
Golandon is the largest city in Terios and is the seat of power for all of it's allied city states. The capital Golandon is build on an archipelago in the Oronia Basin. Golandon is best known for it’s colossal statue dedicated to the water god Atmisan at the entrance to its harbor. Other defining features are the small harbor to the north, which was mainly used as the Oner river port before the factories were constructed there, and the larger international port on the southern edge of the city. Even from outside the city the two hills can be seen with the connecting bridge between them.  


  Originally the population was divided in two groups. Only citizens that were part of the city's directly held lands before the creation of the kingdom are called Golandians. Humanoids who moved in after the inclusion of other cities are called Alerians and typically receive less benefits than the true Golandians. Over time Terios created several laws that allowed an Alerian to become a full citizen, for example through marriage or becoming a senator. In the current times the distinction between Golandian and Alerian has become small since laws were created that ensured Alerians and Golandians were treated by the same justice system and that freedom of speech could be used without any reprecussions. However it is often still only possible for rich Alerians to get elected who are able to cover the cost of campaigning.   This distinction between Golandians and Alerians used to be a defining feature of the city as the oldest district of the city were not directly accessible to Alerians. The First Wall is build around the highest hill in the city and is the enclosure for the true Golandian district. Although the Anchia distict is still solely for Golandians the distinction has become less profound with the rise of the middle class of merchants. Many Alerian districts have become almost as rich as the elite district.   The city had become the largest on the continent but has lost a part of it's population due to the recent war. Currently it has slightly less people than the Kavonia city of Ethesi. Most people agree that Golandon will have the largest population again not too far in the future.
Ethnicity Population
Alerian 285.000
Golandian 112.000
Pavan 30.000
Verenan 12.000
Half Elf (Median) 50.000
Dwarf (Median) 26.000
Halfling (Median) 18.000
Gnome (Median) 13.000
High Elf 4.000
Other 3.000


  Most of the building materials for the city are retrieved from nearby sources with the exception of the outer walls. The stones for these walls were mostly excavated from quarries near Monesdia. For houses the most used materials are bricks, wood, limestone and ceramics which they get from nearby forests and clay rich grounds. Most houses are made of brick which are plastered afterwards. The average citizen paints the lower part of their house in blue or red. Many Golandians are fond of painting wave paterns or swordfish instead of using just a single color. The more well off citizens leave the lower level of the bricks exposed but use glazed bricks instead. In Golandon and Terios in general the amount of glazed ceramics that are used in a house is a symbol of wealth. The most common colors for the glazed bricks are dark and light blue, dark green and red. The roofs are often constructed in wood with terracotta rooftiles. The poorer houses in Golandon, mostly outside the city walls, exist mainly out of wood. Some do use mudbricks or wattle and daub rather than wood.   Not all buildings in the city follow the same style however. Depending on the time they were built buildings in Golandon tend to have different characteristics.    

Avaronian Style (11BF - 5th century AE )

  In the beginning years of the city the Avaronian era buildings that were not completley in ruins inspired the construction of new ones. The original architecture was not taken over fully however and more in line with the original Palace. While the original Avaronian style had column that were more treelike, with a heavily decorated top in shape branches with leaves, the Golandian columns became rounder and less decorated. Eventually the columns became smaller at the bottom and bigger at the top. What was taken over from the original style is the trapezoid doorshape, the decorations on the roofs and habit of painting the lower sides of buildings.   The renewed style in richer buildings is especially prominent in the painting of sea and sea creatures along the outside of buildings. The same theme is also present in the mosaics and fresco's inside buildings. Columns are often painted in blue and green colors. The lower portions of the buildings are often decorated with red or white marble or sodalite.   Poorer buildings from this era however were not really defined by this style since most buildings then were wood or mudbrick until regular bricks became more common.   Not many buildings are left over from this era. The oldest buildings in the city like the Rigertis and the Anchia bathhouse still have partially the same architecture but aspects of later styles were added over the years.  
Griekenland 1 by Jacques Martin

