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To trace the roots of various ancestries, navigate the world map and activate the "Ancestries" option in the top-right menu: Alana World Map. Faefolk, in particular, predominantly reside in the realm of Map Mell and are seldom encountered beyond its borders: Mag Mell, Map.   Please note that the term "rarity" doesn't quantify the actual population of a given ancestry but rather indicates the likelihood of encountering one outside of its primary habitat: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Exotic, Unique.   All ancestries come with a list of suggested archetypes. These are indeed only suggestions.  

Common Ancestries


Cursed (Demonfolk)

  • Size: 2d6+6
  • Origin: Dashan
  • Perk: Demonic Resistance: You get +5% on resistance: heat rolls.
  • Suggested Archetypes: Dungeon Delver, Gunslinger, Elementalist, Warlock, Shadow Monk, Infernal Conjurer
The Cursed are descendants of fiendish bloodlines and possess a unique blend of demonic and mortal traits, making them intriguing and obscure beings. Their favorite weapon often varies depending on their individual preferences, but they tend to favor versatile weapons like the longsword or the rapier, allowing them to utilize their agility and natural cunning in combat. They possess a unique talent for infernal magic, allowing them to harness dark and fiery powers to unleash devastating spells upon their foes.


  • Size: 1d6+6
  • Origin: Magramine
  • Perk: Heart of Iron: You get +5% on metal related rolls, be it finding gold in a mine, estimating the value of a metal object or forging something.
  • Suggested Archetypes: Crafter, Battlesmith, Researcher, Soldier, Royal, Archaeologist
Dwarves, stout and hardy beings, are renowned for their craftsmanship and martial prowess. Their favorite weapon of choice is often the mighty warhammer, a weapon that exemplifies their strength and durability. With their exceptional craftsmanship, dwarves are also skilled at forging and maintaining their own arms and armor, ensuring their gear is of the highest quality. Dwarves possess a unique talent for underground exploration and mining, being able to navigate and detect hidden paths and treasures within the depths of the earth. Their natural affinity for stonework allows them to construct remarkable structures and create intricate mechanisms. However, dwarves can be overly focused on tradition and reluctant to embrace change. Their stubbornness and adherence to their ways can sometimes hinder their ability to adapt to new situations or consider alternative approaches.


  • Size: 2d6+4
  • Origin: Lymyra
  • Perk: Tongue of the Traitor: You get +5% on Intrigue rolls.
  • Suggested Archetypes: Enchanter, Alchemist, Nature Druid, Diplomat, Sharpshooter, Diviner
Elves, graceful and ethereal beings, are well-known for their deep connection to nature and their mastery of archery. Their favorite weapon is often the elegant longbow, a weapon that perfectly complements their agility and precision. Being exiles of Mag Mell, the realm of the fae, they are still not fully accustomed to the world outside. Outside of the fae realm they also lost many of their abilities, but they still try to make everyone believe that they are "special". They are gifted with longevity, allowing them to witness and accumulate great wisdom throughout their extended lives. Their long lives can make them appear distant and unconcerned with the struggles and passions of shorter-lived races. This disconnect can sometimes lead to misunderstandings and difficulties in forming deep emotional connections.


  • Size: 1d6+4
  • Origin: Farenia
  • Perk: Gadget Affinity: You get +5% when fiddling with gadgets. Reduce damage from exploding or otherwise malfunctioning gadgets by one level (-1d6).
  • Suggested Archetypes: Clerk, Shopkeep, Inventor, Thief, Performer, Sorcerer
Gnomes, renowned for their ingenuity and curiosity, bring their unique talents to the forefront. While not particularly fond of combat, gnomes prefer to rely on their inventive prowess and trickery to outsmart adversaries. Their favorite weapon, if one can even call it that, is often a cleverly engineered gadget or a small, nimble tool that can surprise and confound opponents. Gnomes possess a natural affinity for tinkering and invention, capable of crafting intricate devices and contraptions that can turn the tide of a battle or provide useful utility in various situations. Their flaw, however, lies in their distractibility and tendency to become consumed by their own imaginative pursuits, sometimes to the detriment of practical matters or the immediate needs of their companions.


