
Welcome to Solaris, traveller! This is a slower-than-light science fantasy set in our own solar system.
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The power invested into the protection of Enheduanna still drums in the air. The High Temple stands untouched among the rubble, an abandoned tent city sprawled out in the shade of her wings. Enheduanna has long been the religious capital of Mercury. As the home of the Keystone of Mercury, it has always been a site of pilgrimage and reverence. It was also a great draw for tourists who wanted to see the splendors of the Mercurian faith.   During the Scorching of Mercury, Enheduanna provided refuge for all who sought it. Not only did Mzia the Martyr, the last known keystone of Mercury, open the High Temple, the people of the city followed suit and opened their homes to refugees. When those were filled, the people of Enheduanna raised tents. Expensive drapery was cut into blankets for the cold, palatial jugs were used to carry water out into the tent city, and poor and rich alike slept on marble floors under the watchful gaze of saints.   As the dawn season of 220013 began, the Scourge drew closer. Mzia raised a force field above the city. At the height of the diurnal phase, under the blazing eye of the Sun, Mzia was forced to remain awake for days to maintain the defense against an seemingly endless siege.   When the siege broke, Mzia gathered her most faithful in a hundred day vigil. Only her closest followers knew that she was preparing for her own martyrdom. As the sun again dawned in the horizon, the force field fell, and Mzia took off towards the sun. With her sacrifice, she put an end to the first Solar Invasion. Even to this day, after the Solar Invasion has again resumed, no Scourge has ever stepped foot in Enheduanna.

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History Scorching of Mercury
Locations Caduceus · Penumbra · Biomes ( Sunbleached Wastelands ) · Iron Spires ( Hokusai · Hun Kal ) · Enheduanna
Characters Blue NM-2 · Eun · Sciah · Roseah · Tray
Species Keras ( Mot · Walker )
Politics Ruling ( Mercurian Triumvirate · Interplanetary Solar Defence Council ) · Keystone of Mercury
Society Ethnicities ( Refugees of Mercury · Nomads of Mercury ) · Borealis Ice Mining
Location under
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Author's Notes

I approached the light, but the light was scorching hot to me. I approached that shade, but I was covered with a storm. My honeyed mouth became venomous. My ability to soothe moods vanished.
Like most Mercurian cities in Solaris, Enheduanna is named after a Mercurian crater, which is itself named after a famous artist. Enheduanna was a Sumerian priestess, and the earliest known named author. She wrote hymns, exaltations and laments, often about the goddess Inana. It felt like the only right name to go with for the city once protected by the martyr keystone.

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Jul 17, 2024 12:52 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

The author's notes made this article even more beautiful. I love the image of expensive draperies turned into blankets.

Jul 18, 2024 07:34 by Annie Stein

Thank you! I want to get in the habit of using the authors notes more.

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Jul 18, 2024 18:14 by Aster Blackwell

This is epic. I love the meaning behind the name and the poem in the Notes! I would love to learn more about what this place looks like now. What kind of people still live here?

Jul 18, 2024 18:38 by Annie Stein

Thank you! These days Enheduanna only sees the occasional visit from scavenging nomads. No Mercurian city is sustainable anymore, since the atmosphere was basically lost it's way too hot in the diurnal phase and way too cold during the nocturnal phase. It's why the vast majority of the population has fled the planet.

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Jul 20, 2024 01:00 by Aster Blackwell

So sad! I bet it's quite the spooky ghost city.