Game of Vors: VN Ysadora Report in Star Wars: Shards | World Anvil

Game of Vors: VN Ysadora

written by VN Ysadora's player from March 23rd through June 15th, 2013

General Summary

Eleni has a new ship, formerly the property of Parnell Makola. Yeager is going by the name "Aiden Quillix", a Mando bounty hunter.


Security has custody of Dr. Zel Gellanis and a Security guy comes running in with the announcement that they just got Torana Sivron aka the Blue Spider.


She isn't the one who grabbed Khun, and she isn't a clone.


Khun is down below, completely at ease and unconscious, with 2 stressed-out ysalamiri damping down the Force in his vicinity and a pitched firefight ensuing with his Armswomen Ursula and Kayla on one side.


In the relevant utility chamber, comms are not working. Ahead, proximity mines line the ceiling, but one at a time blinks out. Meanwhile, "Torana Sivron" appears to "shoot" from behind one crate, and then another, across too much distance to be a single person. One of the ysalamir hangs from a rafter in a cargo net; I climb up to recover it while "Quillix" snipes the space under the turned-off proximity mine.


The proximity mines are attached to the ceiling by elastic snot, and have a pad of elastic snot on their bottoms as well.


Suddenly a rain of weapons fire comes Yeager's way, maybe from a heavy repeating blaster, maybe a modified e-web! It comes from multiple locations!


One of the proximity mines suddenly shoots downward at an angle, tries to hit something, and then vanishes again in the center of the dark area!


The shooting sources are droidekas. The proximity mines are trying to capture and destroy the droidekas. A guy in an infiltrator suit, somewhere near the ceiling maybe, is controlling the proximity mines. On the far side of the room, a trash compactor droid has a box on top of it that has something inside it.


Security arrives, in power armor. Yay! They take out the proximity mines while Yeager, Ursula, and Kayla take out the remaining droidekas (but one). In the back, I help a guy in black stop the trash droid from shoving a crate into a disposal airlock.


That last "droideka" turns out not to be a droideka at all! They've all been Imperial probe droids modified with droideka equipment!


The crate has in it a Khun (in suspended animation rig) and the other ysalamiri (in another suspended animation rig. Packed around them is garbage.


Fel Tolin is the name given by the guy who saved Khun. He's a bounty hunter. He's about 5'10", thin, black wavy hair, gray eyes.


The "droidekas" were, in fact, all converted Imperial probe droids. They were RIGGED to blow. They had incredibly advanced holo-emitters on them, and attached to one of the holo-emitter circuits I find a slave circuit, probably interconnecting all the droids like a hive mind. They also all had active restraining bolts on them.


Fel Tolin, who knows who we all are, claims to be ex-ImpSec and working directly for Simon Illyan. He spins us a yarn about chasing the Reavers and Dr. G, and wants to know what happened when we are on Tor Ceti that caused the Reavers to leave Mecetti Province completely -- whatever it was we did, that info has been wiped from ALL resources including the Solicitor database.


Also, he says the whole maintenance trap was meant to catch an assassin sent by House Vormecetti; he interfered.


He's very sure he knows what's best for us and what is really going on, and he's kind of a genteelly condescending asshat, but so long as I don't argue too hard against his cover stories (and others' cover stories that he keeps insisting on even if we would reasonably know it better than he does). I kind of wish I could lock him in Eleni's closet while I finish this up.


He also claims my Master will be here later today -- that my Master was VERY LUCKY to have a merchant ship show up in the right area of hyperspace with exactly the right part after several days adrift and helpless and unable to call for help. Suuuure.


Someone did tamper with the system and then erased tracks very effectively. Approach was on the emergency maintenance system, telling it emergency maintenance must be done.


Sgt Gerr Salanar is the Security person who has determined that


Lieutenant Van Sant calls, a body was found in the Grey Sector, killed by energy weapon. Fel Tolin is the alleged name of the corpse in question.


Dr. Hamas authorized an extra medical database maintenance process.


Paramedic droid Toobie says Fel Tolin was holding a holodisc chip when he died. He was poisoned by a hunter-killer to the neck, and the lightfoil blow through his chest was committed postmortem. According to a bloodtest, the victim died of a sudden attack of food poisoning.


In a hidden hold on the bridge is a perfectly spherical obsidian ball full of khyber crystals. Obi-Wan has never seen anything quite like this. It might be a holocron! Jedi holocrons are cubes, Sith holocrons are pyramids, who makes spheres?