  • Size: 2d6+4
  • Origin: Bonoloku
  • Perk: Reckless: You get +5% to dodge rolls.
  • Suggested Archetypes: Pirate, Berserker, Illusionist, Monk of the Elements, Scavenger, Peddler
Goblins, often considered mischievous and cunning creatures, have a distinct reputation on the battlefield. Their favorite weapons of choice are typically crude and improvised, such as makeshift clubs, jagged blades, or even explosive contraptions. What sets goblins apart is their sheer audacity and adaptability. They possess an innate knack for finding unconventional solutions to problems, utilizing their environment to gain an advantage. Their unique talent lies in their nimbleness and agility, enabling them to maneuver swiftly and strike with unexpected precision. However, goblins' main flaw lies in their lack of discipline and tendency towards reckless behavior. Their impulsive nature can often lead them into precarious situations or put their allies at risk.

Hathi (Elefantfolk)

  • Size: 3d6+6
  • Origin: Dashan
  • Perk: Enhanced Memory: Your impressive memory allows you to recall intricate details and information, you get +5% on all rolls to recall information you ever got before.
  • Suggested Archetypes: Wildshape Druid, Private Eye, Sage, Cartographer, Priest, Oracle
The Hathi are a noble and ancient race of humanoid elefants, known for their immense size, wisdom, and affinity for nature. They have thick, grayish skin, elongated trunks, and large, expressive eyes. Hathi culture is deeply rooted in a spiritual connection with the natural world. Despite its size, this species is very peaceful, many of its members are some kind of scientists, researchers, or lore keepers, and their services are often consulted for negotiation in conflicts.


  • Size: 2d6+6
  • Origin: Farenia
  • Perk: -
  • Suggested Archetypes: any

Kachhua (Turtlefolk)

  • Size: 2d6+6
  • Origin: Steamy Plains
  • Perk: From the Forefathers: You get +5% on rolls for ancient history or folk tales.
  • Suggested Archetypes: Paladin, Crafter, Merchant, Sage, Oracle, Swashbuckler
The Turtlefolk, also known Kachhua, are a slow-moving but incredibly resilient species in Alana. These humanoid reptilians have distinct turtle-like characteristics, including a tough, scaly shell that serves as natural armor. Their skin can vary in shades of green, brown, or even sandy colors, blending in with their environment. Turtlefolk are known for their patience, wisdom, and strong connection to nature. They live in harmony with aquatic environments, often residing in coastal villages or swampy regions. Their slow-paced lifestyle allows them to appreciate the subtle wonders of the natural world. In combat, Turtlefolk can use their natural toughness to their advantage, making them formidable defenders. They have a deep affinity for water-based magic and are skilled swimmers. While not as agile as some other races, their unwavering determination and sturdy constitution make them trusted allies in the face of adversity.

Kendric (Halfling)

  • Size: 1d6+6
  • Origin: Farenia
  • Perk: Just Borrowing: You get +5% on "aquiring" items from someone else without getting caught.
  • Suggested Archetypes: Monk of the Fist, Shopkeep, Wizard, Scout, Companion Druid, Assassin
Halflings, affectionately known as Kendric, are a small and nimble race in Alana. Standing at just about three feet tall, they possess an endearing charm and a natural talent for stealth and cunning. With round faces, expressive eyes, and curly hair, Kendric exude an aura of mischievousness that often belies their good-natured intentions. Kendric are renowned for their quick wit and their love of a simple, carefree life. They live in close-knit communities, often nestled in rolling hills or hidden villages. Their natural curiosity and agility make them exceptional at sleight of hand, allowing them to "borrow" items from other people without them even noticing. Despite their light-hearted demeanor, Kendric are fiercely protective of their kin and are not to be underestimated in battle. They use their small stature to their advantage, darting in and out of combat to deliver precise strikes. Their love of exploration and collecting unique trinkets often leads them to embark on exciting adventures, whether it's uncovering hidden treasures or outwitting larger adversaries.


  • Size: 1d6+4
  • Origin: Namoria
  • Perk: Tunnel Dweller: Kobolds are adept at navigating underground passages, and they often excel in subterranean environment. You get +5% for navigation rolls while inside or underground.
  • Suggested Archetypes: Necromancer, Dungeondelver, Thief, Warlock, Sorcerer, Scavenger
Kobolds are small, reptilian humanoid creatures known for their cunning and resourcefulness. They typically stand about 2 to 3 feet tall and have scaly skin, sharp teeth, and a penchant for living in subterranean environments. Despite their diminutive size, they often form tightly-knit communities and can be found working as miners, trap-makers, and servants to more powerful creatures.

