The Secret World of the Abyss
The Danklands are the continental land masses on the surface of the Fantasme, which rests underneath the floating islands. This is where the Kingdom of Suhkorium fell to.
The Danklands are the continental land masses on the surface of the Fantasme, which rests underneath the floating islands. This is where the Kingdom of Suhkorium fell to.
The danklands are a swampy, damp area located under the floating islands. It's often dark due to the clouds and the islands blocking the sun. The danklands consists mostly of jungles and swamp lands and cold mountain ranges or desert patches. Much of the land is what and muddy and that are frequent patches of quicksand around. The continents are separated by massive, deep oceans.
There are many areas where large misshapen cliffs exist, usually with soil of a different type and consistency than the usual dank lands soil. These usually were once pieces of the Lunar Archipelago fell when Suhkor died. There are also points where the mountains meet up with the bottoms of some isles, but the cliffs are often too sheer and steep to climb.
The danklands get's its name is nature of being wet, dark and cold. This is caused by the thick cloud coverage and high amounts of rain the area receives. The clouds make the land below nearly invisible to those who live on the floating isles above. The danklands are prone to nasty thunderstorms and hurricanes. Frequent flooding is also a problem in the area.Fauna & Flora
Most of the flora and fauna of the area are consistent with those common in jungles and swamplands. However many plants and animals have mutated or adapted thanks the harsh conditions of the danklands. There's also quite a few invasive species introduced from the islands around Suhkorium.
The biggest change involves elves and humans, who were changed through magic into Dank Elves and Mer respectively, in order to survive the conditions of this knew land. The dank elves would settle on the surface, while the mer would continue to live in the sea with the ruins of Suhkorium.
Natural Resources
Due to most of the plants being poisonous and a limited number a creatures, food resources are scarce in the Danklands, which has led to dank elves resorting to cannibalism. Dank elf communities constantly have to keep moving as their resources quickly run dry if they stay in one spot.
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