Greelo finds that this ship traveled here from Pelagon and had a path into Vormecetti space -- near the capital -- already prepped.


The Ranger litany written in the spherical holocron:

Against the end of our days
lo I stand with my brothers
lo I stand with my sisters
I stand with them against the Black.
I am the sword that strikes the Terror
I am the shield that guards in the darkness.
I will wear no mantle of Vor-ship, nor seek glory or fame.
I am a Ranger of the Endless Night, and I keep the Watch so others may be safe.
On my honor, this is my promise for this moment and all moments to come.

Caspin Elgar is maybe in the Bethal System.
Ranger Kosh is no longer inside the party ball.


So of course Admiral d'Arcy is a member. He tells me Fel Tolin was after the records of Tor Ceti. He tells me Lt. Van Sant is a member.


There is a nurse and a doctor: Nurse "Lemonade" Helena Junak of House Vorzirani and Dr Mennon Hamas of House Vorhejeron. They are not members of the Ranger thing. Kilman Vorzirani was the leader of the bounty hunter group who tried to whack us back on Rescue Tik Day.


Oh and hey, a fleet of ships are coming who don't know about the quarantine and probably won't care. They're led by Spar and Asajj Ventress, who were told someone here has proof of where their missing son Jaster Fett is.


Master Kenobi, under cover as Ron from Maintenance, takes time out of his shift to share intel.


There is a highly paid team of mercenaries (6 total) that is behind much of this. He doesn't know where they are, but they've been on-station most of the time. They're responsible for a lot of the recent on- and off-station traffic that happened despite Security. They're mostly from the Corporate Sector and Coruscant, and lately they've found all us "extraordinarily fascinating". He's heard a rumor that something we recovered or learned is of extreme interest to them.


He's got to finish his rounds, and then he has a poker game to which he was invited.


All hell and gunfire break loose in Medical. A lot of the medical staff are dead. Khun was mostly naked, but after treatment by Captain Benacor, he has his pants on. Five people in armor and guns and so forth apparently attacked, stunning people, looking for someone specific; they killed Nurse "Lemonade" Junak and tried to kill Dr. Hamas (who is one of the bastard sons of House Vorhejeron).


In return for the info about the death world, Dragomir sends me email (because I hung up with an "out of time! Ta ta!" as soon as he made "pay you back" noises): Since you are in a hurry, I give you a gift in return. Look for Vormelissus.


In the station directory, on a search for "vormelissus", I find historical records but no currently present listing.


While my good friends are defeating various traps in the Gray Sector, I get an incoming call:


Galos Vormecetti is demanding to make arrangements for return of his lightfoil. And then during the call he gets detained for questioning. Captain Caleb Jace (He arrested me once!) is now arresting Galos Vormecetti for violating Emperor Gregor's law -- Galos duelled Alexander Vorpadaran, and holovid of it has been discovered.


In the Gray Sector maintenance tunnels, I tell the control systems for power, sewer, and water pipes that there's an unauthorized injected item, and I need to go to emergency power and shut off flow of the fluid pipes so I can remove the problem. And then I tell the three maintenance systems to check themselves for viruses and/or trojans.


And then I run to a metal recycling room full of sorting and smelting machinery. I remove a bomb from under the catwalk on which Eleni is about to enter the room.


A figure in power armor with a souped-up E-11 steps out of the hologram of the furnace, tells me to put down "the holo-emitter", and the rest of his team steps up behind him and points weapons at us.


Eleni says that it isn't fair. Khun agrees: they've got WAY too few people on their side!


One somewhat chaotic combat later, we're looking at the armor of guys from the MacBain Mercenary Company. They are a very well-funded private army; the power armored guys jack into their armor. The company is headed/founded by Julian MacBain, from Corellia, who might have retired but no official word. They prefer no-bloodshed contracts and often do negotiations between client and another party. They do occasionally do black ops in support of the avoid-bloodshed policy.


This batch in total: 3 males, 3 females, all human. The leader is Josh Kutran. He says they had to kill Nurse Lemonade because she was a spy who was blackmailing someone.
The contract was to take Lemonade out because of said serious blackmail; they couldn't get her separated from Dr. Hamas, whom they claim they were not actually trying to kill. The contract also specified to take out the medical terminals because certain records and DNA samples pertained to 3 individuals: three adoptions that occurred almost 30 years ago: Yvonne Dusomme (adopted from Setolio), Taria Melkanessi (adopted from Estaph), and Jenna Martovich (adopted from Torak Fell). Finally, contract wanted the station destabilized to tarnish the rep of Commander O'Brien.


