Thaiterra The events I need to know for the novella Timeline
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The events I need to know for the novella

The events that belong on this tree.

Before book

0 AV 1014 P/DE

  • 988 P/DE

    Justana Shreve born
    Life, Birth

  • 995 P/DE

    1007 P/DE

    Gang Uprising
    Criminal Activity

    A group of scions rebel against the system, create a major criminal enterprise, and are eventually taken down with prejudice.

    Additional timelines
  • 997 P/DE

    Rosh born
    Life, Birth

  • 1000 P/DE

    Cor's birth
    Life, Birth

    Cor is born to Kath (a cardinate) and Leo (a scion) and automatically made an scion. Neither of his parents is permitted to know who he is.


1015 P/DE and beyond

  • 1015 P/DE

    Political event

    Cor tries to be nice, but he's already under watch by a few bigoted cardinates. He's kidnapped and badly beaten. Other scions rescue him.

    More reading
    Orphan Backlash
    Additional timelines