Terian Style (5th - 9th century AE)

  The Terian style is especially common in the older districts like the Anchia and Periga district. It was after the unification of Northern Terios that new influences started to be introduced to the city especially from the regions closer to current Eprus. Glazed bricks in dark and light blue, dark green and red became common while the roofs themselves started to be glazed by the richer golandians as well. Not many of these glazed roofs remain however and most buildings have returned to regular terracota roofs. The few buildings in the city that do still have them have purple roofs. The most prominent building from this period is perhaps the Cryserium which is almost fully decorated with glazed bricks and rooftiles. Other things that became common in the Terian Style was the use of wavelike decorations around the edges of roofs. During this time marble become less commonly used outside and would mostly be placed inside as floor decoration.   Average buildings became a little better during the Terian period with the introduction of regular bricks. These were then often plastered and in most cases the lower floor was painted, often in blue, to mimic the earlier Avaronian period. Most buildings of this era are in the Ganitas district.    

Eranasian Style (9th century AE - Present)

  Named after King Eranas who iisued laws to ensure that Golandians and Alerians were equals in most matters. This caused a large influx of new inhabitants to the capital which brought new styles with it. The most prominent were the Pavan and Dwarven influences which shaped the Osthoria and Avaritas districts. This has led to two sub styles in the main Eranasian Style.   In the Osthoria district the basis for the regular buildings is still brick but often the lower layers of the buildings are decorated with limestone panels while the higher portion are plastered. In comparison to other districts the walls are often left fully white. The buildings in the Avaritas district have created another style more influenced by dwarven architecture. Many buildings here also exist mainly out of bricks but sometimes have a foundation or decorating part in natural stone. The blue and red colors of the higher floors are however are still prominent in the district.   But besides the substyles the more common style is a mix. Limestone and natural stone decorations are more common and marble has been on the rise again in this style as well. The columns have also been changed in comparison with the Terian style. The most common column decoration now is more an inverted bell shaped which is decorated with wave like patterns and fish. The columns themselves do are now straight in comparison to earlier styles. The villas and estates that are constructed by the wealthier inhabitants tend to use the Eranasian style currently. The Keleris Estate for example uses limestone plates for a large portion of the building and the columns are also in the Eranasian style. The corners of the estate are however decorated with natural stone.  

City Districts

The city itself is divided into many different districts each with their own look and feel. Some races are more common in one district over the other and not everyone can afford to live in specific districts.  

Periga District

The Periga district is a district upon the second hill of Golandon that is mainly populated by Golandians. This hill is much lower than the Anchis hill. Since the disctricts on the Anchis hill are not freely accessible to Alerians most of the public buildings of the city are placed in this district.  

Anchia District

The Anchia district is an area of the city that is only accessible to Golandians or anyone they allow within the first wall. It is connected to the Periga district via a large bridge. The bridge also transports excessive water from the Anchia hill to the Periga district. The part of the district closest to the bridge is on the same height as the Periga but the rest of the district is higher. The upper parts of the Anchis hill however are reserved for the Palace district. A stream that starts from the palace goes through the district and ends at the bridge where it travels through a series of pipes. Additional cisterns have been build in this district to be able to have a steady water supply during a siege. Most of the governmental buildings are situated in the Anchia district such as the Senate. The richest Golandians also often have a villa in this district.  

Osthoria District

Most inhabitants of this district are of either Verenan or Pavan descent. The district hugs the southern wall and is next to the Anchis district. Most traders and shops can be found in this part of the city. It's close proximity to the main harbour ensures that this district is the most travelled one in the city. Due to the large amount of Varenan and Pavan citizens here the main district is largely influenced by these cultures and religions. Fewer buildings here use the glazed brick method and use limestone foundations instead. Bricks are used above the base but are often covered in stucco which is then painted in bright colors.  

Main Harbor

The main harbour is the place where almost all of the trading ships arrive. There are many shipwrights, trade offices and taverns in this part of the city. The central harbour is completely protected by a wall.  

