The Eight Prophets Myth in Gears of Chronan | World Anvil

The Eight Prophets

The Eight Prophets were powerful religious figures that rose to fame in different parts of the continent of Chronan at the end of the Ashen Age, each heralding a different deity. Rather than compete against each other, they were brought together by a conviction towards uniting the people of Chronan and bringing order and harmony.   The congregation of the eight and their followers gained a hold of the majority by introducing them to steam-based technology, the Chronanese Calendar and Automatons, claiming them to be gifts from the Gods of Time and Order. In exchange they demanded that only the worship of their eight gods would be allowed. One by one, the nations of Chronan bent to their will, uniting them into the Eight States and launching the continent into the Steaming Age.   But not all were ready to leave their own beliefs, and thus began the War Between Order and Chaos. It culminated in the Great Battle of Czenova after which the Eight States declared victorious over their enemy, but the ripples of the war continue to this day.   The Metropolites that rule each state are considered successors to the Eight Prophets, even though the prophets never officially ruled any of the states, and were dedicated to a singular deity their whole lives. They are often referred to with the monicker of "saint".   The Eight Prophets were:
  • Zuut, the half-orc prophet of Aegias-Meteo, originated from Czenova
  • Rahel, the fire genasi prophet of Politia Palladion, originated from Geigerport
  • Thalastir, the elven prophet of Philomelo, originated from Jubileum
  • Umdorn, the goliath prophet of Zaumaturge, originated from Reignstone
  • Perewin, the dwarven prophet of Elethrain, originated from Copperhaven
  • Trussalotte, the gnome prophet of Kreusstross, originated from Magnapolis
  • Faileagh, the halfling prophet of Tritiana Mater, originated from Gardenoor
  • Silvertongue, the masked prophet of Manadis, originated from Parcivale

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