Their client made arrangements through a representative from Interstel Enterprises, which is unusual as clients usually use their OWN rep. Either SanDae Corp or Interstel has a pointed interest in those three women. The reason they're supposed to wreck Commander O'Brien is because of his sister: Elia O'Brien, who is the CEO of O'Brien Transport.


I'm a close DNA match to a Lev Ysadora, the CEO of some company or other. Somehow this means the contract is null and void.


Lady Ventress tells me they're to meet on-station a not-yet-arrived representative of a Night Sister raider clan: Sunfell.


Khun is hiring the 6 people from MacBain Mercenary Company to help with "tactical analysis" vs a potential Nightsister raid ship.


"Atin" is taking Josh Kutran to the jail to show him the guys who fought Atin previously in the hold while wearing power armor.


Nurse Lemonade had a small bag full of kyber crystals. Suddenly I'm getting avarice from both sides: Atin wants to put one in a blaster, Greelo wants to put one on the head of an arrow.


Repeating news flash from Procopia: Angry declaration in the Council of Counts! High Lord Bodé Leobund Vormecetti furious his son was detained while Vorpadaran's son is allowed to continue duties aboard ship! Preferential treatment! How can the government allow this? How CONVENIENT it is that Vorboccioni would be offworld at this time, and his dueling league doesn't deter the lightfoil dueling but secretly encourages it. Count Gavril Vorpadaran counters that due process should be allowed, Vormecetti is just using this as a thinly-veiled political attack opportunity.


Red, weapons-grade Khyber Crystals with etched names: Jolek Harrum and Dr. Mennon Hamas. Marik brings me a story, the two khyber crystals, and a hunter-killer (deactivated) that was used to kill Fel Tolin.


Marik Tulor suspects Numi Leeran and/or Kelina Favold. Both names accessed the Maintenance Department locker in which Marik found the khyber crystals.


Cap'n Benacor says one of the h-k devices is full of pico-pico toxin which is also what was used to kill Fel Tolin. It is programmed to go after Spar. The 2nd one is also full of same toxin and programmed to go after a nightsister. The 3rd does NOT have pico-pico, it's got industrial-grade tranquilizer (as used on Krayt Dragons) and was intended to hit Asajj Ventress. While she's at it, the one in the bag is confirmed to have been targeted on Fel Tolin aka Fel Vorpatril.


Receptionist for reserving the meeting room (where Ventress and Spar were supposed to meet the informant) says station maintenance persons did a normal come-in-and-clean: Numi Leeran, Kelina Favold, and Wein Norkin. I have holovid of these three individuals.


Atin finally gets intel out of the Blue Spider: she was hired by Kilman Vorzirani. She has every intention of continuing to try to collect the (preferred alive) bounty on Khun. From the formerly power-armored employees of Corporate Sector, Atin doesn't get much but from analysis of their busted armor the MacBain guys pop up with three mercenary names: Kalin Vargas, Marcus Trent, and Kel Mello.


"Squeal Like A Girl Radio" is team-channel live comms in case the 2nd Blue Spider pops out to grab Khun, and he needs to Squeal Like A Girl.


The MacBain contract (as mentioned above) was in part to get sole custody of records and DNA samples to 3 individuals from 30-year-old adoptions: Yvonne Dusomme, Taria Melkanessi, and Jenna Martovich. So now we've got three suspect names in the Maintenance division: Numi Leeran, Kelina Favold, Wein Norkin. Same individuals? (Can't be, in the case of Jenna Martovich anyway.) Let's find out!


Supposedly the four formerly-armored guys are here to help set up the repossession of the entire station for SanDae. One of them cracked and confessed much to Atin Quillix; the other three, particularly Kilman Vargas (descendant of Yemen Vargas), are less cooperative. Vargas tries to imply damfoolishness in regard to my walking alongside Marik Tulor, which leads to a great big case of "good religious philosopher/bad religious philosopher" as a cooperation goad.


I use Aiden Quillix's bounty hunter ID number to register a capture claim (not yet paid) on Khun, who gives his formal parole as a gentleman that he will not attempt to evade Atin's custody until such time as Atin presents Khun to Atin's employer. This may not get rid of ALL the bounty hunter attempts but it should blow off some of them.