Small harbor

North of the main wall is the small harbour of Golandon. Here there are mainly smaller ships used for fishing or transport over small distances since larger ships can't dock here. The Oner river streams through this district and can be closed off by a large gate if necessary. Any ships travelling along the Oner stop here and many sell their goods in the city or transport them to the other harbour.     When Savas Keleris started the first factory here the district was forever changed. Many new factories for textile have opened and steel foundries have been created mainly by Dwarves from the Avaritas district.   In the recent years he has started building additional housing in the slums area. Although the buildings are better in general than what came before, the amount of people that are packed together there still doesn't make it a nice living environment.  

Ganitas district

The Ganitas district is the district that was build after the districts on the hills were build. Many people living here are still full Golandians but do not have enough money to buy houses in the Anchia district or simply desire more room for their estates. However the district is still the second wealthiest and is mainly inhabited by a well off middle class. It is also home to a fair amount of guilds and taverns. Cultural buildings provide the main source of income in this district but a fair amount of merchant building are located here as well. Altough most of the expensive houses are in the Anchia district the Ganitas district has become the new place to be for the richest citizens due to larger amount of room to construct big estates.  

Avaritas District

The Avaritas district lies to the east side of the city and is mainly inhabited by non humans, especially dwarves. It acts as the smithing, jewel making and stone working district. The Blackstone Trading guild and the Kurandim Cooperative both have guild buildings here and are constantly vying for power in the district. Many company owners here however have created foundries in the small harbor to be closer to the other factories.  

Psigest District

The north west part of the side of the city is the Psigest District which is the poorest of the districts within the wall. Altough not as bad as outside the city walls it is still unsafe to linger for long . The district is in poor shape due to an earthquake from 1183 AE which caused part of the district to sink below the water level of the Oner river. Due to it's constant flooding the district became prone to vermin and diseases and many people left.   The attempts from the nearby military district have been successful in diminishing heavy crimes but pickpockets, extorsion and drug trade are still common. Several programs have been started to renovate buildings in the district. Recently the process of draining the sunken town has started. The new construction ground that will be gained this way will be used by the wealthier inhabitants to build new estates.  

Military District

The military district is the gathering place of most of the equipment and soldiers of Terios. It is a series of buildings located near each other with several houses for officers and their families in between. Against the hill of the Anchia district one can find the citadel. A prison that is also used as a last place of defense against would be invaders.  

The walled Farms

Some of the farmlands surrounding the southern wall of the city have been placed inside a small wall. All of these lands belong to 3 prominent families in Golandon and the farmers who work there are paid by them. On these farms products such as wine, olives and grain are created.  

The Outer City

Near all gates of the city many buildings have been constructed in the more recent centuries. Although the area was still rather small before the start of the Progressive Era it has expanded in the years afterwards. Most of it is caused by the increase of people drawn to the city that can't buy a house inside the city walls. Many of the new inhabitants are victims of the recent war who fled from the war thorn areas. There are some decent buildings here but the vast majority are shacks made out of nearby forest wood. The area is the breeding ground for crime in the city and it is generally unsafe to walk here, especially at night. The safe routes through the area are the main entrance routes that have decent buildings along them and a high military presence. Further away from the main roads the Outer City becomes more slums like.  

Industry and Trade

  Even before Terios had struck a deal with the Pavan Empire some of that country's technology had managed to get through. The first factory came to Golandon in the year 1234 AE and was founded by Savas Keleris. Especially the small harbour district is now home to several factories for textile and steel production. Although the number of machines in use are still relatively small the construction of several new buildings is still unsettling to the artisans. Due to the success of the factories Savas Keleris is now among the richest persons in the city and the country.
The country has also started to build railroad tracks between Golandon and the west of the country which would mainly be used by horse drawn carts. The building was started after the war to ensure a fast supply which was a problem during the previous war.


  • Golandon

Cover image: Nervonia by Gam-Ol on pixabay


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