The Star System

Table of Contents
The local system of celestial bodies orbiting a single star.



The single star is orbited by four planets. An additional planetoid used to orbit it, but is now held in a fixed position. The Star System has a radius of approximately 243,000,000 km, determined by the orbit of the outermost orbiting planet. A radiant, colorful phenomenon is located on one side, about twice that distance from the center. It covers an arc of about 75°.

The Celestial Bodies

  • The Central Star is a yellow star of about 1,280,000 km diameter.
  • The Burnt Planet is a small rocky planet in tidal lock with the star. It has a diameter of about 4,700 km.
  • The Watery Planet is a rocky planet with a diameter of about 12,100 km. About half of its surface is covered in oceans, and the continents are lush with vegetation.
      The Dusty Moon has a diameter of about 3,500 km. It is covered in fine rock dust and marked by craters.
  • The Molten Planet is a lava planet with a diameter of about 12,800 km.
    • The Sandy Moon has a diameter of about 4,100 km and is mostly covered in reddish sand. Three seas are found on its inner face while the outer side is defined by a larger sea around a volcanic island.
    • The Rocky Moon has a diameter of about 2,100 km and consists of shifting, chaotic rock formations.
  • The Ringed Planet is a gas planet of about 56,500 km diameter. Its ring has about three times this diameter.
  • The Outer Planetoid has a diameter of about 3,900 km. It is no longer orbiting the star, but held in a fixed position by Those Who Know.

That Which Changes

The phenomenon on the outer edge resembles a nebula. It consists of many bright, differently-colored clouds which move in erratic patterns. They emit massive amounts of radiation in a chaotic mix of different frequencies.
The Kaleidoscope System
Star System
Visited by
Herd Ships

Cover image: by Kathrin Janowski


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