Obi-Wan Kenobi

First campaign appearance: Shards of Honor 1.0 "Blood Inheritance"

Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi (a.k.a. "Ben"; "Bossman"; "Ron from maintenance" during the adventure "Game of Vors")

VNY's notes:

Legendary Jedi Knight and later Jedi Master. Renowned for his work during the Clone Wars and the years following.
Dead shot.
Cheats at foosball. Doesn't cheat at racquetball.
I think he could drink Yeager Lexics under the table, and I'd be willing to put money on that theory.
Doesn't find my emailed interim reports home as entertaining as M. Skywalker does/did ... YET.
It's not as easy to get Jedi Masters relaxed and telling stories about the "old days" as it is to get Zero G Construction Crew guys doing it, but once one gets 'em going, the stories are hilarious. And heartbreaking. And subtle; there are layers to these stories, things I understand in a completely different light every time I hear them again. Permeating each story is a genuine, fundamental fondness which a private investigator almost never encounters in her career.
Some of those stories lose everything if not told live, in person, with the storyteller or storytellers consciously meaning to tell them to you in particular -- they suffer dilution from recording, from holonet projection, from any kind of relay.
But I do gather that Ben Kenobi has always had a bit of a thing for people who have more than a touch of the rascal to them. Also, if I follow correctly, he has a great gift of charm but promptly trips over his own belly button once the relationship gets going -- and the ones he really goes for are the ones who learn how to set him up for that kind of social pratfall.
I'm not a hundred percent certain he knows that he turns on the charm. From his own perspective, he goes from zero to laser-focus fascinated in fourteen nanoseconds, and everything simply happens from there.
Obi-Wan is getting on in years. He is not as dexterous as he remembers being. Also he has that whole {had to have a replacement heart grown for him / spent months in a bacta tank / there was a plasma hole burned straight through his center torso and it nearly hit his spinal column} thing going. He's completely recovered, all good parts and signed off by multiple doctors; but he has parts of his body that did not age up with the rest of him. That's always going to make a difference.
- database entry updated Satunda
33 Kelona


Obi-Wan Kenobi

adopted brother (Important)

Towards Anakin Skywalker



Anakin Skywalker

adopted brother (Important)

Towards Obi-Wan Kenobi




Trained by the same Jedi Master, Qui-Gon Jinn; when Qui-Gon died, Jedi Knight Ben Kenobi took over training his near-peer Padawan Ani for the short remaining time before Ani was knighted. Ben was not at Ani's wedding and has never let him forget the "slight". They have otherwise always relied upon one another more so than on any other member of the Jedi Order.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Master (Important)

Towards VN Ysadora



VN Ysadora

Padawan (Vital)

Towards Obi-Wan Kenobi




When Anakin Skywalker ran into serious complications in his training of his "foundling" Padawan, he turned her education over to Ben Kenobi for a very different training style. Since her graduation, Jedi Knight VN Ysadora still regularly turns to her mentors for advice or a sounding board. Or, occasionally, to corner Ben in a hallway and recite the Litany of "MONEY DOES NOT IN ACTUAL FACT GROW ON TREES, YOU INNOCENT" at him.

Nicknames & Petnames

Vanya sometimes calls Master Kenobi "Bossman" or "Boss"; Ben might call her by name, or "Padawan", or "my dear girl", or any other casually affectionate nickname that occurs to him.

Honorary & Occupational Titles
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
12663 68 Years old
Current Residence
white, formerly auburn
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
1.82m or almost 6'
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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