Kookoo (Owlfolk)

  • Size: 2d6+4
  • Origin: Lymyra
  • Perk: Keen Vision: Their large, owl-like eyes provide excellent night vision and the ability to spot hidden details from great distances. You get +5% on spot rolls.
  • Suggested Archetypes: Enchanter, Alchemist, Researcher, Cartographer, Diviner, Archaeologist
The Owlfolk, known as Kookoo, are a mystical and enigmatic avian race. With features resembling both owls and humans, they possess striking, feathered wings and large, expressive eyes that give them an aura of wisdom and ancient knowledge. Their feathers vary in shades of brown, gray, and white, often matching the patterns of owls found in the wild. Kookoo are deeply connected to the natural world, often dwelling in treetop villages or hidden forest sanctuaries. They have a profound affinity for magic, particularly in the realms of divination and nature-based spells. Their silent flight and keen vision make them unparalleled scouts and guardians of their woodland homes. Despite their inherent wisdom, Kookoo are known for their whimsical and playful nature. They enjoy riddles, puzzles, and storytelling, and their communities are often filled with music and laughter. In times of conflict, their mystical abilities and fierce loyalty to their kin make them formidable allies. The Kookoo's unique blend of enchantment and avian grace adds a touch of wonder to the medieval fantasy world.

Koraki (Ravenfolk)

  • Size: 2d6+6
  • Origin: Dashan
  • Perk: TODO: Omen Sensitivity: Many Ravenfolk have a natural sensitivity to omens and foresight, allowing them to predict events or sense danger.
  • Suggested Archetypes: Necromancer, Pirate, Elementalist, Diplomat, Illusionist, Shadow Monk, Assassin
  • The Ravenfolk, known as Koraki, are a mysterious and elegant avian race native who have lost their ability to fly. Resembling humanoid ravens, they have sleek, jet-black feathers, sharp beaks, and keen, intelligent eyes. Their short wings are adorned with intricate patterns that shimmer like starlit constellations. Koraki are known for their deep connection to the night and the mysteries of the cosmos. They inhabit shadowy forest enclaves and mountaintop eyries, often perched in places that allow them to study the stars and the moon. The Koraki possess innate magical abilities related to divination, illusion, and celestial knowledge. These enigmatic beings are often regarded as scholars and keepers of ancient wisdom. They are skilled in the art of prophecy and use their mystical gifts to guide their communities and allies. Despite their somber and contemplative demeanor, Koraki have a profound respect for the balance of nature and the interconnectedness of all living things in Alana's mystical world.

    Manitari (Shroomfolk)

    • Size: 3d6
    • Origin: Shroomeria
    • Perk: Spore Abilities: Manitari can release spores with various effects. You can use your spores to get +5% on Command/Charm rolls (does not work on all species, eg. Titanforged).
    • Suggested Archetypes: Gunslinger, Paladin, Nature Druid, Scout, Priest, Oracle
    The Shroomfolk, known as Manitari, are a fascinating and earthy race within the medieval fantasy world of Alana. These sentient, mushroom-like beings have a unique appearance, with bodies resembling oversized mushrooms. They vary in size, with some Manitari standing as tall as a human while others are much smaller. Manitari are deeply intertwined with the natural world, often inhabiting the hidden depths of dense forests and ancient groves. Their bodies are adorned with intricate, bioluminescent patterns that glow softly in the dark, casting an otherworldly aura. Manitari have an innate connection to the earth and are skilled in earth-based magic, including plant manipulation and elemental spells. As stewards of the forest, Manitari play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of their natural surroundings. They are knowledgeable herbalists and are adept at using the unique properties of fungi for both healing and magical purposes. With their serene wisdom and deep-rooted connection to the land, Manitari enrich the medieval fantasy world of Alana with a sense of mysticism and natural wonder.

