
Maylar is the archetype of the barbarian at the gates and the creeping chill wind seeping under the door representing both obvious dangers and quiet ones. Maylar embodies many negative aspects of masculinity including the darker sides sides of self reliance and the competitive drive.

Divine Domains

Maylar's Portfolio includes but is not limited to: Disease, decay, hunting, animal husbandry, murder, debauchery, cunning in battle, war, strength, toughness, Darwinism, terror, orcs   The favored spheres of Maylar's theurgists and favored souls are Animal , Hexing , and Wrath.   Maylar's Testers prize versatility so Maylar's spell casters are likely to develop a wide variety of divine spheres outside of Maylar's favored spheres. Healing and Augmentation are especially popular.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Most common symbol is two crossed spears, but almost any weapon can work as a symbol of Maylar.

Tenets of Faith

-Test the limits of your strength and those of others.   -Elevate yourself by any means necessary, and never grow complacent regards to your own strength.   -Those who can endure your testing will become stronger, those who cannot endure it should serve those who can in some way.   -If the weak cannot be used, destroy them. Thus the cycle of life can be renewed.


Apex of Maylar Maylar 20/Afternike 20: Most Scarterrans just make some simple offerings and prayers and leave it at that, taking less than 30 minutes observing this. The Testers of Maylar make a big raucous party out of this with feasting, boasting, and ceremonial combat.   Maylar's Solace Maylar 40/Horning 10: Observed almost exclusively by the Testers of Maylar. This is when they memorialize their honored dead and reflect on the previous year.   Winter's Eve (Hallisan 21/Blooding 1 or Phidas 10/Blooding 30) This ceremony observed by most Scarterrans honoring Maylar as livestock is culled for the Winter.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Social Darwinism and the Power of Propaganda

    If a lie is repeated enough times, people will believe it. Sometimes even the liar will believe it. This has happened to Maylar. Maylar likes breaking things, taking things, and hurting people. “Survival of the fittest” and “That which does not kill you, makes you stronger” were just empty mottos Maylar spouted off to justify his evil and selfish actions. Initially. Now Maylar is a true believer in his dogma.   If you give Maylar a few million years, he might have a redemption character arc. Its unlikely Scarterra will last long enough for this to occur, my world is only about 50,000 to 100,000 years old. Maylar is probably 10% less evil in the the Third Age than he was in the the First Age  though no one, including Maylar, has figured this out.   So Maylar never stopped having his mortal followers and Spirit minions attack people for no reason to “test their strength.” In the First  and Second Age, if the target of this “test” handily defeated Maylar’s proxy, than Maylar would often swear vengeance and send more minions against the disrespectful mortal.   In the Third Age, if the target of one of his “tests” overcomes the obstacle with true strength, Maylar may just shrug and say “I guess he is strong” and then move on with his godly life. They might have to fight a Maylar creature later, but they are not going to ruthlessly hounded constantly for the rest of their short lives. This is a very small change, but it is not the only sign of Maylar softening up slightly.  A relatively benign faction of Maylar known Herders of Men is growing in numbers and political clout.   The fact that once someone proves themselves, they don’t need additional tests, at least not all the time, might lead to the creation of new diseases. The real world has all sorts of diseases that you only get once. A lot of diseases are far more mild for children than adults. That would go along with Maylar’s values. He does not normally want to “test” children as hard as he tests adults.


Contacts & Relations

Like most of the Nine, Maylar's outlook on life and his relations to the rest of the Nine are based on his actions during the the Divine Rebellion.   Maylar was the one who struck the death blow against Turoch. He did this by playing possum after taking a glancing blow, then he sucker punched Turoch when his back was turned. Maylar and his followers may crow about being bold and direct, but Maylar is not afraid to be a hypocrite. Cowardly tactics are permissible if they ultimately lead to a victory.   It’s a poorly kept secret that Maylar would love to slay or dominate the rest of the Nine. He’s not sure how to go about it though. He thinks Mera is the weak link in the Nine, but he cannot touch her with Zarthus or Hallisan always ready to defend her. Maylar thinks he can kill Zarthus or Hallisan in single combat, but he would be tired and weak from the fight, so if he kills Zarthus  or Hallisan  the other one will destroy him while he is vulnerable. And that’s assuming all the rest of the Nine  stay out of the fight. which seems unlikely.   Maylar is deeply in love with Nami. Or whatever passes for “love” with a being like Maylar. “Unhealthy obsession” is more accurate than “love”. Nami is the only one of the Nine that Maylar considers his true equal. On the mortal plane, their followers work together fairly often, usually on terms dictated by Nami's Rovers      Maylar admires Greymoria for her utter ruthlessness. He is perhaps a little scared of her. Maylar’s only real complaint is that Greymoria is not very direct or prone to taking risks at least as far as Maylar can see. Still, on the mortal plane, their followers work together a lot. The Children and the Testers have so many shared enemies they cannot really afford to fight each other though that doesn't mean fighting never occurs between these groups, because it does.   Do you know in kung fu movies how the quiet shy guy is often secretly a badass? This kind of how Maylar feels about Korus. Maylar is pretty sure Korus is a lot stronger than he lets on. Maylar is surprisingly gentile when he “tests” Korus, afraid of literally invoking nature’s wrath.   Maylar finds the fact that Phidas believes his injuries suffered means he deserves more power laughable. Maylar respects that Phidas is seeking power but believes his methods are foolish and cowardly. Maylar views Phidas as more of annoyance than a true threat.   Zarthus and Maylar are very often at odds. Maylar is a horrible person, and generally has no shortage of enemies. What makes Maylar and Zarthus slightly different is that Maylar views Zarthus as a worthy foe. Sure Zarthus must die, but at least Zarthus deserves to die on his feet and not on his knees. This worthy foe attitude carries over when the Lanterns and Testers meet in the mortal plane.   Maylar believes the trappings of civilization are a crutch the weak use to appear strong. Khemra devotes herself to propping up this crutch, so Khemra must be removed. The Keepers and the Testers fight a lot in the mortal plane.   Mera is a weakling who has based her entire life’s mission to coddling the weak. Maylar’s followers seek to destroy or at least traumatize Mera's followers at every opportunity.   Hallisan embodies Mera's flawed principle of coddling the weak while utilizing Khemra's weakling tool of civilization to create false strength. Like Zarthus, Hallisan is capable of holding his own in a fight. The Testers and the Guardians often fight each other on the mortal plane with no provocation necessary. They hate each other on principle.

Maylar in Scaraqua

  In Scaraqua, Maylar is known as Bellusk, goddess of all predators, especially sharks.   Bellusk is vitally important in the spiritual lives of Karakhai via her priests and priestesses the Samearu, but she is only rarely worshiped by other Scaraquans.  There are a few exceptions such as the Cult of the Shark.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil
Current Location

Articles under Maylar

Cover image: Tester Icon by me


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