One of the three suspects (Wein Norkin) is floating in bacta in Medical because a plasma welder got away from her. Eleni is gonna find out if it's a VERY PRECISE plasma welder burn. Kelina Favold last known heading for Docking Bay 55, where the Ilhars Toss (registered to Leka Cyneria) will be docking. Numi Leeran is off-duty at this time.


Wein Norkin, Twi'lek, looks like the welder must've slipped in her hand or something and very cleanly cut off all the fingers on her hand. The ends of her lekku are a little singed. She was supposedly brought in by Kal Memock (also of Maintenance) to be treated for her injuries, but Kal Memock was in need of medical attention according to Security at the exact same time. Meanwhile, there's a spidery-looking droid going inside of the bacta tank.


Yeager finds that Numi is being menaced in the women's 'fresher in Sinclair's by a buzzbot. The S pops out, the cape unfurls, and it's Atin Quillix to the rescue!


Something just outside the Manticore explodes! Marines deploy, alarms go off, it's adrenaline everywhere.


The Ilhars Toss docks and several ladies disembark, including white-haired Leka Cyneria. She walks up to Khun, of course, and interrogates him about the arrangements for her presence.


He finds a thermal well strapped to a fuel drum; as I arrive, he puts the thermal well in the docking control bay and activates the emergency seals, but the activation fails.


The negotiation: We have information as to the location of the child, in return we want assistance for the Sunwell Tribe. We need recommendations for relocation and assistance in defense because we are being hunted. It is becoming very difficult fending off Acadian assassins.


They want help until the source of attacks is eliminated or we have a location where we can defend ourselves.


Vargas says the assassins owe someone a debt. They are not being paid to kill the Sunwells, they are coming out of Mecetti Province, and Vormellissus.


The boy's allegedly on a tomb world called Gunria in the Obelia System, Pelagia Province.


Greelo takes a photo of the khyber crystal hidden inside one of the girls' locker in maintenance; it has a hologram of the face. Fel Tolin.


Ben's heard of Vormelissus, something to do with "the Mecrosa Order". Yoda knows a lot more, but about 800 years ago or so, there was an order of assassins by that name who practiced some Sith disciplines and owed allegiance to House Vormecetti, particularly tied by bloodline to House Vormelissus. Acadians can bypass security and slip past Jedi masters. They believe in a "Silent Watcher", to them every life is precious and respected and that's why you charge a LOT to kill somebody. They use khyber crystals to communicate with each other and mark their targets.


Marik Tular hands me a datapad. It's got a grainy video with a female maintenance worker going down a Downbelow corridor, Fel Tolan a moment later going down the same corridor. Looks like this is right before the murder. Datapad also has station scans on 2 life forms along with intermittent telemetry data (for the hunter-killers?) at the same time. After a moment the maintenance worker (Wien Norkin?) returns, and Fel of course does not. Another video, dated Cafe Estalle (much earlier), four weeks prior, shows Ivan Vorpatril meeting with Obitdran Vorhejeron. Ivan makes sure no one can see them, opens a bag of khyber crystals, and Obitdran looks very nervous. Ivan closes it up and puts it where Obitdran can put his hand on it, calling it payment for sending a package. "His name is Fel Tolin, really he's a serious threat, make sure it gets there."


Of course, when I look up, Marik is gone. Nearby is an orange khyber crystal riddled with circuitry, and there's a folded note (obviously prepared ahead of time). It says, "You spared the man's life. The man gives you a gift. If you need, hold the crystal and speak, 'Oya won mrias duob'. You still owe the man a name." The other-language words are from the Sith language. It translates as "live free, die well".


Asajj mails me some information I did not want (about this "Lev Ysadora" guy and SanDae Corp), probably because she thinks it's fun, and lots I did want (about the adoptions). And she says I owe her a spa day at one of those Procopia places with the hot rock massage.