    Mendhak (Frogfolk)

    • Size: 2d6+4
    • Origin: Wild Lands
    • Perk: Strong Legs: You can jump two times as high or far as a human.
    • Suggested Archetypes: Monk of the Fist, Clerk, Merchant, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Peddler
    The Frogfolk, known as Mendhak, are a lively and amphibious race inhabiting Alana. These anthropomorphic frogs exhibit a fascinating mix of frog-like and humanoid features. Their skin ranges from vibrant shades of green to mottled patterns, blending seamlessly with the lush landscapes they call home. The Mendhak are closely connected to Alana's waterways, residing in reedy swamps, tranquil ponds, and secluded marshlands. Their long, agile legs and webbed fingers make them exceptional swimmers and agile jumpers. Mendhak have a deep affinity for nature and elemental magic, particularly water-based spells and nature manipulation. Renowned for their harmonious existence with the environment, Mendhak are skilled herbalists, healers, and caretakers of the marshlands they inhabit. They possess a keen understanding of the delicate balance of ecosystems and often serve as guardians of the natural world. With their vibrant culture and playful spirit, the Mendhak add a touch of whimsy and natural wonder to Alana.

    Minotaur (Cowfolk)

    • Size: 3d6+6
    • Origin: Wild Lands
    • Perk: TODO
    • Suggested Archetypes: Battlesmith, Berserker, Monk of the Elements, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Royal
    The Cowfolk, often referred to as Minotaurs, are a formidable and imposing species in Alana. Towering over most other beings, they possess the imposing stature of humans combined with the powerful, bovine features of bulls. Covered in dense, shaggy fur ranging from deep brown to black, Minotaurs exude an air of raw strength and primal vitality. Minotaurs have a long and storied history in Alana, often inhabiting rugged mountain ranges and expansive grasslands. Their immense frames, bull-like horns, and cloven hooves make them naturally suited to a life of endurance and resilience. They are renowned warriors, known for their unparalleled combat skills and steadfast courage on the battlefield. Despite their formidable appearance, Minotaurs are a proud and honorable species with rich traditions of storytelling and shamanic practices. They revere nature and the spirits of the land, often acting as protectors of ancient ruins and sacred sites. In the medieval fantasy world of Alana, the presence of Minotaurs adds an element of strength and valor to the diverse tapestry of its inhabitants.

    Papia (Duckfolk)

    Uncommon see Duckfolk
    • Size: 2d6+4
    • Origin:
    • Perk: Swimming Proficiency: Duckfolk are excellent swimmers, possessing natural swimming abilities and advantages when navigating water. You get +5% for swimming/dive rolls.
    • Suggested Archetypes: Private Eye, Crafter, Wizard, Elementalist, Performer, Sharpshooter
    The duckfolk, known as Papia, are a cheerful and water-loving species. These avian beings possess a unique charm, combining human-like features with the endearing appearance of ducks. Papia stand at an average height, with plump, feathered bodies adorned in various shades of vibrant and mottled feathers. Papia are closely tied to the aquatic realms of Alana, often making their homes along the picturesque banks of rivers, serene lakeshores, and tranquil ponds. Their webbed feet and dexterous hands allow them to navigate both land and water with ease, making them skilled fishermen, swimmers, and boat builders. Known for their jovial nature and love of festivities, Papia are celebrated for their musical talents and culinary skills. They often host lively gatherings, sharing delicious feasts and catchy melodies with their friends and neighbors. The Papia bring a sense of lightheartedness and community to the diverse mosaic of its inhabitants.

    Phurr (Catfolk)

    • Size: 2d6+6
    • Origin: Phurr
    • Perk: Grace of the cat: Reduce fall damage by one level (-1d6, minimum of 0).
    • Suggested Archetypes: Monk of the Fist, Dungeondelver, Thief, Illusionist, Assassin, Performer
    The Phurr, known for their feline grace and instincts, have a natural affinity for agility and close-quarters combat. Their preferred weapon is often the nimble and versatile clawed gauntlet, allowing them to channel their primal instincts into swift and deadly strikes. Catfolk possess a unique talent for enhanced senses, including exceptional night vision, acute hearing, and heightened reflexes, making them formidable hunters and skilled trackers. However, their flaw lies in their sometimes unpredictable and independent nature. Catfolk can be fiercely individualistic, often prioritizing personal interests over group dynamics.

    Rukha (Orc)

    • Size: 2d6+8
    • Origin: Namoria
    • Perk: TODO: Survival Skills: Orcs are adept at surviving in challenging environments, making them well-suited for adventures in harsh terrains. You get +5% on survival rolls.
    • Suggested Archetypes: Berserker, Pirate, Elementalist, Warlock, Shadowmonk, Infernal Conjurer
    Orcs are a robust and formidable humanoid species known for their physical prowess and warrior culture. They typically have greenish or grayish skin, pronounced tusks, and a strong build. Rukha society values strength, honor, and unity among their tribes.

