Zaumaturge Myth in Gears of Chronan | World Anvil


  • Symbol: greatsword with scales on the crossguard
  • Divine Domains: order, war
  • Arcane School: abjuration
  • Weekday: Zaumaday
  • Month: Ironmoon
  • Zaumaturge is the colossal god of law and justice. He is the patron of judges, law-makers and inquisitors, and is revered by The Warforged who consider themselves created in his image. Zaumaturge is said to relentlessly pursue and punish evil-doers and worshippers of chaos. Giant Automatons called Colossi bearing his likeness guard the gates of the great cities, reminding everyone to abide to the law.  


    He is depicted as a goliath in an iron armor. He wields the greatsword Holy Retribution that has scales attached to its crossguard. It is believed that the sword will not harm a person who is deemed morally pure and devout in their faith. His heaven is called "the Heroic Domain of Ysgard", where he hosts an endless feast to the most dedicated defenders of law and order who died in battle.  


    Zaumaturge's priests act as judges. The lower ranking priests have black robes with white frills on them, while the higher ranks wear ceremonial full-body armor with helmets that cover their faces to protect their identities and impartiality. There is also an order of lawyer monks dedicated to Zaumaturge who act as prosecutors in court cases, although one does not need to be a monk to become an attorney. The Inquisitors are part of his clergy as well, commited to seek out agents of chaos that threaten the stability of The Order. You can identify an inquisitor from their blood-red attire.  


    Naturally, his temples are courthouses where trials are held. Zaumaturge's clergy also maintain prisons. The inquisitors often hold their office in the same temple.  


    Zaumaturge sometimes blesses his followers with the power to protect themselves and others from both natural and supernatural threats.
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