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Some continued the old ways, bearing the ancient nomadic traditions down through the centuries. And we believed our ancestors chose differently, to forge a new path. But the more we study, and the more ancient ruins we find, the more we discover that we followed more in their traditions than we thought.
— Basadeiian historian, notations to students
Before our paths traveled different directions, we were all the Asazi, and you find echoes in our names, in our languages, in the ways we offer each other respect.
— Dheizeiian oral tradition
    On the surface, the Dheizei and the Basadu look to be very different people groups. One lives in tents, traveling the surface along ancient paths to stay safe from the Garruw and from the storms. The other lives beneath the surface, in valleys and chasms and caves, building vast cities to contain their numbers.   And yet they both still share a common naming scheme, by using the word "ele" to denote a clan or family. They both use the Taglota Brew as a coming-of-age element for young warriors to prove themselves. They both respect each other's cultures, despite a number of conflicts and wars. There are a number of other similarities, tying them together all the way back to when they were all Asazi.   See the History of the Agaridian Plains timeline for more information about the history around the region that shaped these people.    

An Empire of the Plains

  The Asazi came from elsewhere, migrating to Wulei Ranifa from other regions, the barren plains unlikely to support a culture unless they desperately needed the space. Likely arriving two thousand years ago, they settled into nomadic patterns, traveling from oasis to oasis to avoid overtaxing the available resources.   They grew into an empire of travelers, separating into different groups who circled through the area, all under the authority of a ruler called the Vatha. Their society remained largely within the bounds of Wulei Ranifa, eventually giving the area its name, but occasionally clans pushed out and conquered neighboring areas.    

Great Shelters

  They were able to survive and even thrive by constructing the Zingama, great shelters made of stone, hewed from the ground beneath their feet. These structures were massive, with the largest able to shelter multiple clans at once.   They were constructed as large shallow domes, supported by columns at key points. This protected them from the storms and, more importantly, from the garruw. The people continued their cycles of traveling from shelter to shelter.    


  The Upheaval struck without warning. The area was not, and is not, prone to earthquakes, so when one hit, none of the people were prepared. Thousands died when the Zingama collapsed, not constructed to withstand that kind of force. The Vatha at the time, and all her court, died together, leaving the central leadership structure gone as well.   Different groups had different solutions to the disaster they were now presented with. Some clung to their ways, determined to use the oases that existed to continue their nomadic way of life, this time in tents, instead of more dangerous permanent structures. Others saw opportunity in the great cracks in the ground that had opened up in the quake, choosing to move below the surface, to take advantage of the resources available there and also the relative safety from the dangers above.   And so the Asazi splintered into two cultures, and gradually two languages and sets of traditions and even technologies. But their most ancient rites remain linked.

Naming Traditions

Family names

They would use the traditional "ele" and then the clan name. As the Asazi grew more powerful, the practice grew of adopting additional titles after that, also using "ele" to indicate it as part of the person's identity.


Major language groups and dialects

Very little of the Asazi language remains. Most historians believe that Dheizeiian is slightly closer to the original form, but Basadeiian clearly shares elements, especially in its written language. The changes made by those languages individually can make it difficult to tell what the ancient version of the language actually sounded like.   Most of what remains of the Asazi language comes from the pictographic formal written language found on monuments and buildings.
Diverged ethnicities
Related Locations


... 1 AV

Also known as Pre-Crash initially. This era encompasses everything that happened on Thaiterra before the crash of the Ship

  • -599 PC/AV

    The Betrayer's Orb is used

    The Weinadi get their hands on the Betrayer's Orb and use it against the Garruw.

    More reading
    The Betrayer's Orb
  • -129 PC/AV

    The Asayo-Djemndarra Accords

    The Accords are set, and the Garruw and Weinadi officially stop attacking each other as a whole, each formally recognizing the other as sentient species.

    Agarruta Drei
    More reading
    Asayo-Djemndarra Accords
  • -11 PC/AV

    -9 PC/AV

    Revolution of the Accords
    Military action

    Tensions after the Asayo-Djemndarra Accords come to a boiling point, and a bloody war ensues between factions of the Garruw that ends with Weinadi being given greater rights and protections.