    Sinh (Lionkin)

    • Size: 2d6+8
    • Origin: Wild Lands
    • Perk: Prideful Nature: Leonin often possess a strong sense of pride, which can grant them advantages in resisting fear and challenges to their honor. You get +5% on rolls for resisting fear.
    • Suggested Archetypes: Wildshape Druid, Enchanter, Monk of the Elements, Merchant, Diviner, Archaeologist
    Lionkin, or Sinh, are a humanoid species known for their feline characteristics, resembling lions. They possess a strong, regal presence with golden fur, manes, and sharp claws. Lionkin often exhibit noble traits and a sense of pride in their heritage.


    • Size: 3d6
    • Origin: Magramine
    • Perk: Ancient Knowledge: Titanforged are repositories of ancient knowledge. You get +5% for knowledge: technology rolls.
    • Suggested Archetypes: Battlesmith, Clerk, Cartographer, Researcher, Scavenger, Peddler
    The Titanforged are ancient, sentient constructs created by the dwarves. They are typically humanoid automatons made of enchanted materials like stone, metal, or crystal.

    Vishaal (Goliath)

    • Size: 3d6+6
    • Origin: Kramar
    • Perk: Mountain Born: You get +5% to resistance rolls against cold.
    • Suggested Archetypes: Paladin, Berserker, Soldier, Sharpshooter, Royal
    Goliaths are massive humanoid beings known for their imposing size, impressive physical prowess, and rugged appearance. They typically hail from high mountainous regions and are renowned for their endurance and adaptability to harsh environments.

    Wibbit (Rabbitfolk)

    • Size: 2d6+4
    • Origin: Farenia
    • Movement Speed: +5 to MOV
    • Perk: Burrowers: Rabbitfolk can dig and create burrows swiftly, providing them with shelter and escape routes when needed. Within an hour, you can dig a hole in earth or snow large enough for a small group of people.
    • Suggested Archetypes: Gunslinger, Private Eye, Inventor, Diplomat, Priest, Peddler
    Rabbitfolk, or Wibbit, are a peaceful and agile humanoid species with distinct rabbit-like features. They have long ears, soft fur, and keen senses. Wibbit society values community and cooperation, often living in close-knit warrens.



    Allaghi (Changeling)

    • Size: small or medium, depending on shape
    • Origin: Faefolk - Mag Mell - Realm of the Fae
    • Perk: Social Adaptability: You can blend into every social group without raising suspicion: +5% on related rolls.
    • Flaw: -
    • Suggested Archetypes: Private Eye, Dungeon Delver, Illusionist, Thief, Assassin, Sorcerer
    Changelings are known for their incredible shape-shifting abilities. In a matter of minutes, they can transform their appearance, changing everything from their physical features to their gender and even adopting the appearance of different ancestries. However, these skilled metamorphs cannot change their fundamental attributes. Additionally, changelings can only shift their size by a single step (e.g., from normal to small), maintaining a certain level of consistency even in their remarkable transformations. Changelings possess a unique talent for deception and infiltration, seamlessly blending into different roles and assuming new identities. However, this talent comes with a significant flaw - their struggle to maintain a strong sense of self. The constant need to change and hide their true nature can lead to feelings of detachment and difficulty forming genuine connections.

    Nereida (Faerie)

    • Size: small (regular form) / medium (when shapechanged)
    • Origin: Faefolk - Mag Mell - Realm of the Fae
    • Perk: - Can shapechange between short rests, can fly in regular fae form.
    • Suggested Archetypes: Enchanter, Alchemist, Nature Druid, Scout, Companion Druid, Royal




