Shards of Infamy

"Dark Side of the Moon" originally played from November 15th of 2003 through June 14th of 2004.

It all started on the Dark Side of the Moon, episode 52 of "Shards of Honor", when the following news article hit the holochannels:


Today, the distinguished scientist and philanthropist, Dr. Jack Legrange, received the Fulborn-McCoy prize in recognition of his pioneering work in the field of bioengineering.


The ceremony, held before an invited audience of renowned academics, was not without a whiff of scandal! Reliable sources close to the Awards Committee hinted to journalists that ‘undue influence’ had been brought to bear concerning the decision to award the prize to Dr. Legrange. After the award, Dr. Legrange was not available for comment, but an unofficial spokesperson said that allegations were ‘unfounded’ and ‘not worthy of serious consideration’.


The ceremony itself was one to be broadcast to several worlds, but transmissions were marred by technical problems. Dr Legrange departed from his published text and delivered an emotional attack on the Herglic community. He spoke in particular of their ‘ruthless exploitation of the human population’. Unfortunately, a power failure interrupted further broadcasts.


We’ll be back right after the break with the latest news on the Corellian Zero-g ball game! But now a word from our sponsor, BLUE COAL! The sector’s most efficient dilithium anthracite!


Because of this exciting local event, some professional-looking visitors to the planet of Fondor found themselves hired by the reporter, Charlotte Komitz, to accompany her while she conducts a personal (and possibly probing) interview with Dr. Jack Legrange and the unusual circumstances around his award.


They did not, exactly, succeed....

  • 12729

    29 Welona

    34 Welona

    Dark Side of the Moon
    Technological achievement

    Heroes are hired to bodyguard the reporter, Charletta Komitz, while she conducts a personal, and possibly probing, interview with Dr. Jack Legrange and the unusual circumstances around his award.  

    FONDOR, seriously?
    — DZ-821

    Additional timelines
  • 12730

    9 Melona

    Dismal Luck
    Life, Crime

    It has been six months since the fall of the CONFEDERATION. Wounds have begun to heal, and the flame of war slowly grows cold.


    During that time, changes unfold across the Tapani sector and the greater galaxy as a whole. The Empress Katianna abdicates in favor of her brother, Gregor, who has recovered from being poisoned. Regent Aral Vorkosigan retires from his position as regent, and is replaced by Lord Admiral Angelo d'Arcy. In the greater galaxy, Sister-Captain Jenna Martovich becomes Empress Jenna I of the Galactic Empire. She settles on Coruscant with her consort, Yeager Lexics and his daughter Ehlonna. Positive changes begin to emerge in the Empire.


    Meanwhile, on Fondor, life returns to normal. A band of four mercenaries returned to a summons over a recently released blockade runner from police impound. To their surprise, they find they are quickly awarded a search and rescue contract by Seven Suns Shipping to recover the cargo from a ruined freighter, the Bedazzled Apple, in the Lynx System before a rival company does …

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    Dismal Luck
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  • 12730

    15 Melona

    First Come, First Served
    Life, Career

    Making Friends in Low Places


    Reconstruction and rebuilding are the order of the day across the Tapani Sector, even in the galaxy as a whole. Young Emperor Gregor turns his focus on healing the wounds of the Tapani Imperium. The Tapani Alliance Senate, following the direction of Senator Padmé Skywalker, turn their attention towards conflicts in the greater galaxy.


    In the Galactic Empire, Empress Jenna begins the long process of reformation. Change never comes easy, and not all noble houses embrace the change. Some are willing, some resist and some require a stern lecture from the Empress’ consort, Yeager Lexics.


    In Tallaan System, the crew of the Banana Republic bring the lost freighter, the Bedazzled Apple, into high orbit. There they leave it in the hands of the Seven Suns Shipping tug crews. At Mantis Station on Tallaan, Bi-Tai Iltrek is waiting. The Herglic greets the crew with credits, a warm welcome, and a job once they’ve had time to rest from their trip. Just a nice, quiet salvage operation in the Letev System.

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  • 12730

    29 Relona

    Who Stole First
    Life, Career

    Just a plain and simple cargo run ...


    Brush fires stir in the former boundaries of the CONFEDERATION as ALLIANCE troops begin the long work towards reunification. In a far-thinking, but unpopular, stance the young Emperor Gregor announces an offer of amnesty to CONFEDERATION troops in the Council of Counts. His reason? War has separated families long enough, now is a time of healing, not placing blame.


    Elsewhere in the galaxy, whispers of a mystery are heard. On CORUSCANT, the headquarters of the CRIMSON KNIGHTS stands open and empty. Rumors say there was signs of a conflict. But no weapons remain, nor is there any sign of victims, or attackers.


    Meanwhile in the coreward section of the Tapani Freeworlds, life continues. The crew of the Banana Republic enjoy an uneventful cargo run to Tamber System to deliver water purification plant parts. Then after picking up more cargo and a Mentat passenger, begin the quiet trip back to Tallaan System. All the while a covert Deep Space Probe Droid transmits a recognition code and image of the Banana Republic to its owners …

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    Who Stole First
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  • 12730

    9 Welona

    Abbey Normal
    Technological achievement

    Just a little trip to check up on a ship ...

      ((As a birthday gift, the GM ran a session where Dizzy and VN Ysadora had to work together for, probably, the only time in their lives. It involves meat-puppets and military grade explosives and so much sarcasm, oh my.))

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    Abbey Normal
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  • 12731

    13 Kelona

    Between Rocks and a Hard Case
    Life, Career

    Never know what might be under a space rock ...


    Every spacefaring crew needs a nice Wookiee lady to elevate the tone of the place.

    Good thing the Banana Republic found a nice Wookiee lady, because somebody else has found the Banana Republic....

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  • 12731

    7 Selona

    22 Selona

    Six Shot's the Charm

    Remember that time the Infamy crew misdirected the Spartan Imperium by pretending to be space hussies?


    Or the time the Infamy crew found a group of sentient hive-mind parasites who were fleeing for their lives, after having been created on Tor Ceti?


    Or what about that time Rushlight stuck to a "approach from opposite ends, blow pirates to smithereens, do not talk to pirate" plan by means of docking on said pirate ship and inviting himself in to meet the captain?


    Hey, wait, there's that one time the Infamy crew met the whackadoodle Pirate Queen who kept replicating new bodies for herself on the 3d printer!


    Or there's always that time Dizzy admitted to the entire Infamy crew that she's not exactly a casual freelance thug of no noteworthy antecedents....

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  • 12731

    40 Selona

    10 Telona

    The Hunt for Silar Mins
    Political event

    Morticia was murdered.
    Or survived?

    Dizzy took on anti-vehicular missiles and stayed on her feet.
    Or was taken prisoner in the process?
    And replaced by someone with blue hair?

    Rushlight had a family reunion with his brother.
    Mordecai does not seem to know what to do with this claim of fraternity.

    Greelo met a nice young accountant.
    Apprenticed to an infamous assassin.
    Who happens to be a dead ringer for the Consort of the Galactic Empire.

    Iwa got her hands on Silar Mins.
    Both of "him"?
    Except apparently she needs the IMPERSONATOR of Silar Mins, instead?

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  • 12731

    10 Telona

    14 Telona

    The Web of Silar Mins

    Here in the Mechis System is fake!Silar Mins.   Somewhere.   And when we find the little jerk. . . .

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