Czenova City Settlement in Gears of Chronan | World Anvil

Czenova City

The capital of the state of Czenova is the largest and most advanced city in all the Eight States of Chronan, and has been since the time of Czenovan Magocracy in the Ashen Age. The ruins of the ancient city of wizard-kings are still visible below the city proper, in the dark, labyrinthine Undercity of Komplecza. The city is roughly circular from a bird's eye view, with impenetrable walls made from metal and stone. The eight districts of the upper city are sectors in the circle, with the center reserved for the governmental buildings of The Order. A steam tram line circulates the city, transporting people from sector to another, although the wealthiest people use aircoaches to fly them where needed.   The city was the only settlement that survived the cataclysmic Battle of Czenova that laid waste to the rest of the state, thanks to its high walls and arcane defenses. The hazardous wasteland surrounding the capital were deemed forbidden to enter, although there are a few highly guarded gates as well as secret exits. The traffic to and from the city are handled via airships.   The upper part of the city known as High Czenova continued to prosper with the help of steam technology and the flux of creative minds flooding to the city from all over the known world. The Undercity made due with the scraps of the upper society that fell through the cracks, but as long as the residents didn't cause problems to those above, the officials left them to their own devices. Due to these features, it is also known as "The Dual City", "The Clockwork City", and "The Grand Gear".   All kinds of people can be found from the city, but many of the species deemed as "mutants" by The Order end up in Komplecza, ruled by crime lords and the notorious Agents of Chaos.   To celebrate the 400th anniversary of the Steaming Age, Head Artificer Cidalpha Daelus Truddigon announced the first ever Steam Fair, where the brightest minds around the Eight States gather to present their latest innovations and technological marvels. The event has taken place annually ever since then, held in the grand Zebolt Exhibition Center.  

Notable Locations in High Czenova

Curia Centra

The geographical as well as governmental center of High Czenova, closed from the public. The surrounding walls known as the Regiment Ring contain the barracks of the Polis Watch.
  • Black Parliament of Parley (gathering place of the Council of Czenova)
  • Red House of Inquiry (headquarters of the Inquisitors)
  • White Hall of Prophecies (seat of the Metropolite, the Eight Prophets once gathered there to found the Eight States.)
  • Primus Sector

    This northern district contains a large square called Plaza Major, surrounded by luxurious stores and grandiose palaces.
  • Bank of Samarsky (business dedicated to Elethrain, rumored to use undead as labor force)
  • Cathedral of Time (main temple of Aegias-Meteo, has an enormous clock tower known as "Thick Tock")
  • St. Zuut's Pilgrimage (main boulevard leading to Plaza Major)
  • The Centrifugal Governor Inn (5 gold/night)
  • The Glittering Gallery (glass-roofed street where diamonds, gems and jewelry are sold)
  • Zebolt Exhibition Center (The Steam Fair is held here annually.)
  • Secundus Sector

    This sector in the north-east is known for it's entertainment, as well as the largest and busiest aerodrome in the world.
  • Divina Opera (exclusive opera house with a clockwork stage)
  • House of Smoke & Mirrors (bar with cabinets that reflect the patron's desires through illusions)
  • Muscadine Aerodrome (commercial airport, named after a famous war hero)
  • Penny Arcade (hall filled with clockwork games)
  • Slobonaya Arena (temple of Manadis, dedicated to sports and concerts)
  • The Zeppelin Bend Hotel (10 gold/night; built around an airship hull)
  • Tertius Sector

    There are many schools and academies in this eastern sector.
  • Bardic College of Prospero (renown school for aspiring bards)
  • Chronologicum (academy of wizards, specializes in training chronomancers)
  • Grand Archives (temple of Philomelo, contains the most documents in the Eight States as well as the headquarters of The Watchers)
  • Komplecza Gateway (the only official entryway to Komplecza Undercity)
  • The Three Iron Maidens (bar popular among students)
  • Quartus Sector

    This south-eastern sector contains high-end manors and residential buildings for the upper crust of the society.
  • Forum Popularum (temple of Politia Palladion, where council members often meet the populace)
  • Kovalevska Steamhouse (setting for many clandestine meetings)
  • Roosebolt Hotel (50 gold/night; only serves high-end clientele)
  • The Falconers' Clubhouse (meeting place for members from all around the world)
  • Quintus Sector

    Verdant parks and gardens dominate this sector to the south of the city. There are few residential buildings.
  • Grazing Manor (mobile residence of Master Artificer Cidalpha Daelus Truddigon)
  • Welgrad Crystal Palace (temple of Tritiana Mater, an enormous greenhouse with glass walls, houses orphans who tend to the plants)
  • Karenina Waterpark (popular park with artificial fountains and waterways)
  • The Clockwork Zoo (exhibits clockwork animals of all kinds)
  • The Wishing Well (cafeteria built around a deep well that extends down to Komplecza)
  • Urban Grove (gathering place of the Circle of the City druids)
  • Sextus Sector