    • Size: 3d6
    • Origin: Faefolk - Mag Mell - Realm of the Fae
    • Perk: Toxin Resistance: Many plantfolk are immune to natural poisons and toxins, making them formidable against such threats. You get +5% to resistance rolls against toxins/poisons.
    • Suggested Archetypes: Alchemist, Shopkeep, Nature Druid, Scout, Companion Druid, Sorcerer
    The Plantfolk are a unique and enigmatic species that embody the very essence of nature itself. These sentient beings blur the lines between flora and fauna, their existence rooted in the symbiosis between plants and sentient consciousness. Plantfolk come in various forms, each representing a different facet of the natural world. Some Plantfolk resemble elegant treefolk, their tall and gnarled bodies adorned with leaves, moss, and bark. Others take the form of delicate flowerfolk, with petals and vines that dance in the breeze. There are even Plantfolk akin to creeping vinefolk, their lithe and sinuous forms navigating the forest floor like serpents. Plantfolk possess an intimate connection with Alana's ecosystems and the realm of elemental magic. They can commune with plants, influence their growth, and command the forces of earth and wood. Often residing in hidden groves, ancient forests, or verdant meadows, Plantfolk play a pivotal role in the balance of nature. Their culture revolves around the preservation and cultivation of the natural world, and they are known for their wisdom, patience, and affinity for the cycles of life. In the rich tapestry of Alana's diverse species, the Plantfolk bring an element of mysticism and reverence for the natural order.



    Miscellaneous Ancestries



    • Size: medium
    • Origin: Lymyra
    • Perk: -

    Chidaya (Birdfolk)

    • Size: small or medium
    • Origin: Lymyra
    • Perk: -
    • Equipment: Bow and arrows
    Birdfolk, avian beings with wings and feathers, possess a natural grace and agility. Their favorite weapon is often a well-crafted bow and arrows, taking advantage of their keen eyesight and aerial prowess. Birdfolk have a unique talent for aerial maneuvers and swift, precise attacks, allowing them to swoop down from the skies with deadly accuracy. However, their flaw lies in their vulnerability to grounded combat and enclosed spaces. Their reliance on flight can make them susceptible to being grounded or confined, limiting their mobility and leaving them at a disadvantage.

    Chipa (Lizardfolk)

    • Size: small or medium
    • Origin: Dashan
    • Perk: -
    • Equipment:
    Lizardfolk are reptilian beings with scales and a primal nature. Their favorite weapon of choice is often a sturdy spear or a powerful club, utilizing their strength and natural agility to deliver swift, devastating blows. Lizardfolk possess a unique talent for adapting to their environment, displaying natural prowess in swampy terrain, underwater, or even harsh desert landscapes. They are known for their resilience and ability to survive in harsh conditions. However, their flaw lies in their limited social skills and difficulty in understanding the complexities of emotions and interpersonal relationships. Lizardfolk prioritize practicality over sentiment, which can sometimes lead to misunderstandings and strained interactions with other species.

    Chooha (Mousefolk, tiny)

    Exotic Mousari

    Descended (Angelfolk)

    • Size: medium
    • Origin: N/A
    • Perk: -
    The Descended, blessed with celestial heritage, are radiant beings that bring light and goodness to the world of Alana. Many Blesses are drawn to the elegance and versatility of the longbow, allowing them to strike their enemies from a distance with precision. The Descended possess a unique talent for channeling their celestial lineage, granting them divine abilities such as healing, radiant energy manipulation, and the ability to detect evil. However, their flaw lies in the weight of their celestial expectations. As beings touched by celestial powers, the Descended may feel the burden of their destiny, struggling to find their own identity and purpose amidst the weight of their celestial heritage.


    • Size: medium to gargantuan
    • Origin: Han
    • Perk: Fire Immunity


    • Size: small or medium
    • Origin: Han
    • Perk: Fire Resistance: +5% to resistance rolls against fire.
    Dragonkin possess a draconic bloodline and scaled physique. Their favorite weapon often reflects their innate connection to their draconic ancestry, with many dragonkin favoring the use of mighty two-handed weapons such as greatswords or polearms, channeling their inner strength and unleashing devastating strikes upon their foes. Dragonkin possess a unique talent for harnessing elemental breath, allowing them to unleash powerful bursts of fire, lightning, or other elements upon their enemies. Their flaw lies in their intense pride and sometimes volatile temperament. The dragonkin's pride can lead them to be stubborn and reluctant to back down, even in situations where discretion may be the wiser choice. It takes a skilled ally to navigate the delicate balance of their fiery nature and utilize their powerful potential to the fullest

    Kentauros (Centaur)

    • Size: large
    • Origin: Sirkith
    • Perk: -

    Gata (Serpentfolk)

