Tsuwamono Sanosuke and the Blessing of Jeff

Sanosuke and the Blessing of Jeff


15/11 3:00

Following the last match of the day, many lingered in the stands of the Mōri Arena at Shimonoseki. No entertainment was promised, not after the debacle that ensued last time, but it was an opportunity to gossip, socialize, and meet several of the most prominent individuals Japan had to offer. Ryūzaki Sanosuke had his eye on one such individual, and he tore across the stands with lightning speed in order to reach her. By the time he arrived, however, Hikyū was already gone. Her weapon and/or companion(?) Jeff lay empty on the tower where she'd been sitting until moments ago.   Fortunately, Sanosuke was not left to wait long. Hikyū reappeared behind him, wondering why he was in such a hurry. By the time he turned, she already had Jeff strapped back on her arm. A few moments of confused conversation ensued in which it was confirmed that Sanosuke did indeed want to talk to Hikyū and not Jeff, as well as that neither of them had anything particularly strange going on at home. Having any kind of rational discussion with this person proved to be challenging once again, but Sanosuke pushed through and eventually drove to the point of his visit.

Most prominently, he wanted to know why Hikyū did those things like freeing people from jail or releasing them from captivity. That question seemed to strike the other as strange in itself. She did those things because she wanted to and, as the Champion of Inari no Okami, it was important to her that both she and others had the freedom to follow their whims. So, Sanosuke continued, if someone he cared about was going to be interred against their will, would Hikyū help them?   Once again, he had to fight a bit of an uphill battle. Getting Hikyū to commit to any course of action seemed fruitless in itself. As she claimed, having any creed or honor to which she was bound wouldn't be true freedom at all. Eventually, he managed to draw out an assent that if someone was being taken captive, Hikyū was there, and she felt like it, she'd probably intervene. Sanosuke figured that was about the best he could hope for, so he took it. Hikyū had one more question, though, about whom Sanosuke was so concerned for. When the Silver General leaned in and told her, she was a bit surprised, but stranger things had certainly happened.   He made as if to leave then, but stopped to pat Jeff. As his hands reached for that cold, staring visage, however, he hesitated. Is this what Jeff would want? Assured by Hikyū, Sanosuke went forward with it and gave the dragon a few friendly pats. And that, dear reader, is how Ryūzaki Sanosuke received the Blessing of Jeff.