Dome Era

0 AV 1000 P/DE

The time encompassing the creation of the Domes to present day.

  • 1 P/DE

    The Crash of the Fergana

    The Fergana crashed on Thaiterra, and the Dome was founded.

  • 2 P/DE

    Initial Charter
    Political event

    The Fergana Charter is created. The idea of Orphan Scions starts.

    Tholaren Dome
    More reading
    Fergana Charter
    Additional timelines
  • 100 P/DE

    The Upheaval
    Disaster / Destruction

    A massive earthquake shifts the world and serves the purpose of burying the Fergana, completely halting all work on it.

    Agaridian Plains
    More reading
    The Upheaval
    Additional timelines
  • 200 P/DE

    The Asazi Shift

    This is approximately the time where the Basadu  and the Dheizei split into two distinct ethnicities.

    Wulei Ranifa
    More reading
  • 300 P/DE

    The Sundering
    Population Migration / Travel

    Around one third of the Dome citizens leave, aiming to terraform the planet to make it suitable for human life.

    More reading
    The Sundering
    Additional timelines
  • 375 P/DE

    Weinadi diplomacy opened
    Diplomatic action

    The Therrans make the effort to reach out to their Weinadi neighbors to offer them technology, reacting in the distant wake of the Sundering.

    Additional timelines
  • 450 P/DE

    455 P/DE

    The War of Green Rock
    Military action

    A war between the Dheizei and Basadu

    More reading
    War of Green Rock
  • 600 P/DE

    The Katolu Federation is founded

    The Katolu Federation is founded to combat the threat of Rameku's Army.

    Additional timelines
  • 650 P/DE

    Garruw/human diplomacy cools
    Diplomatic action

    While there was no formal severing of ties, the increasing relationship the humans had with the weinadi caused a cooling of their formerly close ties with the garruw. This marks the approximate last formal diplomatic action between them.

  • 880 P/DE

    881 P/DE

    The Castolar Plague
    Plague / Epidemic

    A lethal disease ravaged the Dome.

    Tholaren Dome
    More reading
    Castolar Virus
    Additional timelines
  • 900 P/DE

    Weinadi diplomacy formally ends
    Political event

    After years of on and off trade with the local Weinadi, ties are formally splintered when the Weinadi state that war was declared. No further details are given.

    Additional timelines
  • 992 P/DE

    Aleron Calcaryn arrives
    Population Migration / Travel

    Aleron Calcaryn is the first person in 700 years to make it from Dome 2 to the Dome.

    Additional timelines
  • 1000 P/DE

    Cor's birth
    Life, Birth

    Cor is born to Kath (a cardinate) and Leo (a scion) and automatically made an scion. Neither of his parents is permitted to know who he is.

Present Era

1001 P/DE and beyond


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Sep 8, 2022 01:08 by RandoScorpio

The idea that a single culture was split by the land itself and how differently they evolved!! I can't wait to see the timeline.

Sep 12, 2022 18:42

Thanks for reading! I do have a timeline but it's not very obvious, so I'll adjust that.

If you're seeing this, I may have used your article for my 2023 Reading Challenge.
Sep 9, 2022 12:12

Cool idea to have the split happen because of a single geographical event rather than a change over time. I can imagine the people being afraid to use permanent structures after that.

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Sep 12, 2022 18:40

Thanks! I'm glad it works. The idea for that came with this article, and once it was there it fit in so perfectly with the rest of the history I've got.

If you're seeing this, I may have used your article for my 2023 Reading Challenge.
Sep 12, 2022 21:00 by K.S. Bishoff

Very neat how the split came about. Did anyone ever dig down through the rubble and find things from the past?

Come vist my worlds
Sep 16, 2022 18:25

I'm sure they did dig down! It'll leave space for future things to write about for sure, and adding in some ruins is on my to-do list. Thanks for reading!

If you're seeing this, I may have used your article for my 2023 Reading Challenge.