    • Size: small or medium
    • Origin: Calika
    • Perk: -
    Within the mystical realm of Alana, the serpentfolk stand as a mysterious and malevolent species, shrouded in shadows and steeped in ancient secrets. These beings, with serpentine features and mesmerizing eyes, evoke both fear and fascination in those who encounter them.   Serpentfolk are notorious for their sinister practices and dark sorceries. Their lithe, sinuous bodies are adorned with scales of varying colors, often blending seamlessly with their surroundings. They are agile and cunning, making them adept predators and skilled infiltrators.   Driven by a mysterious and ominous agenda, serpentfolk are known to dwell in hidden underground lairs, forsaken temples, and forgotten catacombs. They are masters of venomous magic, wielding powers that can mesmerize, poison, or manipulate the minds of others.   In Alana, the serpentfolk's presence adds an element of treacherous intrigue and an ever-present sense of danger. Their motives are obscured, and their dark machinations threaten the peace and harmony of the world, making them both formidable adversaries and intriguing adversaries to those who seek to uncover their mysteries.


    • Size: small to medium
    • Origin: -
    • Perk: -


    • Size: medium
    • Origin: Zaxor
    • Perk: -

    Hoplites (Frogfolk, tiny)

    • Size: tiny
    • Origin: Bridgeport
    • Perk: - Strong Legs: They can jump three times as high or far.

    Makalee (Fishfolk)

    • Size: small or medium
    • Origin: Green Sea
    • Perk: -

    Piscari (Merfolk)

    • Size: small or medium
    • Origin: Shashalamar
    • Perk: -


    • Size: medium
    • Origin: Han
    • Perk: -


    Rare see Slime
    • Size: small, medium, or large
    • Origin: -
    • Perk: -


    • Size: medium or large
    • Origin: Magramine
    • Perk: -


    • Size: medium
    • Origin: Calika
    • Perk: -

    Van (Forestpeople)

    • Size: small or medium
    • Origin: Greendal
    • Perk: -

    Special Ancestries

      Vampires and Were Creatures are not species per se. Many existing species can become their were version or a vampire.  


    • Size: depends on the originating species that became a vampire
    • Vampirism is a curse that is being transferred by blood. Only species that have or can develop the required teeth can become and stay vampires.
    In the eerie, moonlit corners of Alana, the vampire species lurk as nocturnal beings of dark allure and unquenchable thirst. They are not a species born of ancient lineage but rather a transformation that can befall any humanoid species through the venomous bite of a vampire.   Vampires, once mortal, undergo a macabre metamorphosis upon being bitten. Their physical form becomes immortal and otherworldly, marked by pallid skin, sharp fangs, and crimson eyes that gleam with malevolence. Vampires possess superhuman strength, agility, and the ability to defy death itself.   These vampiric creatures are cursed with an insatiable craving for the lifeblood of the living. To sustain their unholy existence, vampires must feed upon the vital essence of other species. They are known for their charm and hypnotic allure, which they use to seduce and ensnare their prey.   In Alana, the existence of vampires is shrouded in mystery and fear. They dwell in hidden crypts, forsaken castles, and shadowy catacombs, emerging under the cover of darkness to satiate their thirst. The presence of vampires introduces an ever-present element of dread and intrigue, as the line between predator and prey becomes blurred, and heroes must face the eternal darkness of these undead fiends.

    Were Creature

    • Size: depends on the originating species that became a were version of it
    Amidst the mystical realms of Alana, the were-creatures are a unique species marked by their dual nature, as they are born of both mortal and supernatural lineage. This extraordinary species can be found among many species in Alana, for the curse of lycanthropy knows almost no bounds.   Were-creatures are beings who possess the ability to transform between their natural form and that of a fearsome beast. These transformations are often triggered by external factors such as the full moon, strong emotions, or even the consumption of certain elixirs. In their beastly form, were-creatures exhibit heightened physical prowess, enhanced senses, and formidable strength.   Each were-creature is linked to a specific animal, such as wolves, bears, or big cats, and their transformation mirrors the traits and abilities of their chosen creature. In Alana, were-creatures are both feared and revered. Some embrace their dual nature, using their abilities to protect their homeland and kin, while others grapple with the curse's dark side, struggling to maintain their humanity.   The presence of were-creatures adds an element of mystery and unpredictability to Alana's tapestry of species, where heroes and adventurers must navigate the ever-present possibility of encountering these shape-shifting beings, who are as much a part of the world's rich history as any other species.

    Articles under Ancestries

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