Geertruud Smallbottom

Work in progress!
ORC License
Slightly NSFW!
female gnome (chaotic good), 120cm, 27kg, auburn hair, green eyes, pale skin
clumsy+4, gullible+3, curious+3, fearless+1
In Alana, a world both vast and wide,
There roams a gnome, with auburn hair so bright,
Geertruud Smallbottom, of courage and pride,
On journey, through lands both far and wide.

But, alas, poor Geertruud, hath not the grace,
To keep from misadventure, or mishap,
For she doth fall, into slimy mud, or chase,
Wriggly things, that cling, with teeth, so sharp.

And oft, in these mishaps, doth she disclose,
Bits of her attire, to all who pass,
And oft, she finds herself, in great distress,
With naught, to cover her, but mud and grass.

But, still, she roams, with courage and with heart,
For she hath promised, to see all the lands,
And bring back tales, of adventure, and of art,
To her dear friend, Margo Weedlebeam, her hands.

Thus, in this tale, of bravery, and of wit,
Do Geertruud roam, through lands, both wild and fair,
And through her mishaps, doth still acquit,
Herself, with grace, and courage, beyond compare.
  Geertruud Smallbottom's name is synonymous with knowledge about foreign lands, cultures, flora, and fauna in Farenia. Her books and maps can be found in every bookstore and library across the country, all showing signs of well-loved use.  
The travels of Geertruud Smallbottom
  Initially trained as a magician, Geertruud grew weary of theory and left her apprenticeship at the Arcane Academy in Bridgeport after a series of mishaps. Packing her essentials into a leather bag, she set sail for Land's End, from where she started exploring Shirki.   After Geertruud sent several detailed letters to her friend Margo Weedlebeam, chronicling her adventures in various lands and cultures, Margo proposed turning their exchange into a business venture. Not long after, while in the capital city of the catfolk, Phurr, Geertruud received a package. Inside was a backpack equipped with all the essentials for a writer, archaeologist, and scout, including a few "special" items enchanted by Margo herself.     Geertruud introduced the Words of Aziz to Farenia, which have become a staple in the Queen's Day celebration and other festivities.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Geertruud by ZeD (commission)
Geertruud possesses a generous figure but seems oblivious to her own attractiveness, often stumbling into embarrassing situations. Her fair skin, perpetually flushed with embarrassment or sun exposure, adds to her endearing charm. Notably, she sports a colorful tattoo that extends from her neck to her ankles.

Physical quirks

When excited, she gets an intense hiccup.

Special abilities

Geertruud has an uncanny knack for finding trouble and embarrassing predicaments, often involving damaged or lost clothing. She's also well-versed in plants and edible flora.

Apparel & Accessories

edited photo of a real dress by Tillerz

Geertruud is usually wearing knee-high brown leather boots, a knee-long red corset dress and a white blouse. Depending on the temperature, some things might come on or off.  

edited photo of a real backpack by Tillerz

Mental characteristics


Geertruud by Tillerz using MidJourney
Geertruud's magical education began alongside Margo Weedlebeam, although she tended to be lazy and clumsy in spellcasting, resulting in numerous mishaps. Despite her unconventional approach, she imparts sage advice to aspiring magic scholars. One advice she would give new magic scholars today: "Do not summon something that has more arms than you." and "Always wear your strongest knickers."


Geertruud serves as the honorary chairwoman of the Perelline Society of Explorers and Finders of Ways, nominated by the Society in her absence for all her detailled maps, and her region and culture descriptions. She is also a member of the Guild of Cartographers, Mapmakers and Scribes, , earning her income through her publishing venture with Margo.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Her published works contain:
  • A Comprehensive Guide to Butterflies
  • Apes of Calika - A Lustful Species
  • A Study of plants and herbs, and which ones you should avoid under any circumstances
  • Detailed mappe of Calika
  • Pigments of Faith - Religion in Calika
  • Never underestimate a dragon
  • Onehundredtwentyseven ways to make a decent tea without having actual tea
  • Starving To Death? Things You Thought Are Inedible
  • Running In Circles
  • The Underbelly of the Wild Lands (unpublished yet)
  • When North Is South - Finding Your Way Through A Desert

Failures & Embarrassments

Geertruud was known in her village for being a bit clumsy and often finding herself in embarrassing situations.  
  • When she and her best friend Margo were studying at the Arcany Academy, Geertuud stood up to go to the bathroom one day and opened the door to the small shared living room, not realising Margo and other students were sitting there bunched up, studying spells. As she stepped through the doorway, all eyes were instantly on Geertruud as she stood there completely nude. Everyone gasped with shock at the sight of her standing there, embarrassed and exposed.
  • Another time, Geertruud was out exploring when one of her shoes got stuck on a root sticking out of the ground. In an effort to free it, she yanked so hard that she ended up stripping off all of her clothing instead! With her clothing ripped, she frantically tried to cover herself with leaves until someone else came along and offered their help – much to everyone’s amusement.
  • One of the most mortifying incidents occurred when she was out with some friends at a local tavern. After a few too many drinks, Geertruud got involuntarily involved in an impromptu game of strip "Three Gnomes", which left her completely naked before the bar patrons - much to their amusement.
  • While walking through town on a hot summer day, Geertruud's foot slipped off one of the cobblestones, causing her to fall face first into a large mud puddle. Her friends couldn't help but laugh as they helped pull her from the muck, covered head-to-toe in sludge.
  • If there is one thing she regrets, then it is not refusing a present given to her by a tribe, which made her the spiritual guide of the tribe. Soon enough she found out this honour also included a tattoo from neck to ancles.
  These are just some examples of many embarrassing accidents that have befallen poor Geertruud over the years due to her clumsiness and lack of awareness when it comes to public spaces. Fortunately, these incidents never seem to dampen Geetruud's spirits or stop her from living life fully, which is something we can all admire about this brave little gnome.   More events around Geertruud can be found in her Travel Logs.  