My dear Vanya,

Some of my dear clan mates have been rather diligent in getting the information you asked for. If this was a contract, it would be rather expensive. Instead, we will call it even if we go have a warm stone massage at a spa on Procopia.
On Lev Ysadora:
  • Physically looks to be in his late mid-50s, but has access to the best medical technology.
  • Is a brilliant and ruthless business man. Considered one of the wealthiest beings in the Corporate Sector. In 'certain' circles, it is not unknown for Lev to use his money and influence to suppress data or beings.
  • Is an inventor and technically considered a genius in his own right
  • Built Interstel Enterprises from the ground up.
  • Has one brother, Antonio,but the brother has been missing for decades.
  • Supposedly some falling out with Antonio over his wife, Victoria over their career choice and over Antonio marrying "one of them".
  • Nothing more found at this time.
SanDae Corp
A conglomerate that handles both trade and tech manufacturing. They have extensive trade relations throughout the sectors around Tapani and have been trying to lock a monopoly on Tapani trade for years. They nearly had it during the years of Galactic Imperial occupation.
They made a recent insurance claim on Port Santiago. Corporate Sector news reports SanDae is to possibly get a manufacturing license from Interstel Enterprises.
Aside from trade, SanDae Tech creates the following:
  • Goliath Class Power Armor
  • Valkyrie Class Power Armor
  • Hyperdrive power couplings for small and medium class ships
  • Ion Reactors
  • Defense screen emitters
Their CEO is Zack Stane.
Not much known. The 'Martovich' family passed on some time ago. One record of a 'Martovich' working for House Vorboccioni as a 'housekeeper' or 'governess' or something. The records were systematically ruined. This is third hand information. Worked for Adama and Isabelle Vorboccioni. Her name was Elle Martovich. Background on Jenna Martovich is suspiciously vague in her early years.
The person who dropped off the girl was a Veratov Vorhejeron.
Taria Melkenasse
Like Jenna, has a suspiciously vague background in her early years. The family name is fake, though the person who dropped off the girl was a Veratov Vorhejeron.
Yvonne Dusom
Possibly a niece or cousin of Vin Thanewolf, the owner and founder of Thanewolf Couriers. Thanewolf Couriers specializes in ultra-secure courier service for data, packages or people. Many Mando'a consider it a badge of honor to have actually hunted a Thanewolf courier AND defeated said courier. I know of only nine Mando'a that have actually done this.
Yvonne's parents died in a pirate attack, and the girl was considered lost. Vin still knows nothing of his relative and considers her dead. This information took some ... enthusiastic measures ... to get quickly. You owe me a nice meal for this one.
The person who dropped off the girl was a Veratov Vorhejeron.
Captain Veratov Vorhejeron
It seems he had been rather inventive and blackmailed the head of the adoption agency with regards to the girls. I have some very reliably Mando'a having a chat with some well informed people about why.
The only available information thus far is that the connection between Veratov Vorhejeron and these three women were actively looked into. The actual person who initiated that search was a clerk in the Office of Records on Procopia. When my 'assistants' were sent to speak to this person, they found his body. He had been 60% liquefied.
The only data they have recovered from his records so far was that the request to look into Veratov came from "very high" on Procopia. It was to specifically look into Veratov with regards to 'bloodline tracing'.
They are looking into who he knew and who he spoke with recently via security recordings. This will take some days to unwind. The deceased clerk's name was Botis Val. Does that mean anything to you? It does not mean anything to me. Yet.
My associates notified the authorities. The body was taken into custody by the Ministry of Information and put in a stasis tube. Planetary security was never notified of this murder, not by us at any rate. These two recently had financial trouble but suddenly do not. My people now plan on having a chat with two individuals who worked with Botis Val. They are Hamin Tel and Jimper Sans.
As for how this all fits into a single picture? Hmm. I think I will turn that concern back to you. When I called upon the Force for insight, I sensed a cloud of evil following these three women so intense that I nearly passed out ... and I am quite inured to such things. I had visions of blood running freely through the streets of Pelegon and Obulette like rivers. No, thank you. I have my personal matters to manage, starting with Jaster and certainly not at all ending with that fool Themian Vorhejeron. I am confident that you and your comrades will see to the three young women. Do update me on any new developments I might find useful.
- Ventress

Apparently this Lev Ysadora guy actually is my male progenitor's brother. Antonio Ysadora vanished long ago because they didn't get along; also Lev had some kind of problem with Victoria a.k.a. Ziva Ysadora.

To: Vanya, Eleni, Aiden
From: Khun
Subject: Tofin the Maintenance guy needs a stern lecture about Womprats

Tofin wants to spend time with Mando and Night Sister VIP‘s. He can't tell the difference between Ko the Noghri, and hazardous waste that needs incinerated.

