Jupiter Stella

Welcome to Solaris, traveller! This is a slower-than-light science fantasy set in our own solar system.
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Jupiter Stella is a Jovian aerospace and defense corporation formed by the merger of Jupiter Aerospace and Stella Defense Company. It manufactures weapons and vehicles for Jupiter's military, including the Cyklopes SSF-9 and the Aerie O-1.

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History Catamite Wars ( Operation War Dove )
Locations Planetside ( Labyrinthe ) · Ganymede
Species Aviasaurs ( Aquila · Pavo · Stryx )
Society Humanoids ( Minos · Human ) · Traditions ( Universal New Years Eve ) · Organizations ( Jovian Senate · Triune Temple · Jovian Orbital Guard · Kallisti Aerospace · Jupiter Stella · Magnomight Systems )
Corporation, Aerospace
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