Urashima Tarō Character in Tsuwamono | World Anvil

Urashima Tarō

Eternal Ossan

Fisherman Urashima Tarō (a.k.a. Ossan)


  An eternally elderly fisherman who was once consort to Toyotama-hime, princess of Ryūgū-jō and daughter of Ryūjin himself. Urashima Tarō was a humble angler who one day fished up a talking turtle from the sea near Mikawa. Surprised at suddenly coming across a sentient turtle, Tarō felt wrong about keeping it to eat, and threw it back into the ocean. To reward him for his kindness, the creature in question invited the young fisher to clutch onto his shell as he descended to Ryūgū-jō, the Dragon Palace.
Tarō was one of the first humans ever to see this magnificent land, and one of the first to receive Ryūjin's hospitality. During his stay, he even had a dalliance with the Dragon King's daughter, princess of the True Wani. Then often called Otohime, Toyotama-hime was known for falling deeply in love with human men, and their affair was both quick and passionate. Once their relationship was discovered by Ryūjin, however, Tarō was quickly exiled from the Dragon Palace, forbidden to ever return. As he left, Otohime gave him a box as a parting gift, with a warning never to open it.
Of course, when he returned to land, Tarō did exactly that. Unknown to him, the box itself was a charm, holding a secret magic of the Wani intended to grant him eternal life, so that he and Otohime might meet again. By opening it, however, Tarō let out all of the magic in a rush. He gained eternal life, but also instantly became an old man, stuck forever in this decrepit form.
Now, centuries later, Tarō has not let his elderly visage slow him down. He's trained his frail body to its absolute peak, having little else to do with so much time. He is still an angler, but now hunts only the greatest of fish. Armed with his legendary fishing rod Tsurimaru, it's his dream to one day fish up Ryūjin himself, and get his revenge on the Dragon King for ending his romance so many years ago.  

Unique Abilities:

  Eien no Ossan (永遠のおっさん): The powerful magic which transformed Urashima Tarō into an old man is still present, and holds to him indefinitely. This lingering aura negates all supernatural effects that would alter his personal time or directly cause him to die. He does not age naturally, nor is he susceptible to poisons or diseases which would end his life, though other effects such as sickness or pain still occur normally. This effect can only be dispelled by a kiss from the Wani Princess who first placed the magic upon him.
General Rank
General Type
Current Location
Year of Birth
933 626 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages

Character Portrait image: 海じじい by 瞬く


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