
(Charisma + Medicine)   ● Half wound penalties for one scene and staunch continuing blood loss.   ●● Remove one level of bashing damage per success   ●●● Remove one level of lethal damage per success   ●●●● Recover one lost attribute point per success   ●●●●● Regenerate lost limbs, heal one level of aggravated damage per success   This requires touch. If the caster is willing to raise the difficulty by +1 he can cast these spells on targets within Charisma x 10 yards provided there is line of sight. When doing this the caster can split successes between multiple targets.
Smiting Undead and Demons     Against undead and Void Demons the Healing sphere can be used offensively. This usually requires touch, but it can be cast at a distance at +1 difficulty within Charisma x 10 yards provided there is line of sight. When doing this the caster can split successes between multiple targets. In fact, the caster can use some successes to heal allies while using others to smite undead.   Void Demons are able to roll their normal soak rolls to resist damage from offensive healing. Undead normally have no resistance against this form of attack though damage against incorporeal undead is halved (rounded down).     ●● Inflict one unsoakable level of bashing damage per success   ●●● Inflict one unsoakable level of lethal damage per success   ●●●● Cause loss of Strength, Stamina, or Dexterity points   ●●●●● Inflict unsoakable aggravated damage

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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