Herd Ship Species in The Kaleidoscope System | World Anvil

Herd Ship

Table of Contents
Sentient spaceships who visit the system about once every Century in the Calendar of Those Who Know.

Basic Information


The bodies of these massive creatures are streamlined, well-adapted for flight. They have no limbs, except for a number of tentacle-like appendages at their tail end. Those tentacles appear in sets of three and form their propulsion system.   Their bodies contain large cavities that can accomodate passengers, accessible through openings that these ships can create and seal at will.

Biological Traits

Young ships are vaguely egg-shaped, and grow more elongated as they mature. Older ships appear bulkier and exhibit more complex, compound shapes that accomodate multiple passenger compartments and propulsion units.

Growth Rate & Stages

They mature over the course of about 220 Years, growing from a size of roughly one meter to several hundred meters in length. Starting with only three propulsion arms, they develop up to five sets in the process.

Ecology and Habitats

The ships are accustomed to the void of interplanetary space. However, they travel between star systems and stop at celestial bodies to consume nutrients.   They generally avoid contact with other species, using their camouflage mechanism to go undetected.

Dietary Needs and Habits

One source of energy is electromagnetic radiation, such as the light of a star or the energy emitted by That Which Changes. Herd ships are able to absorb radiation energy directly. However, to avoid overexposure and costly tissue damage, they retreat to shielded places whenever possible. For these rest periods, they switch to aerobic respiration. When oxygen is available, they use it to break down carbohydrates or fats.   Additionally, they require certain amounts of minerals and proteins which they draw from rocks, plants and fruit on the planets or moons they visit. They also hydrate on these occasions, and store chemical energy in the form of three separate fuel components.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The herd consists of about a hundred ships, with smaller family groups counting 7-12 individuals.   The ships share a strong bond, both between close relatives and distantly-related herd members. While they scatter for feeding, they seek proximity when traveling through space.   The older ships appear to be in charge of the herd, coordinating the individual ships' movements and ensuring that they return to the Kaleidoscope in time for departure.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They can be found throughout the star system when they visit it, which happens about every 400 years. The fact that they appear out of nothing near the Kaleidoscope and vanish without a trace in the same location implies that they use it to travel to other star systems, probably to access more feeding grounds.


Atmospheric Travel

Countless tiny gas pockets in their outer shell reduce the creatures' weight. A network of air ducts on their ventral side allows them to create an air cushion on which they glide over the ground. When there is enough open space to accelerate without setting things on fire, they use their jet propulsion to lift off and fly while the air ducts serve as maneuvering thrusters.

Space Travel

Herd ships store chemical energy by converting consumed matter into two different compounds. A third one acts as a catalyst. All three are released in gaseous form through sets of three propulsion arms at the ship's end. Once they mix, they produce a ball of blue-white fire which provides sufficient speed for escaping a celestial body's gravity field. Although the catalyst remains unchanged by the reaction, it is scattered in the vacuum of space and needs to be replenished at the next opportunity.

Interstellar Travel

Traveling between star systems requires access to a strong electromagnetic field which is in sync with a similar field at the target location. It is unknown what exactly a herd ship does in order to vanish at one and reappear at the other, but they appear to exploit the duality of waves and particles in some way. Although there is some regularity to the times when this mode of travel is possible, the opportunity arises only about once every 111 Years in the Calendar of Those Who Know.

Defense Mechanisms

Molecular Reconfiguration

A herd ship's primary defense mechanism is the ability to alter the molecular structure and material properties of its tissues. Like The Recombination worked by Those Who Know, this mechanism requires the controlled redirection of energy into the ship's cells. Applications include:
  • hardening the outer shell to make it more resistant to cuts and impacts
  • making the outer shell reflective to shield the ship from heat or other radiation
  • making the outer shell absorb heat more effectively in order to avoid freezing
  • supplementing the camouflage mechanism by changing the skin texture
  • Camouflage

    In order to avoid situations in which defenses are required, herd ships blend in with their surroundings whenever possible. Their outer skin layer contains pigmented cells which contract and expand as needed, replicating the colors and patterns that a ship senses around itself. Bioluminescence compensates for light blocked or absorbed by the ship's body, and if needed, the above-mentioned molecular reconfiguration is used to achieve the proper texture and reflectiveness.

    Perception and Sensory Capabilities

    Herd ships usually have two large eyes at the front which they use to examine a particular target. Additionally, their entire skin is photoreceptive which allows them to pick up the colors, shapes and textures surrounding them.   Besides visible light, they can sense a wide range of electromagnetic waves, allowing them to locate and communicate with each other in the vacuum of space where soundwaves can not be transmitted.   Audible communication is mainly used while staying on a planet or moon with an atmosphere. The trilling, cooing sound they produce can also be transmitted by physical contact, such as between a parent and its young. They have no dedicated ears but rather sense vibrations and pressure changes all over their body.   Their mouth cavities are densely covered in chemical receptors, enabling them to taste and smell substances in any state of matter. The tongue is less sensitive in that regard, serving primarily to grab food and pull it inside.

    Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

    The passenger compartments and supportive infrastructure imply that there was at least one species that used to travel inside these creatures. It seems likely that said species was responsible for breeding or genetically engineering these ships in the first place.   It is unknown why the herd visiting the Kaleidoscope system travels without passengers - maybe they broke free, were intentionally abandoned, or something happened to the pilot species. Apparently, not even the oldest herd ships remember.
    several centuries, possibly millennia
    Average Height
    40 meters
    Average Weight
    200,000 t
    Average Length
    300 m
    Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
    green, yellow and purple
    darker towards the tail end
    Average Speed
    20 km/h (gliding over ground)
    406000 km/h (space travel with shortcuts)
    Top Speed
    150 km/h (gliding over ground)
    1300000 km/h (space travel with shortcuts)
    Anatomy of the Lone Youngling.

    Cover image: by Kathrin Janowski


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