Aegias-Meteo Myth in Gears of Chronan | World Anvil


  • Symbol: two large gears surrounded by smaller gears
  • Divine Domains: order, life, death, tempest
  • Arcane School: evocation
  • Weekday: Aegiday
  • Month: Newmoon
  • Aegias-Meteo is the main deity in the faith of the Gods of Time and Order. They are said to create new life while destroying the old, and are thus responsible for the circle of life and death, and maintaining balance in everything. They are celebrated as the deity of ends and beginnings, and lauded when the year changes in the festival of Gearturning.   In the creation myth of The Order, They were the architect of the world and its animals, plants and people, and Their plans were put into fruition by the other seven gods. Storms, earthquakes, floods and other natural catastrophes are seen as signs of their wrath, although They are said to protect Their true followers from these phenomena. Strangely enough, none of these myths seem to originate from before the Fellstar cataclysm.   The personal heaven of Aegias-Meteo is a realm of perfect balance that the scholars call "the Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus". A place by Their side is reserved for only the most devout followers of the deity.   There is an entity whose name is similar to Theirs, but it is only speaken in whispers as a portent of ill omens: Aegeon. Some mutants worship this entity as a god of chaos and transformation.  


    They are depicted as an imposing deity with two faces in one head: Aegias the Creator has a dark, feminine face that is calm and smiling while Meteo the Destroyer's red, masculine face has an aggressive expression. On Their exposed chest is a churning clockwork machine. They are usually depicted wearing billowing white robes reminiscent of clouds. Legends tell of an artifact called the Multifaceted Mask that portrays the black and red faces of the deity, as well as a third one underneath them, a distorted white face.  


    The clergy of Aegias-Meteo wear white robes and a half-mask with a black side on the left and a red side on the right, and they tend to have an air of mysticism around them. The auditor priests are devoted to maintaining religious customs, traditions and rituals, and they frequently make inspections to the temples of the other gods to ensure the purity of their doctrines. During the War Between Order and Chaos, the priests of Aegias-Meteo fought on the frontlines as clerics, and they are still summoned to solve larger conflicts within the Eight States as auditors.   There are still a secluded convent of monks dedicated to Aegias-Meteo that dedicate their life in honing their combat skills in case a new war ever erupted. These so-called Monks of the Iron Fist wear white vestiges, massive clockwork gauntlets and and a full mask covering their face whenever they appear in the public, which they rarely do.  


    The main temples of Aegias-Meteo are impressive cathedrals with murals and stained glass windows depicting the myth of creation. Devout citizens gather at the cathedrals every Aegiday to listen to the sermons. The largest of these temples is the Cathedral of Time in the capital city of Czenova.  


    The powers Aegias-Meteo bestows to Their chosen are manifold, ranging from healing injuries to dealing with the undead to controlling the elements of nature. There is a saying, "As Aegias-Meteo giveth, They taketh", alluding to the fact that the immense power They can gift always comes with a price.
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