Circle of the City Druid Profession in Gears of Chronan | World Anvil

Circle of the City Druid

After the industrial revolution that the Steaming Age brought to Chronan, druids were ostracized to the edges of civilization, for their connection to the nature and its beasts and elemental spirits was deemed against the edicts of The Order. But old traditions die hard, and some druids learned to thrive in the new urban environment, adapting their skills to the "concrete jungles" and all the animals that coexist with the citizens. Druids of this Circle might find work as landscapers or pest controllers in the city.  

Circle of the City Features

This subclass fits a druid leaning towards the lawful alignment, being more accustomed to the rules and regulations of an organized civilization. These druids' skills reflect the domesticated nature of city-dwelling beasts and the polluted air within.
  • 2nd level: Urban Shape, Circle Spells, Metallic Proficiency
  • 6th level: Constructed Terrain Tactician
  • 10th level: Urban Ward
  • 14th level: Constructed Shape
  • Urban Shape

    Instead of wild shape, starting at 2nd level druids belonging to this circle gain a more limited list of beasts they can change into, but they can also use this feature to shapeshift into urban creatures other circles cannot (marked with a *). You can consult with your DM to re-flavor one of the statblocks below into another type of domesticated beast (such as a pidgeon or a raccoon).
  • 2nd level (up to CR 1/4, no flying or swimming speed): almiraj, baboon, blink dog*, campestri*, cat, cow, cranium rat*, deep rothé, displacer beast kitten*, draft horse, fox, giant centipede, giant fire beetle, giant rat, goat, gremishka*, juvenile mimic*, mastiff, mule, oblex spawn*, ox, lizard, pig, rat, riding horse, rooster, scorpion, sheep, spider
  • 4th level (up to CR 1/2, no flying speed): amphisbaena*, constrictor snake, crocodile, frog, giant frog, giant poisonous snake, gray ooze*, knucklehead trout, poisonous snake, quipper, rust monster*, warhorse
  • 8th level (up to CR 1): bag jelly*, bat, crow, falcon/hawk, flumph*, flying monkey, flying snake, fume drake*, giant bat, giant owl, giant raven, giant spider, giant toad, giant wasp, hoard scarab*, mephit (all types)*, owl, peacock, pseudodragon*, raven, stirge, tressym*
  • Circle Spells

    Starting at 2nd level and when you level up at certain intervals, you gain access to the following spells, which are always prepared and do not count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. If a spell isn't on the druid's spell list, it nevertheless counts as a druid spell for you.
  • 2nd level: alarm, grease
  • 3rd level: mirror image, invisibility
  • 5th level: gaseous form, stinking cloud
  • 7th level: fabricate, greater invisibility
  • 9th level: animate objects, cloudkill
  • Metallic Proficiency

    Also at 2nd level, you are so accustomed to urban life that you overcome the aversion to metal, and can freely use armor, shields and weapons made of metal. You also gain proficiency with heavy armor, battleaxes, greataxes, greatclubs, handaxes, mauls and warhammers.   If you have learned the cantrip shillelagh, you can use it on any bludgeoning weapon you have proficiency with, granting the same effects by enforcing the metal with magical wood. If a weapon's damage has multiple d6 to roll, only one of them becomes a d8 with the cantrip.  

    Constructed Terrain Tactician

    At 6th level, you learn to draw power from even man-made environment. You gain several benefits whenever you stand on constructed terrain. This type of terrain includes pavement, carved stone, bricks, tiles, wooden boards and carpets - anything shaped or altered with tools, as opposed to naturally formed terrain. The terrain must be at least 10 ft. by 10 ft. in size to be counted (eg. a piece of plank is not considered a terrain). If you are unsure if a terrain is constructed or natural, consult your DM.
  • While standing on constructed terrain, you can use your bonus action to make a weapon attack or disengage.
  • You become so surefooted that while standing on constructed terrain, you gain advantage to Dexterity saving throws and any saving throws that would knock you prone, as well as advantage to initiative rolls.
  • While on constructed terrain, you gain proficiency to Stealth and Survival checks. If you already have proficiency with one or both, you gain expertise instead, doubling your proficiency bonus with said skill.
  • You also gain the ability to create an opening to any constructed wall, floor or ceiling as an action, similar to the effect of the passwall spell. You choose the opening's dimensions: up to 5 feet wide, 8 feet tall, and 10 feet deep. The passage creates no instability in a structure surrounding it. The opening lasts for 1 minute, and when the opening disappears, any creatures or objects still in the passage created by the spell are safely ejected to an unoccupied space nearest to the surface on which you used the ability. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain all expended uses after finishing a long rest.
  • Your spells ignore any prerequisite for natural terrain, and function also inside buildings and other constructed environment. This includes spells such as commune with nature, druid grove, hallucinatory terrain, mold earth, move earth, plant growth and spike growth.
  • Urban Ward

    By 10th level, you are so accustomed to the dangers of city life that few things can phase you. You gain advantage to saving throws against charmed, frightened and poisoned conditions, and you become immune to diseases.  

    Constructed Shape

    At 14th level, your Urban Shape options increase to include constructs up to CR 4, such as animated armor, autognome, helmed horror, homunculus, rug of smothering and scarecrow.   Alternatively, you can expend a use of your Urban Shape feature to magically transform a natural terrain around you into a constructed terrain in a 30 ft. radius sphere centered around yourself to enjoy the benefits of your Constructed Terrain Tactician feature. Grass becomes wooden boards, rock turns into cobblestones, sand turns into glass tiles, etc. and with enough material such as trees or natural walls around you, you can even construct a building within the area. You can use a bonus action to return any terrain you have constructed with this feature to its original form, otherwise the effect is permanent. Already constructed terrain and any creatures within the area are unaffected by this feature. Any creatures or objects that would be moved by this feature are safely ejected to an adjacent unoccupied space.


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