Family Ties

Religious Views

She believes in what might be most useful in the current situation.


Geertruud is always referring to herself as "we" and "us". This gets especially annoying for others if it has to do with work. "We need to do this immediately!" Because in this case, she is addressing those other people to do the work. Many of them don't mind, as long as Geertruud is standing around, waiting, and looking pretty.


Geertruud Smallbottom

Writer (Important)

Towards Margo Weedlebeam



Margo Weedlebeam

Editor and Publisher (Important)

Towards Geertruud Smallbottom



Wealth & Financial state

Her parents started placing all the earnings from the books and maps in Geetruud's room, which looks like a treasure cave by now. If a large enough number of coins makes a heap of gold to become sentient, her room would be the first place where this happens.

Plot Hooks

Lost - There has been no message from Geertruud for three months, whereas she has sent pages and maps every month to Margo (her editor) before. The last message from Geertruud arrived from Bonoloku with her next target location being the Wild Lands.   Rumblings - Strange things are happening since a small wooden box from Geertruud arrived at her parents' house. The box says, "Do not open under any circumstances!!!" Geertruud's parents are looking for some investigators to find out. This could lead into some "Jumanji" game interlude where everyone is playing someone else. As the box is in the room with all the gold, only trustworthy people will get hired, so the PCs will get this job only if they have done noteworthy things before, eg. helping Margo.
Divine Classification
People watching her might title her Goddess of Mishap.
Current Location
Year of Birth
2620 PB 245 Years old
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Found it! ... whoops, now it's gone again."   "We've been here already, right? Twice, or more often?"   "Ouch, this stings. A lot."   *sigh* "Ripped it once more!"
Known Languages
Farenian, gnomish, she can also communicate with the inhabitants of all visited regions at least on a basic level.
Related Articles

Articles under Geertruud Smallbottom

Cover image: Geertruud
Character Portrait image: Geertruud


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Dec 2, 2020 16:29 by TC

What a lovely and interesting person! She sounds like she's been on many adventurers, I'd love to hear about them some day. These plot hooks especially have me intrigued, and I really like the idea of integrating plot hooks in character articles (might do the same if you'll let me ^^).

Creator of Arda Almayed
Dec 2, 2020 16:49 by Tillerz

Sure do. And thanks. :) I am adding more to this character soon.

Dec 2, 2020 17:12 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

'Hundredtwentyseven ways to make tea without having actual tea'. I want to read this book! :D   She sounds like a really interesting character - I am really intrigued what has happened to her. The part about her accidentally becoming a spiritual guide to a tribe made me laugh. :D

Dec 4, 2020 21:34 by Caitlin Phillips

What a fascinating character! Intense hiccups when she gets excited made me giggle. I'd love to read more about her adventures.

Cait x
Dec 5, 2020 07:45 by Tillerz

Thanks! I'll add more. :D

Dec 5, 2020 13:07

That was a really cool article. But I must know: what happened during the night?

Dec 5, 2020 13:10 by Miljan Truc

Geertruud sounds like a ball of fun! And I love the layout of her page, looks amazing!

Dec 6, 2020 07:35 by Tillerz

Glad you like it!

Dec 5, 2020 21:44

This is great. Speaking as someone who can fall up the stairs and trip over nothing, I love Geertruud's special abilities :)

- Hello from Valayo! Featured work: How to Write Great Competition Articles
Dec 6, 2020 07:35 by Tillerz

:D Haha! Thanks!

Dec 27, 2020 21:16 by Dani

I love this character and I really want to see more of her!

You are doing a great job! Keep creating; I believe in you!
Luridity: Where love is love and life is lived. Contains NSFW content.
Now with serialized fiction on Ream!!
Jan 5, 2021 18:45 by Juan Belío

Very interesting person, it seems like she is a handful to work with if one doesn't have loads of patience. I've been scrolling through some worlds picking up cool things about their styles and I have to compliment you on making this really easy to read. I love how you've managed to present this character in a very clear manner while respecting the blueprint, creating this almost-RPG like feel to them. The extracts from the diaries really help to break the pace and keep the engagement. Thanks a lot for the article ^^

Jan 6, 2021 07:11 by Tillerz

Glad you like it! Have you seen the side article about Margo Weedlebeam, too? :)

Jan 6, 2021 09:54 by Juan Belío

Can't say I have, but what I can say my reading list just got a new member :)

Apr 16, 2021 18:12 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Great character! I love all the little anecdotes :D

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
Apr 17, 2021 05:34 by Tillerz

\o/ Woohoo, thanks!

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