Migration of The Herd

Table of Contents
Regular foraging visits by a herd of sentient spaceships from outside The Star System.


Witnessed by Those Who Know

The Herd has been visiting this system at least since Those Who Know learned to shape themselves and their environment via The Recombination. It is quite possible that these migrations already occured while The Hive was still focused on their own survival. However, once they were able to focus their attention on the rest of The Star System, they quickly picked up the electromagnetic signals which these ships use to communicate across the vacuum of space.   The Hive's curiosity and functional immortality lead them to investigate the recurring, mysterious observations. Eventually, the ships realized that hiding from these creatures was pointless and started examining them in turn. It took several visits before telepathic communication could be established, but since then, The Herd makes a point of seeking out The Hive when the opportunity arises.

Witnessed by the Rul

Legends of the extinct Nuora culture mention gigantic yet elusive creatures which were called ruera, possibly in reference to the trilling sounds which the ships use for communication within an atmosphere. For most people on Ranul, they are still little more than legends.   The Rilsu had at most four opportunities to observe The Herd's migration since they recovered from the Final War. However, there is no scientific consensus regarding the unusual sensor data and confusing witness reports during these times. A few research projects are trying to prove the existence of the ruera while others are trying to prove the exact opposite.

Witnessed by the Ichtýdé/Pescande

Like on Ranul, the migrations have led to various myths and legends on Chryphóra/Qentora. Certain groups have been eager to prove these creatures' existence, especially since the invention of suitable recording equipment. There are rumors that a secretive branch of the Nimýric military has extensive files on the related phenomena. As for the Pereqaian side, it is likely that they have a similar organization investigating the subject.


Arrival and Departure

The Herd always arrives and departs in the proximity of That Which Changes, at a distance between 135 and 145 million kilometers. They appear to use the duality of waves and particles to travel between this energy field and a comparable phenomenon in a different system.   The way they explained it to The Hive, they simultaneously exist in both places during the rare moment when the electromagnetic frequencies are sufficiently aligned. Once this moment has passed, they are again limited to a physical form at their destination.

Travel within the System

A similar mechanism is used to speed up travel within The Star System. They mainly propel themselves forwards using an exothermic chemical reaction, traveling between locations where the electromagnetic waves overlap in a manner that allows the ships to jump from one to another.   These shortcuts let them cross the distance between celestial bodies far more efficiently than by their propulsion alone. On average, they can travel about 406000 km per hour using this method.   Furthermore, they plan their travels depending on the orbital position of the celestial bodies. They mostly travel when the distances are minimal, shortening or extending their foraging stays as needed.

Foraging Stays

Once they arrive at a celestial body, they spread out over its surface and begin feeding on the available materials. These can include gases, liquids, minerals or plants.   Herd ships generally avoid consuming sentient beings, although accidental ingestion of smaller animals can happen. To reduce the risk of such accidents, herd ships have learned to emit subtle soundwaves which repel most creatures while they feed.
Herd ships can extract nutrition from most materials. Dead cells and metabolic waste products are excreted into the environment where they either serve as fertilizer for local plantlife or are slowly transformed by the radiation energies suffusing the visited system.   Said excretions also include chemically inert elements such as noble gases and precious metals, which gave rise to legends about finding great riches after the mysterious visits.
Between feeding sessions, herd ships tend to sit in illuminated areas where they can take in radiation. Some of that energy is used in the digestion process, kickstarting the necessary chemical reactions for breaking down the consumed matter. Most of it, however, is converted to chemical energy and stored for later use.



These visits take place approximately every 111 Years in the Calendar of Those Who Know. They last between two Phases and one Year, depending on the position of the celestial bodies.

Duration of Stays

The time spent near a celestial body varies greatly. It depends on several factors such as the amount of resources, the exposure to radiation energy, the relative position in space and the ease of avoiding the local population. One such foraging stay can be as short as 5 Days or as long as 52 Days.
Related species
Herd Ship
about every 111 Years in the
Calendar of Those Who Know
0.5 - 1 Years in the
Calendar of Those Who Know

Involved Parties

Recent Migrations

Migration of The Herd in 80210
Historical Event | Sep 29, 2022

Migration of The Herd in 80099
Historical Event | Sep 29, 2022

Cover image: by Kathrin Janowski


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