Malik says Wien is not a member of the Acadian order. He also thinks there's an awful lot of evidence pointing toward her. Yeager/Atin suspects the two people in charge of Maintenance, one of whom is Tofin the large aggressive hardass supervisor, the other is **Larry** (find correct name later).


A ship called the Solace has arrived at Port Santiago, captain Lem Vormecetti. Solace is a medical frigate. Captain Vormecetti is requesting his liaison, Count Vorboccioni.


Captain Benacor sends me a note. The contagion in the bacta tank is BLAHBLAHDATABLOCKOFWORDS. This might explain how crew are wandering around not remembering things. The virus is highly contagious, not lethal, makes someone sick but not debilitating, and then causes chemical hypnosis. It lasts up to two weeks and then has to be readministered. Least contagious airborne, but highly susceptible to fluid transfer. She says it could be MADE airborne but that will shorten its lifespan. I think I'll go out to the Solace to request air and water filters that will block virii this small.


Well, I WOULD, but there's explosions and railgun action going on all over the hallway outside Medical!


I stay at the entrance to Medical, guarding it, while Greelo sneaks up the destroyed turbolift, and Ron goes racing through the secret maintenance tunnels to get to the prison cells in Security. Atin faces down Tofin, who is wearing a suicide flak vest with enough explosives attached to rip apart the entire promenade. The vest has vital sign monitors attached to Tofin, so Atin tries making a stun head shot ... but a mouse droid deliberately screws up his perfect shot!


Tofin takes his rail gun and goes storming off through the maintenance tunnel, saying he WILL NOT fail his brother! And that the Mandalorians and Night Sisters will die! Wha?


Armed guys from the Alliance, probably the medical personnel from the Solace, show up. Now is not the time.


But they prove useful when a bunch of altered droids pop up out of the floor plating, trying to attack the guys who're bringing in the "toxic contaminated" khyber crystal from the Maintenance locker!


Yeager succesfully stuns Tofin. With help from the slicer expert from MacBain, they find out that the suicide vest is also wirelessly transmitting to the ten power droids moving into ten locations right now -- like up the ramp into the Manticore, to the shuttle bay for the Solace, currently in back of Medical and somewhere around prison cells in Security, and so forth. While Yeager and the mercenary dismantle the devices on Tofin, we arrange for smart people near the ten droids to take care of them.


The three ImpSec guys who tried to pick up Dr. Gellanis arrived in the Shrike, a "very Official-looking Ministry Ship", which is so wrong my mind boggles. I stop and have a sincere talk with whichever ImpSec guy answers my knock on the hatch.


I got email from Eleni. It is NOT good news.


Hi there, Vanya. I'm sitting here in the medlab nothing much to do, when I found out some very very interesting things about you!


**Do not read if you are in combat or are already in a very bad mood**


Ok, disclaimer stated, I have some... strange news.


Remember a while ago.... when you kinda kissed the dark side - LITERALLY?


Well, I am about to give you great reason why you two really need to stop that.


I am sorry to say that Lev is your uncle. He is really really your uncle. The good news is that he doesn't KNOW that yet. Right? so you don't need to say hi unless you want to.


Also, you hav Vor Blood in you.


And. it's not just any vor,m'dear. It's Dragomir's. You and he are cousins. Lucky duck!


I hope this isn't too much for you to bear at this moment.

— Eleni

I am, in fact, genetically related to that Lev Ysadora guy.
I'm also a cousin of Dragomir.


I need a shoulder to cry on, and Obi-Wan is elected. I need a drink, too, but that is a bad idea!

Rewards Granted

  • Add one CP for figuring out that D'arcy is a Ranger
  • End of adventure: add 7 CP for adventure and restore all FP spent to save lives.
updated on 8/03/2013


In the campaign so far, the highest total expenditure of Force Points to save lives/The Plan:

  • to take out one of the heavy fire points, during the 3/23 session
  • used Transfer Force to keep Dr. Hamas alive, during the 4/20 session
  • had to take out the 2 armored guys attacking "Aiden/Atin" and remove the bomb glopped onto Khun's chest, via lightsaber combat, all in a single round when everybody but me and Eleni is temporarily stunned therefore helpless, during the 5/04 session
  • channeled the Force into "Atin's" stun sniper shot to put down Tophin, who is wearing a suicide vest with vital sign monitoring and enough explosives to rip the entire promenade apart, during the 6/15 session.
Report Date
23 Mar 2014
Primary Location


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