    Mainly a residential district in the south-west with many small boutiques and marketplaces.
  • Aurit Mausoleum (temple of Elethrain, where the dead of the city are buried.)
  • Botnik's Wind-Up Toys (toystore popular among all the children in the city)
  • Chaiaiai Tea House (owned by a half-orc from Geigerport)
  • Modiste Elegance (famous dressmaker hailing from Jubileum)
  • The Pig Iron Inn (1 gold/night)
  • Septimus Sector

    Most of the city's industry concentrace on this western district.
  • Artificers' Guild Campus (contains different workshops for alchemists, armorers, artillerists and battle smiths)
  • Convent of the Iron Fist (secretive order of the Iron Fist Monks worshipping Aegias-Meteo.)
  • Holy Arsenal (temple of Kreusstross, specializes in manufacturing firearms and cannons)
  • Flyorov Aerodrome & Hangars (airport used by cargo vessels, where many airships are constructed)
  • The Hammered Tavern (5 silver/night)
  • Octavus Sector

    The high-rise buildings of this north-western sector contain mostly business and government offices.
  • Daily Orderly Bureau & Printing Press (official newspaper of The Order ran by Journalist Monks of Politia Palladion)
  • Liondrake's Lair (headquarters of the 2nd Air Brigade, contains its own aerodrome)
  • Postal Office (manufacture and dispensing of clockwork postal owls occurs here)
  • Prometech Institute (secretive research facility that extends down to Komplecza)
  • Tower of Deliberation (temple of Zaumaturge, containing courtrooms above ground and an extensive prison below.)
  • Notable Locations in the Undercity of Komplecza

    Barbican Slums

    The eastern district consists of shanty houses built near the sealed gate that once acted as the main entrance to the city. It's main attractions are sometimes visited in secret by wealthy people from above.
  • Fort Baccarat (1 gold/night, casino and hotel built into the ancient gatehouse)
  • Killosseum (prize-fighting arena adjacent to Fort Baccarat)
  • King's Folly (ruins of a palace inhabited by a doomsday cult called Psychopomp Ravers)
  • Stairway To Heaven (This heavily guarded staircase is the only official entryway to High Czenova.)
  • Makarof's Maze

    This western part of of the Undercity comprises of cramped tunnels and caves, as well as an underground lake.
  • Dragutin's Junkyard (trash from the city above gets thrown here, where it is sorted and recycled by automatons)
  • Lambent Lake (underground body of water illuminated by fluorescent weeds and molluscs, with waterfalls cascading into it from above)
  • Serpentine Laboratory (headquarters of Rabblesnakes where they manufacture illegal substances)
  • The Gaslight Cavern Tavern (smoky bar built into a natural cave)
  • Mural Town

    District built next to the inner south wall of the city, known for its massive graffitis commenting on the history of Komplecza.
  • Daddy Longleg's Bed & Breakfast (1 silver/night, owned by a drider artist)
  • Hanging Garden (park known for the plants growing from the ceiling)
  • Monastery of Mercurial Mercy (order of agnostic monks looking after the poor)
  • Paradise of Pain Tattoo Parlor (provides tattoos made with magical ink)
  • Ragtimer's Freak Circus (showcases mutant performers)
  • The Grid

    Central district built betwixt the metal supports and sewage pipes of the upper city. Many monsters and other hazards lurk among its shadowy depths.
  • Donjon of Deliberation (prison under the temple of Zaumaturge)
  • Prometech Underground Facility (basement levels of the Prometech Institute)
  • The Rathole (bar where Riff-Rats often gather and trade stolen machinery)
  • Vanderbilt Power Plant (grand coal-fired power station providing heat and lighting for the Dual City)
  • The Ruination

    Remnants of the ancient city can be best seen in this northern district. Many of Komplecza's wealthier denizens live here.
  • Black Market Plaza (if something of value is stolen in the upper city, it is likely soon up for sale here)
  • Firefly Row (red light district known for its sleazy brothels)
  • Demolition Derby Ring (steam wagons built from scraps are raced here for gambling purposes)
  • Rozengrad Hostel (5 copper/night, a quaint house covered by rose briars)
  • Samarsky Vaults (vaults under the Bank of Samarsky guarded by both modern machines and ancient magic)
  • Maps

    • Czenova City
      Map of the Dual City of Czenova.
    Location under


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