How Fate Met Sascha - Intro

A Cyberpunk CYOA

Somewhere burrowed into the guts of the neon-lit labyrinth of Timil's sprawling cityplanet-scape, where the buildings grow out of mile-deep shadows and those shadows creak and moan with static and still-twitching abandonware, behind the doors of an impenetrable bunker with no address, lurks Fate. He's an enigmatic hacker well-known for being a pain-in-the-ass against the Elite and Conglomerate powerhouses that control the Centralvest Zone of Luridity.   Sascha Bennett, a human acquaintance of yours with a knack for stumbling into trouble faster than you can scan your bioID, thinks Fate can help you get some seed money for a project - but she won't tell you how she knows the guy.   Over an encrypted Net connection, you receive a message verifying a meeting - but you have one more request: that Fate tell you how the two of them know each other. Specifically, you want to know how they met, because Sascha's been evasive on the subject. The message you get in return changes your meeting details: Fate agrees to a face-to-face discussion, and will give you directions.   And that's how you, dear reader, wound up sloshing through the muck, following a neon green arrow with your augmented reality monocled half-glass. (Yeah, I know, the Centralvest Zone kids these days just shorten it to AR glass regardless of how many lenses its got. It's like no one uses real, whole words anymore!)   But I'm getting ahead of myself...  
This is a choose-your-own-path adventure starring you, Fate, and Sascha, about the night the two of them met and their teamwork first began. While Fate details the journey through multiple pages, he'll ask you to guess what happened next.   As with anything Fate does, it seems nothing is set in stone, for code can always be finessed and worked-around, branched, debugged, and fitted with dependencies. That's why, in this adventure, you can request his retelling again and again - there are two primary paths, a handful of quirky derailments, and FOUR different endings!   Which one do you think is the truth?
    Content Warning: This adventure is a fun romp through a cyberpunk corporation at night. It contains no violence or sex scenes. However, it is gated by a Mature Content rating for innuendo, sexual references, adult language and general vulgarity. (Almost all of it Fate's doing!) As with much of Luridity, to access the story readers ages 18+ will need a World Anvil account with NSFW/18+ Content enabled in user features.

Cover image: How Fate Met Sascha Header by Dani


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