
An expansive galaxy of interactive sci-fi adventures and inclusive, spicy cyberpunk romance for adults 18+, by A. Dani.
WOO! You made it! You've just docked in the heart of A. Dani's Luridity, a living galaxy sometimes spiced with kinky romance & always seasoned with innuendo.   Hold onto your kitsch coins and boot up your chrome: A dynamic cast of characters--from all along the vibrant spectrums of love, identity, & lifestyle--awaits you with interactive adventures and hot romances that simmer with passion and plot.   Beyond the happily-ever-after-for-nows, you're invited to explore their worlds, uncover their pasts and presents, indulge in their budding relationships and lifelong partnerships, and cheer on their resilient survival under the oppressive shadows of corporate or criminal rule.   This place is about belonging and connection -- finding bits of ourselves in the stories of others, maybe discovering new perspectives along the way. It's a place where love is celebrated in all its forms, where each person matters, and where, hopefully, you'll feel a little more at home in every universe.
(Because, & this is suuuper important: You matter a heck of a lot too!)
Cybernetic technology ever accelerates into the future, while neglected infrastructures and utilities crumble inward and backward as if chased by the past. The whims of the powerful change daily at the expense of the powerless. Still, Luridity's people call their respective slices of the Galaxy--in this reality and on the virtual Network many plug into--"home".
  Living here are clan- and pack-bound Kynd, minorities like humans and extranaturally gifted aliens, and even smaller groups of society-forming species. They exist, hope, and survive, ultimately, as people do when they've little agency in the paths taken by stars: one day at a time.

Let the elite argue, spend ceaselessly, and play their power-hungry games.

  Everyfolk else will live.

    Everyday people strive to make little moments matter in the cyberpunk dystopian galaxy of Luridity. Come and discover who they are, how they got here, and catch glimpses of their pasts, presents, and secrets!
    Indulge in cyberpunk & sci-fi novels & short stories that celebrate the lives & loves of Luridity's characters as they play, work, & experience their galaxy. (Luridity contains wholesome, safe, sane, & consensual romance for folks ages 18 & up.)


    The Galaxy Index

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