Gardenoor City Settlement in Gears of Chronan | World Anvil

Gardenoor City

The capital of the desert state of Gardenoor in the south-eastern Chronan is an imposing citadel surrounded by impossibly high walls, built to withstand the sandstorms and nomadic raiders. In comparison to the other capitals of the Eight States, it is one of the smallest. The city gets its water supply from a great aqueduct bridge that leads to Absalom Trading Post at the shore of Lake Jubilation. Much of this water is used on the lush rooftop gardens where the citizens grow fruit and vegetables.   To many of its residents the city is known as "the Golden Oasis", while those left on the outside just call it "the Walled City". Those that live within the walls enjoy a life of prosperity and equal opportunity, as the resources of the city are divided evenly among the residents. Most of the city's wealth comes from trade, especially of the oil drilled at the eastern Black Gold Fields. The largest ethnicities within the citizenry are lowland goliaths and dragonborn, but there are many humans, high elves and stout halflings from the north as well as dwarves from the west. Peculiarly, there is an increased amount of tieflings - people with fiendish features - born in the city as well. Citizens of the Walled City are marked with a magical sigil tattoo on their necks at birth, and those without one have to pay a toll to enter the city, receiving a temporary pass for the duration of their visit.   In contrast to the wealth of those living inside the Walled City, over the centuries an entire ramshackle city of tents and sheds has formed outside the walls, known by a derogatory name of Spill Town. This is where many hopefuls wishing to share the prosperity of the city have gathered, as well as those that have been ousted from the city for their crimes - or just for belonging to an unwanted minority. Many of the misfortunate people of Spill Town have formed outlawed gangs based on their ethnicity or species, collectively known as "Tribes". Each tribe rules a certain part, or "turf", within the tent city, and they fight viciously over their dominance.  

Locations in the Walled City

  • 1. Ambrosian Oil Refinery (temple of Kreusstross where oil from the Black Gold Fields is distilled)
  • 2. Barterers' Bazaar (popular marketplace)
  • 3. Bastion of the Golden Guard (headquarters of the city's Polis Watch)
  • 4. Cathedral of Generosity (temple of Aegias-Meteo, where the residents collect their weekly dividends every Aegiday)
  • 5. Faraday Aerodrome (the only airport in the city)
  • 6. Harpies' Outlook (headquarters of the 4th Air Brigade perched on the outer wall, connected to the aerodrome with a bridge)
  • 7. House of Ointments (temple of Tritiana Mater, acts as an apothecary)
  • 8. Karmic Tollgate (temple of Zaumaturge built around the largest gate in the perimeter wall, where the judge-priests decide whether a person accused of a crime is cast out of the city)
  • 9. Library of Heriot (temple of Philomelo, named after a former Metropolite)
  • 10. Mansour Mansion Hotel (100 gold/night; one of the most luxurious hotels in the world)
  • 11. Medora Dargah (temple of Elethrain containing the tombs of the citizens)
  • 12. Obsidian Citadel (imposing residence of the Metropolite)
  • 13. St. Faileagh's Consortium (temple of Politia Palladion, the gathering place of the city council within its indoor garden)
  • 14. Sanctum of the Society of Ancient Secrets (coalition of adventuring archeologists)
  • 15. Sphinx Square (massive statue of a winged sphinx rises above this square)
  • 16. The Artificers' Guildhouse
  • 17. The Falconers' Clubhouse
  • 18. The Skygardens (extensive rooftop park dedicated to farming built around a water reservoir)
  • 19. The Unruly Lioness (5 gold/night; popular inn with performances by exotic dancers)
  • 20. University of Archigram (teaches a variety of sciences and arcane arts, named after a famed philosopher)
  • 21. Wonder Square (temple of Manadis in an open-air atrium)

    Locations in Spill Town

    The Dustdevil Turf

  • S1. The Sandpit (notorious prize-fighting arena)
  • The Ivory Children Turf

  • S2. The Watering Hole (5 silver/night; peaceful tavern built around a fountain)
  • The Laughing Pack Turf

    (gnolls & jackalwere)
  • S3. Raucous Circus (carnival of blood)
  • The Mamluk Turf

  • S4. The Hunchback Ranch (stables breeding and renting out camels and other steeds)
  • The Proudmane Turf

  • S5. Camp Katharsis (fitness training facility)
  • The Redneck Turf

  • S6. Parting of the Veil (hookah bar)
  • The Thri-Katcha Turf

  • S7. The Anthive (trading post for stolen property)
  • The Trinkethorn Turf

    (minotaurs & satyrs)
  • S8. Pandemonium Labyrinth (hiding place for those who do not wish to be found)
  • The Uruk-Lo Turf

    (orcs & ogres)
  • S9. Zorbaas' Grill (butchery serving meat of dubious origins)
  • The Wildwing Turf

  • S10. Sandstorm Shelter (1 gold/night; provides shelter for those who can pay)
  • The Zesshaman Turf

  • S11. Viper's Nest (dispensary of poisons)
  • Maps

    • Gardenoor City
      Map of the Walled City and its surrounding Spill Town


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