Prometech Institute Organization in Gears of Chronan | World Anvil

Prometech Institute

Founded in the first years of the War Between Order and Chaos by the Czenovan Metropolite of the time, Deliverance Prometeo, the Prometech Institute was in charge of manufacturing The Warforged to fight in the war. During the war, Metropolite Prometeo became one of the Warforged herself, but afterwards lived a long life before finally passing away and being succeeded by Solomon Kevlar as Metropolite.
  Nowadays the institute is a secretive research facility for the government. Only whispers tell of the experiments done inside the well-guarded walls. Soldiers have been witnessed transporting poor and sick people from the Undercity of Komplecza to the institute to "get treated", but none of them have ever returned. The current head of the institute is Doctor Liris Tseng.
Corporation, Research & Development
Parent Organization


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