took this as a sign that Ryō was himself now experienced and focused enough to run a hot spring up to the Hiyoshi standards. A heartfelt moment between the two then ensued, Aotsuki pleased that he'd both enacted a solution and apparently strengthened this mentor-student relationship.   When Ryō had left and Tokku had been given the go-ahead to recommend a new location to the present kappa, Enjin halted Aotsuki for one last thing. The old ape had somehow learned that Aotsuki was now the Champion of Amaterasu, Herald of the Sun. As a passionate worshiper of the Dawn Goddess himself, Enjin figured that such a rank entitled Aotsuki to the use of his services. As an old occultist with a breadth of knowledge and experience to call upon, Enjin stated that he would be at Aotsuki's side whenever he needed him. As a final request, the elder only asked that Aotsuki leave Ryō to focus on his new charge; a caveat to which the Golden Shield found easy to give his assent.
Death Draped in Red Silks



Historical Entry: Death Draped in Red Silks

  While making preparations for her* foray into the Dreamlands, Princess-Daimyō Hashinara Yoshitakatomo received a message from a loyal retainer: Ryūzaki Sanosuke. The Silver General had been thinking of late about the man they'd met at Himeji Castle, the man who claimed to be that fortress' architect. Other avenues of investigation, however, had revealed the true planner to be one Akamatsu Norishige, now long deceased. It was Sanosuke's hope that Yoshitakatomo could turn her* dark magicks toward communicating with Norishige. Through such original necromancy, they might be able to shed light on this remaining mystery.   While not against the idea, Yoshitakatomo conceded that ancient Norishige's soul was no doubt in the clutches of Izanami-no-Mikoto, deep below in Yomi. Even the great necromancer's magic could not reach that far. Not without help, at least. Sanosuke's suggestion was that she* might find assistance at Miwa-myōjin, that grand temple to Izanami north of Wakigami.   As might be expected, Sanosuke's advice gave Yoshitakatomo pause. A great shrine to Izanami? How long had it lurked in Yamato Province under her* domain? By checking with Tōdaisen Nobuhara, Yoshitakatomo was able to discern that this was a part of Ryūzaki Sanosuke's great plan to found temples across the Hashinara realm. Indeed, Miwa-myōjin had reached the height of its magnificence even today. Wary that a locus of Izanami's power so close could pose a threat, Yoshitakatomo was also curious. She* called upon Nobuhara once again, requesting an onmyōji for backup while she traveled to this unearthed shrine.   To his continued credit, Nobuhara had just the man in mind. They'd recently received an application to join the clan in the form of a young onmyōji and his brother. This Hano Sadao was apparently fleeing gambling debts, but displayed enough skill and promise that Nobuhara thought him worthy of a further look. Yoshitakatomo agreed. This excursion would serve as Sadao's interview to join their clan. First, she* would meet with them in the audience chamber, where she* currently remained with Alice of Clubs.   Not long after giving the order, Yoshitakatomo's discussion with said Alice was interrupted by a polite knock on the door. It was Hano Kansei, bowing politely and forcing his much-less proper older brother into a similar position. When she* saw the two, Yoshitakatomo was struck by the unusual nature of their relationship. Kansei was not Sadao's younger brother, but his sheele. For the spirit to be male was strange enough; sheele almost always manifested as female in form. What's more, this boy showed a distinctive level of individuality. This was, by the brothers' own account, because they had been together since Sadao was born. They had grown up thinking of themselves as unusually close siblings. Only recently, when they pursued onmyōji training, had Sadao learned that Kansei was a spirit: effectively a separated part of his own soul.   Yoshitakatomo impressed upon the two how unusual Kansei's existence was. Indeed, he was perhaps the rarest sheele in the world. What was not so strange was his relationship to Sadao. Calling upon Hashinara Kiyowara, Yoshitakatomo introduced her as a daughter. They had that in common, sheele accepted as family. Throughout this discussion, Kansei presented himself well, with proper etiquette and a wide array of expertise on display. Sadao was much less impressive, always seeming a bit off-balance and out of his depth. It was clear that the two came as a combination package, however, so Yoshitakatomo explained their next mission. Should they encounter anything hostile in their journey to Miwa-myōjin, it would fall to Sadao's (apparently excellent) skills as an onmyōji to deal with it.   That all said and done, Yoshitakatomo hailed Shigeaki Fujino for transport to Miwa-myōjin. At first, the bubbly psychic was surprised to even find that Yoshitakatomo had found out about the temple's existence. She knew where to go, however, and soon the Daimyō and her* company were in the cool, moist underground air of the subterranean temple. That the shrine lurked beneath the earth explained why Yoshitakatomo had not previously noticed its construction. This was not its only uncommon attribute, however. The red silks and pillows arranged around skull-ensconced torches gave the impression of a morbid boudoir more than a place of worship. Alice vanished into the shadows while the Sadao brothers stood at the ready. They were not to be kept waiting long.   A Kitsune of fine garb and voluptuous proportion came through a curtain to greet them. She introduced herself as Sumisaki Hisae, high priestess of this shrine and devotee of Izanami. This role made her a natural enemy of Hashinara Yoshitakatomo, who had consistently snubbed the Goddess of Death in her* many forays into necromancy. There was an immediate tension between the two, but neither made any immediately hostile moves. It seemed they would be able to talk, which was good because Hano Sadao was struck a babbling, dumb mess by the beauty of the elder kitsune whom he was meant to counter.   Through their discussion, several facts about Hisae came to light. She was hired by the Silver Meteor Storm as perhaps the best of all dangerous options to head Miwa-myōjin, but her roots ran much deeper than that. Hisae's peak had been in the times of the Matsumoto Clan, when Matsumoto Jigenzaemon had established his dark dominion across the land. She had seduced Jigenzaemon, as she had so many other men before him, but the tables had turned on Hisae. Jigenzaemon killed her at the height of their passion, and her soul had simmered for revenge ever since. Izanami had allowed her back into the mortal world upon the condition that Hisae actively seduce more souls down to Yomi for the Mother of the Damned.   In contrast to her willingness to speak about herself, Hisae seemed quite uninterested in Yoshitakatomo. Although the kitsune priestess conceded that the Daimyō was technically her superior, she made it clear that she had no intention of accepting any orders. A trade, however, might be in order. Hisae might be able to rustle up Akamatsu Norishige's specter for questioning, but such a difficult task required compensation. As obsessive as her mistress, Hisae wished for only one thing: Matsumoto Jigenzaemon. Yoshitakatomo let slip that the ancient lord did indeed still live, albeit not in the same form as he once did, but could not arrange a meeting directly. Instead, she* offered to allow Hisae to speak with the last scion of that ill-fated clan, Matsumoto Ooawagaeri. This would require Hisae to leave Miwa-myōjin, which the vixen seemed to have little issue with.   Their terms set, the Priestess and Nemesis of Izanami came to an agreement. It would require some time for Hisae to retrieve Norishige's soul from the sulfuric springs below. In the meantime, Yoshitakatomo would perform her* side of the deal and bring Matsumoto Ooawagaeri into the conversation about Jigenzaemon.

Rewards Granted

Missions/Quests Completed


In preparation for his journey to the Dreamlands, Matsumoto Ooawagaeri asked Tōdaisen Nobuhara to convey Sothy and her fellow Baharnans to the Ise Grand Shrine.
Report Date
04 Dec 2020
Primary Location
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