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Basadu (bah-sah-doo)

The Weinadi in the general area of Wulei Ranifa, particularly around Lijha Haora and Hajema.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names


Masculine names


Family names

The common word for "of the" (as typically used in most Weinadi names) is "ele". An extremely common name is ele Basadu. They will also use the place they live. Upon coming of age, the person will choose an additional surname that describes some characteristic. This name can be changed upon the completion of some great life event that causes people to change this. These names can also be changed posthumously.   The Basadu have also been known to add these titles to the names of Weinadi from other cultures that don't use such additional names. It's considered an honor by most.   The structure goes, for an adult: [first name] ele [place/family/culture name] ele [title]   Other place names include (always with ele first): Shanesa   Some of the titled surnames include (again, always with ele first): Chubabu (agreement), Peiru (quick)

Other names

Known surname titles include (always with ele prefix word): Chubabu (agreement), Peiru (quick)


Major language groups and dialects

Most of them use Basadeiian, or some dialect thereof. A fair number are also familiar with Dheizeiian, since that ethnicity is in close proximity and frequently trades with and stays with them.

Shared customary codes and values

The Basadu value safety, unity, and peace. Unusually for Weinadi, who tend to see it as a trait the Garruw favor, rationality is a highly valued trait as well. As a group, this whole region is a lot less nomadic than a lot of other regions on the planet.

Average technological level

They're at early Industrial Revolution tech levels, with some elements past that in the areas of meteorology and biology.

Common Etiquette rules

The idea of hospitality is a highly structured one. They are expected to offer up hospitality in times of danger and to those in need without consideration. To take advantage of this is seen as incredibly rude, and one of the few ways in which someone might be thrown out.

Common Dress code

Due to the higher humidity of the caves and chasms in which they live, a lot of Basadu will wear a light garment covering most of their fur, to wick away moisture and keep things from getting musty.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Those who die in battle are traditionally left where they fall, but this dated from their nomadic days. Now if someone dies a violent death, they are transported to the surface and left there. Those who die of old age, or illness, or basically any other cause than deliberate violence, they are taken down to the depths and their bodies are left there. These traditions stem from the ideas of giving someone up to Dagaz (the death god of above) and Orya (the death goddess of below).

Common Taboos

As the inhabitants of the area where the Asayo-Djemndarra Accords originated, they hold very closely to the terms of that agreement, which means that any violence against a Garruw is strictly prohibited and strongly dealt with. Likewise, if the Garruw do anything on their end, there are strictly guarded channels with which to deal with it.

Common Myths and Legends

In early days, a lot of the Basadu were adherents of the Low Gods. A lot of their myths and legends come from that faith and the stories told about those gods and goddesses.

Historical figures

One especially famous figure is Haora of the Quick, who was one of the earliest Basadu (and even used it as her surname). Probably the most globally notable is Asayo, the man who helped to forge the Asayo-Djemndarra Accords that prevented war between the Weinadi and the Garruw.
Parent ethnicities
Encompassed species
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