Ancestry: Phurr Species in Alana | World Anvil

Ancestry: Phurr

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Slightly NSFW!
These agile and nimble feline humanoids are far from ordinary, as they navigate their daily lives with unparalleled grace and a penchant for the extraordinary. Their story begins within the very labyrinthine streets of Phurr City itself, a metropolis shrouded in perpetual mystery. A place where arcane wonders intermingle with the mechanical marvels of the steampunk age.  
Grace and Agility as Their Trademark: Distinguished by their lithe forms and remarkable agility, the Phurr exude an elegance that is both enchanting and practical. Their movements are a mesmerising ballet, enabling them to traverse even the most treacherous terrain with unmatched finesse.   Borrowing as an Art Form: In Phurr society, ownership holds a different meaning. To the Phurr, borrowing is an art form, and it is this skill that defines their way of life. Their deeds are not fueled by avarice but rather by an insatiable appetite for challenge and audacity.   Unparalleled Heists and Illusions: The Phurr are renowned for their daring heists, which often push the boundaries of what is considered possible. From infiltrating heavily fortified vaults to liberating priceless relics, their exploits are legendary. Beyond thievery, their innate magical talents transform them into formidable illusionists, capable of weaving deceptive webs of tricks and cons. Also see article The Humbug Fiesta.
Secrecy and Society: Within the winding streets and hidden chambers of Phurr City, secret societies and clandestine gatherings are common. The Phurr treasure their independence and privacy, allowing them to exchange stories, share tricks, and plan audacious escapades away from prying eyes.   A Unique Code of Ethics: While their reputation may suggest otherwise, the Phurr adhere to a distinct code of ethics. They never target individuals who cannot afford the loss. This moral compass sets them apart, earning them a peculiar sense of honour among thieves.
The Phurr by Tillerz using MidJourney
  Talents: Catfall, Strider
Phurr by karrah_e
A world full of wonders.

50 - 60 years
Average Height
1.3 - 1.7 m
Average Weight
30 - 55 kg
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: article-header-phurr by Tillerz using MidJourney
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