The Hunt for Silar Mins

Political event


Morticia was murdered.
Or survived?

Dizzy took on anti-vehicular missiles and stayed on her feet.
Or was taken prisoner in the process?
And replaced by someone with blue hair?

Rushlight had a family reunion with his brother.
Mordecai does not seem to know what to do with this claim of fraternity.

Greelo met a nice young accountant.
Apprenticed to an infamous assassin.
Who happens to be a dead ringer for the Consort of the Galactic Empire.

Iwa got her hands on Silar Mins.
Both of "him"?
Except apparently she needs the IMPERSONATOR of Silar Mins, instead?

The Hunt for Silar Mins: Act 1
Report | Feb 18, 2019
The Hunt for Silar Mins: Act 2
Report | Feb 18, 2019
The Hunt for Silar Mins: Act 3
Report | Mar 31, 2019
The Hunt for Silar Mins: Act 4
Report | Mar 31, 2019
The Hunt for Silar Mins: Act 5
Report | Nov 21, 2019
The Hunt for Silar Mins: Act 6
Report | Feb 18, 2019
The Hunt for Silar Mins: Act 7
Report | Feb 18, 2019
The Hunt for Silar Mins: Act 8
Report | Feb 18, 2019
The Hunt for Silar Mins: Act 9
Report | Feb 18, 2019

Related Location
Arcadia Station
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